Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 423: The Beginning of Chaos (Second Change)

The android maid has not been home for several days, and Bayonetta urged Salomon to bring the cute android maid back from the secret base early in the morning. Today Salomond had to have lunch in Oxford, and in the afternoon I had to ride a bicycle to the Bodleian Library to find some historical materials, and I could only return to New York for dinner.

Without the help of the maids, the lunch of the witches would only be the leftover cold steak from yesterday. As for the option of Hawaiian pizza, Jeanne and Bayonetta tacitly ignored it.

"I will." Salomon leaned over and kissed Beunita's smooth back. There were hickey marks from last night on her fair skin, smooth long hair like a dark cloud was curled and piled on her shoulders, and a thin bright-colored blanket was draped over her lazily curled thighs. There are black laces hanging on her toes, and the charming curve of her spine and perfect waist-to-hip ratio make Salomon intoxicated again.

"What do you want to eat today?" He held the witch's slender waist with one hand, and put his other hand on her flat belly. Salomon whispered in her ear, without attracting Joan's attention, "Would you like some Japanese food? How about salmon sushi?"

"Then dinner should be richer." Bayonetta's eyes were sleepy, and her tone was full of chuckle and lust, "Go early and come back early, dear."

"I'm going back to New York early today." Salomon informed the artificial maid.

"Master, the training of the android army has not been completed yet." Dinah seemed to be looking forward to returning to the apartment, but at the same time she also attached great importance to the task assigned by Salomon. The two responsibilities pulled her at the same time, making this single-digit-age android maid very tangled. Fortunately, Salomon, as the leader, temporarily dismissed Dinah from her duties in the Immortal City, which made the android maid jump a little in surprise—"Training can be done at any time," he said, "but it's not enough to make my dear witch unhappy."

Even so, the android maid tried to show Salomon the fruits of this time.

The Wakandas equip each android with a standard long sword, and those long swords made of vibrating gold are indestructible. With the bolt gun and force feedback power armor distributed by Salomon, ten android maids can easily win a low-intensity war.

At the same time, Shu Rui, the royal princess of Wakanda, seems to have a disdain for Stark's reactor in the power pack. She tried to modify the system of the power pack and modularized it. So when Salomon came to the Immortal City after almost a month, he saw the modular design of Su Rui's addition to the power backpack - two steel wings that can spray flames and the main propeller installed on the front of the power backpack. Any power backpack can be installed with this module.

Although this flying device greatly consumes energy while improving maneuverability, shortening the continuous combat time of the robot army, but since the entire armor is of modular design, replacing the energy-depleted power backpack can solve the problem.

"We usually use this flying device for training, Master." The robot Dinah pointed to the observatory floating on the rocky dome of the Immortal City. Now it is already a place for artificial human flight training, and they are also tasked with helping Wakanda explore the unknown area of ​​the Immortal City. Salomon can see that the artificial human legion is like a red meteor across the dark dome, flying to the dark area that has not yet been repaired.

"There are also sword training and live ammunition shooting." Dinah gave each android a name. She took out a thick form, which showed the performance of each android when participating in sword training, live ammunition shooting, flight training and even daily life. She selected extremely good androids to serve as subordinates, responsible for managing the daily affairs of the android corps.

"You've done a good job." Salomon flipped through the records. He was indescribably satisfied with Dinah's work. "You can take a few artificial humans that you think are good to meet the witch, and then let them serve as patrols near the apartment. There will be big things happening recently, and anything that will disturb my life with the witch is not allowed to come near that area."

"Is the alert value the highest?" Dana asked.

Salomon nodded, who knows what troubles will happen when Hydra rebels. "All armed forces are not allowed to approach," he said, "authorization to kill."

"I see, Master." Dinah put away the form and continued to ask, "Don't you need to talk to the princess of Wakanda? She seems to have a lot of objections to your genetic modification experiment."

"It's not her turn to question." Salomon didn't care. "This is a cooperation between their god and me. Wakanda is not the country of the Wakanda royal family, but Bastet's country. To raise objections, it must be the king of Wakanda, the spokesperson of Bastet."


"Okay, sir, I promise he won't find out." Natasha Romanov, who was wearing a tight black leather jacket, was receiving mission information from her boss. Opposite the meeting screen was Nick Fury's unhappy face. Obviously, he was a little dissatisfied with Agent Romanov's behavior of distractingly playing with the electric shock device in his hand while listening to the mission briefing, but this mission can only be performed by Agent Romanov to be safe, and Nick Fury can only pretend not to see her small movements.

She's a spy, and even when she's on a mission she directs and acts out, she still has to be the most cryptic part of the mission. It's just that this time she didn't put all her mind on the task.

"Are you sure the other side doesn't need my help?" Natasha didn't specify who it was, but Nick Fury knew what she was talking about. "I think I'm on good terms with that target," she said with a chuckle. "He's a polite little boy!"

"He is not an ordinary boy now, Agent Romanov." The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has a serious face, "but I believe that the Oxford studies are enough to distract him, and there is no need to deliberately provoke him. Everyone knows what will happen when he focuses on S.H.I.E.L.D., and his ideas are very dangerous. I worry that he will be used by the enemy."

"I will try to lure him in." Agent Romanov thought for a while and said with some hesitation, "but the effect of soliciting has been getting worse and worse in recent years. He doesn't even look into my collar. I don't know if it's shyness or other reasons. I think it's necessary to investigate."

"Maybe it's because he's grown up." Nick Fury shrugged. He didn't mention the mission where Agent Coulson and Salomon met, as well as the missing Asgardians. "That's how a boy turns into a man, but don't underestimate your charm, Agent Romanov. I believe Salomon Damonet still likes you very much. At the same time, don't forget your long-term mission. You must remember to guide Steve Rogers to date the agent we arranged. But you have to focus on this mission first, Never let anyone discover your true purpose."

"Yes, sir, I will." Agent Natasha Romanoff closed the laptop. She put her legs on the table and let out a long breath. Secret missions within secret missions, the kind of work only the best spies can do. She thought she had become a warrior, but she didn't expect that those secrets she didn't want to know were still chasing her.

She kind of missed the tacos and wine in the dark, empty restaurant. Although the food was very incongruous, there was no one to eavesdrop and watch, and she was very relaxed and happy during that short time.

She only hoped that the ticket Salomon offered would work.

Ask for a ticket!

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