Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 421 Religious Reformation (Second Change)

"I've read your paper, and it's pretty good. Maybe you can get an impact factor in the sub-journal of Nature."

"Damn it, why has everyone read my first edition of the paper?" Salomon thought for a while and understood how his paper got out. Athena can understand after seeing him. After all, Merton College also has the power of Athena's network. Jane Foster also read it. To be precise, Salomon's thesis was written under her guidance, and the college tutor was the second to see it; even Nick Fury could understand it after reading it. After all, if the intelligence analysis department of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Stark can also see it, which means that Stark either knew his college tutor, or he let Jarvis hack into Oxford University's server or even the unprotected personal computer he used to write his thesis, or even all three.

"This is a very serious crime, Stark."

Facing Salomon's accusation, Stark just shrugged. "I guarantee that the information will not be spread out." He said innocently, "I used to be a student, and I know how many unconstrained papers have been rejected, and I am one of them. You need to know how Stark Group recruits talents. If you come to Stark Group to join the company, I can also give you a good job."

"The Stark Group still wants a thermonuclear astrophysicist?" Salomon was quite curious. It is understandable for the Stark Group to recruit talents in thermal engineering, electrical engineering, metallurgy and communications, but the recruitment of talents in astronomy makes the mystic a little confused.

Thermonuclear astrophysics is a third-level discipline, and it is also a compound discipline with severe differentiation.

The first-level discipline is physics, and thermonuclear astrophysics is differentiated from the second-level discipline astrophysics, and further sub-disciplines include solar physics, solar system physics, stellar physics, and so on. What Professor Jane Foster taught Salomon was the three-level subject high-energy astrophysics and space physics that were differentiated from astrophysics, and even dabbled in radio astronomy. Now in the process of studying wormholes, Jane Foster's scope is getting wider and wider. Darcy has long raised her hand and surrendered. Only Salomon and Dr. Savig can keep up with her research.

If Darcy hadn't begged Salomon to cast a spell that could improve her intelligence, she might not even be able to write her graduation thesis.

"I will not limit my eyes to the earth. I just launched a satellite a few months ago, trying to see farther and clearer than the Hubble Telescope. Haven't you read Twitter? I clearly announced this, and the shares of the Stark Group began to soar."

Stark said these words naturally, "We have experienced two alien invasions, who knows if there will be a third. I have to guide people to look at the universe, instead of panicking aliens jumping out from under the bed every day-at least those White House officials who communicate with me think so. They think that the weapons in their hands can kill every alien. But I know this is impossible, and those weapons will cause more damage than alien invasion. Humans can only go out and communicate with alien races who are willing to live in peace. Only then can there be considerable development.”

"You mean, you want to expand your Iron Legion?" Salomon looked at the steel suits in the cabinet and the parts he had just dismantled, "A combat system as precise as a scalpel, and at the same time not weightless fire support. This is what you want to deal with alien invasion at the lowest cost? Do you want to use the Iron Legion to pose a threat to aliens?"

"Bingo!" Stark snapped his fingers, "In my opinion, the super soldier has gone in the wrong direction, and artificial intelligence is the future development path. It is very difficult to train a super soldier, but the omnic legion can copy it. Your armor... Believe me, the steel legion controlled by artificial intelligence is the best. Alchemy has been outdated for hundreds of years, and you should return to science."

Salomon did not refute, because he himself is also using artificial intelligence to solve problems, but mocking his alchemy level is not acceptable. Now Salomon, who has a quarter of ether particles, has made rapid progress in alchemy, and the theoretical guidance of Paracelsus has been of great help.

"Oh dear (it can be translated as 'my old swan'), you finally understand that you are the one holding Jarvis back?" Salomon said with a smile, "Without you, I think Jarvis can display a stronger fighting ability. No matter how good your protective measures are, you can't withstand 12 G values. And Jarvis has to work hard to turn on the air-conditioning system to prevent you from being drowned by your own body odor."

"I'm already practicing! And I don't stink!"

"Practice what?"

"Practice melee combat, I hired a coach." Stark pouted, pointing to the Wing Chun wooden dummy in the corner, "and I have already started to write a set of algorithms to deal with melee combat, input various fighting techniques, and use the algorithm to predict the position of punches and hits to counterattack. In general, I am the one who created the steel battle suit."

Stark's haste to show his worth in such a way is very funny, and he woke up immediately after saying that. He shook the burrito served by the robot Derpy with only one robotic arm in front of Salomon, and then stuffed it all into his mouth, regardless of whether he could eat it or not.

Xiao Dai poked Stark with his mechanical arm. It's programmed to deliver food to two people instead of one, and Stark's behavior throws it into some logical confusion.

"Don't bother Dad, you idiot, I'm going to tear you down and sell you to an African," he said, pointing vaguely. "We're done! We're not friends anymore."


"Okay. The break-up time is over, we're reconciled, and we're going to continue working."


"Cough cough."

"Speak, didn't you agree to contact by letter? Could it be that there is something wrong with Damon? That little nun abandoned him? Just shoot him dead. I value his sister." Salomon looked out of the street impatiently, not paying attention to the expression on the face of the person standing opposite him. Anyone would be upset if they were stopped at their doorstep while shopping for groceries, especially if that person was an alcoholic from across the country.

"It's none of Damon's business. That nun was also excommunicated because she was pregnant." Father Molu took out a silver-white pigeon from the pocket of his tattered leather coat. This pigeon is Salomon's magic item, a gift he gave to Molu, and the purpose is to keep a close distance from the church, rather than allowing the priests to visit him. Salomon rolled his eyes wide when he saw cookie crumbs on the silver dove.

Obviously, Mordo took this as a token rather than a hint.

"The Pope wrote a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury about you." Molu lowered his voice. Although Elizabeth I had reconciled the Catholic and Anglican churches, divisions within the church remained, especially within the Church of Rome. So Molu didn't come to Salomon with much fanfare, and he was very cautious even when he spoke.

He patted the silver dove to reveal the mirror again.

"About me?" Salomon raised his interest, and he didn't mind hearing what Molu had to say.

"Pope Francis wants to invite you to the Vatican. If not, you can go to Westminster, because you are studying the James Version." Molu seemed a little nervous, and he didn't dare to look Salomon in the eyes. "As long as you go to a mass, whether it's the Vatican or London," he said, "it's a feast."

Since the mass that gave birth to the "miracle", Molu has gained great support within the church. The clergy who attended the mass at that time, especially the cardinal, even took pride in the wound on their abdomen. They called the wound a stigmata, and they also became die-hard supporters of Morou.

Molu knew Salomon's aversion to the church, and he knew that the future living space of the church would become smaller and smaller, especially after successive alien invasions. Although some fanatics believe that the arrival of aliens is God's punishment, and even regard aliens as angels, those fanatics are useless to the church.

In order to win the future, Salomon, the "saint", is indispensable, and even let Salomon guide the church to carry out a change no less than the Protestant Reformation. In order to win the support of the stubborn clergy, Molu must make Salomon show the characteristics of a "saint" during the mass. He thought that as long as Salomon went to the mass, the stigmata would perform miracles by themselves.

The Roman Church needs to survive, and Salomon is the best candidate.

Molu wanted Salomon to directly serve as pope in the future.

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