Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 422: A Person Who Makes People Awed (Part 1)

"Are you crazy?" Salomon changed his handbag. Although such a large bag was not too heavy in his hands, it hurt his hands. He pointed to his head and said, "Or you thought I was crazy and would agree to your terms."

"This is not a condition, but a request." Father Molu sighed.

Only then did Salomon realize that the priest seemed very tired. His lips were white and dry and cracked, and his brow was beaded with sweat. Every time he blinks, it takes a long time, as if he needs to open some heavy weight every time he opens his eyes. It's just that Salomon didn't use the impolite method of mind reading to spy on Father Molu's thoughts. He made up his mind to refuse, and it was just a matter of politeness to stay here to talk.

"You can treat it as a tourist invitation, and the church is responsible for all your air tickets, tickets, board and lodging." The priest who rarely wears clergy clothes said, "If you go to Rome, you can live in Castel Gandolfo, where there are many small towns built on the Albany hills, where you can buy local vegetables. You can also choose to go to the Albani volcanic lake, the Vatican Observatory, or the Pope's private garden; if you go to London..."

"I live in London." Salomon waved his free hand, as if to drive away the annoying flies.

"Okay, but I still suggest you go to Rome instead of London. The Anglican Church is just a social group." Father Molu forced a smile, "I don't really want to criticize the previous Pope, after all, he was my spiritual leader. But let me say that the current Pope is much more humble than the previous Pope, and I think you can talk to him."

"I didn't go to a seminary, Molu. I studied physics. I chose to use mathematics and reason to understand the world, not out of fear to produce stupid religion. Yes, out of fear - even in this world with a true God, worshiping God is stupid. You can't be afraid of a person just because he is dressed in gold and can summon thunder, even if this person is really God. Fear breeds fear, fear breeds worship, worship breeds ignorance, and reason is lost." Salomon said. , "In my opinion, there is almost no difference between religion and the modern pursuit of idols. It is undoubtedly irrational to think that people's concept of good and evil and order come from the worship of gods, and that gods plan human society. Can you say which idol planned people's good and evil?"

"Francis wants to talk to you." Molu ignored Salomon's repeated criticisms, because the mystic had said these words more than once, "Even if you don't like religion, it's always right to listen to the wisdom of an elder, right? Pope Francis is not a high-ranking clergyman. On the contrary, he cares about the lives of ordinary people. Talk to him, Salomon, no one will force you to do anything, this is just a conversation."

"Is he well-spoken and courteous?"

"Yes, he is very polite."

"Can he use a knife and fork?"

"Of course."

"Oh, that's really an awe-inspiring figure." Salomon didn't accept the silver dove handed by Molu, "I will go, as long as you expect the current Pope to live longer. Don't come again, Molu, I don't welcome clergy here."

"Don't we need to hold our wedding in a church?" After Salomon told the witch what happened just now, Bayonetta's question caught him off guard.

"Didn't you say a few days ago that you have to talk about a hundred years before you fall in love?" Salomon put the things in his hands into the refrigerator and sat on the sofa next to Bayonetta. "Joan also said the same. It is said that everyone's life is so long, and love can be at least a hundred years."

"Boya, how can a girl's words be taken seriously? Even so, the wedding must be officiated." Bayonetta put down the fashion magazine in her hand. She was the only woman who could afford purple and rose red eye shadow, and she was still trying bolder color matching recently. The magazine provided a proposal that looked very reliable, and Bayonetta was considering it.

She smiled and pinched Salomon's cheek, then sniffed the mystic's hair. After confirming that she didn't smell anything strange, the witch boldly kissed Salomon's lips, then sat back with a chuckle before Salomon kissed back, and pushed the mystic to the other side of the sofa.

[Endure the environment] This spell must be cast in summer and winter, otherwise Salomon will be burned to death by the layers of clothes on his body. But this magic could not avoid the flames lit by the witch in his heart. Salomon felt hot, and the mystic couldn't help swallowing.

"Or, you don't want to get married?" Bayonetta covered the lower half of her face with a magazine, her tone raised maliciously. The witch in light pajamas poked Salomon's thigh lightly with her cute toes painted on nail polish, and Salomon saw that her eyes were full of mischief.

"Of course I want to. We can invite Athena to preside over it. There is no need to find any priest." Salomon grabbed the white and soft foot, and then kissed it logically. Bayonetta didn't pull her foot back either, but let the mystic play with her toes.

"Hmm~ Or your teacher?"

"That's fine." Salomon nodded, as long as Beunita can accept His Holiness to preside over the wedding in the form of the Holy Spirit. Bayunita narrowed her eyes, gently retracted her long legs, and guided Salomon closer to her. When the smirking mystic moved on the sofa and was about to kiss the witch's collarbone, the Cheshire cat jumped off the cat climbing frame at the other end of the living room, shaking its fat body, howling and sprinting towards Salomon at full speed, hitting it like a cannonball.

Amidst the witch's loud laughter, Salomon sighed and threw aside the Cheshire Cat that jumped on his lap.

The Cheshire cat ate in the cat's food bowl before Salomon came back, and by the time Salomon came back, it had eaten up the cat food. It was sleeping on the cat climbing frame before, and the Cheshire cat woke up immediately after hearing the voice of the mystic.

This pig hasn't eaten in an hour and is clamoring for a snack!

"Little spy!" Salomon poked Cheshire Cat's fleshy head and complained, "Did Joan ask you to make trouble?"

"Meow~" The gray short-haired cat tried to squeeze into Bayonetta's arms when he saw that the situation was not good. It seemed to have forgotten who took it to the pet hospital for sterilization. Angrily, Salomon grabbed the Cheshire cat by the tail, and it acted pitifully towards the witch, trying to escape the master's punishment.

"You heartless idiot, have you forgotten whose familiar you are?" Salomon said angrily. The Cheshire Cat didn't play the role of a magic pet at all. It only ate and slept, and didn't even help with a drink. Salomon can say that the Cheshire cat is the most useless familiar in the world. It can't do anything except bully the male cats from outside and the female cats who take over the building.

Bayonetta held the Cheshire Cat and Salomon in her arms.

Ask for a ticket! My fingers hurt like hell, I hate the keyboard.

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