Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 424 The mission of the artificial man (the first update! Ask for a ticket!)

Father Molu wandered in New York for a few days, visited all the big and small bars in Manhattan, and then flew back to Rome with satisfaction. The android wearing the steel-wing flight module can track regardless of the terrain, and that's what the android tracking Father Molu reported. The over-serious android also clashed with some short-sighted guys, shattering five mandibles, twenty ribs, etc., causing countless injuries.

"Ma'am." The android who finished her tracking mission landed on the top floor of the apartment. She took off her helmet and walked towards her boss with the hot air emitted by the steel wings. Dinah, who was wearing only her daily clothes, had already been waiting here, ready to receive the report. The artificial person's name was chosen by herself, named Catherine, she was among the best in both flight training and sports live ammunition shooting training, so Dinah specially brought her to carry out this reconnaissance mission.

After flipping through the brief report written by Catherine, Dinah nodded. "Come on, I'll take you to see the mistress." The artificial maid said, "The Master's order is for us to meet the witch so that they know our existence, so that they won't be too surprised when they see us."

"Protection mission?" Catherine frowned, sweat dripping from her smooth forehead. She has the same short pearly white hair as Dinah, but her lips are thinner than Dinah's, which makes her always look angry. The facts are indeed true. Catherine is the more radical one among the androids. She advocates taking over the life safety of Salomon in an all-round way. If Dinah's authority had not suppressed her actions, she would have activated the flight module and crashed into the apartment before carrying out the mission.

"Just to say hello." Dinah's voice was close to a whisper, and without a helmet and communication system, she could only hear clearly with her breath-holding concentration. As the first artificial human born, and because she is in charge of Salo's daily life, Dinah has a very high voice in the artificial human army. Even an impatient artificial human like Catherine must listen to her carefully.

"Witches are Master's companions." Hearing this, Catherine smacked her lips. Dinah continued calmly, "They are very powerful and don't need our protection at all."

"Then why..."

"Be patient, sister." Dinah knew what her sister wanted to say. "The Master just doesn't want others to disturb his life. The Master is a little shy. We only need to complete the tasks he gave us. Being by his side is the greatest reward for us."

"For my lord." Although Catherine was a little unconvinced, she still bowed her head. This is the rule among the artificial human associations, and she must abide by it. Immediately afterwards, Catherine raised her head, and she asked with some expectation, "Ma'am, do you know where our Lord is now? Can I see Master today?"

"Master is staying at the academy now." Dinah recalled Salomon's schedule for today. She nodded, "Yes, you will see him."

"And what about Tita, Ora, and Sevia?"

"They..." Dinah glanced at the tablet computer she was holding, on which there were summary reports of various tasks and real-time updates of the executors. From the map, the three artificial humans mentioned by Catherine are not far from here, and these tasks are not secret. Catherine knows what her three sisters have done, and she is also jealous that her sisters can perform such tasks instead of tracking down an alcoholic in New York City like her.

"As long as they complete the task early. After taking a bath, the Master will meet with them and listen to their task completion status."

"Is there time for me to join that mission now, ma'am?" Catherine showed a sweet smile, but as long as she was not blind, anyone could see the malice behind this beautiful smile. "You have to let my sword cut something." She grinned and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you wipe out some restless gangsters in the surrounding area, just take it as a drill for us to go to the battlefield with Master in the near future."

"Well, remember to listen to Tita's instructions." Dinah looked at Catherine, who was eager to try, and the crumpled red robe on the armor. "Also, remember to take the clothes out of the washing machine after washing. You always forget to iron your robes."

"You're always nagging, ma'am."

"Because you are my sister, Catherine." Dinah shook her head slightly, "Master has already rented an apartment for us, and Tita will tell you the location. Then you can go there to take a shower and change clothes. Master has good taste in choosing summer clothes."

"Received." Catherine put on the helmet excitedly, and activated the flight module with the help of the built-in artificial intelligence. The steel wings erupted several streams of flame, leading Catherine to draw an arc in the sky, and flew towards the mission location just received.

Dinah looked down at the tablet again. There are already several tasks in progress on the screen, and some tasks have been ticked, indicating that they have been completed, and there is no battle damage. The artificial man who performs the task is rushing here.

In today's environment, the equipment prepared by Salomon for artificial people can sweep the same number of US troops equipped with light vehicles. A bolter bullet is enough to cut an ordinary person in two, and the vibrating gold sword can cut through the armor plate of an armored personnel carrier. It is absolutely impossible for this force to meet any opponent in the urban area of ​​New York City. Both Salomon and Dinah are very relieved about this series of tasks.

Dinah's fingers slid across the screen, showing a monitoring screen placed in the Immortal City. There is a beautiful woman with curly long orange-red hair in the picture, which is marked with a key surveillance sign. The task of monitoring this Asgardian named Lorelei was handed over to Dinah by Salomon. During Salomon's school days, Dinah monitored her every move.

Except for Dinah, no one in the Immortal City knew of Lorelai's existence, and Dinah even delivered the meals herself. According to Salomon, Lorelai will play a very important role, so Dinah didn't treat the Asgardian too harshly, whether it was food or books, but she couldn't leave this room.

Lorelei flipped through the book and sighed.

Her ambitions had been sapped by these thick books. She is a queen purely for the luxury and omnipotent power that cannot be found in books, and she is not interested in running a country.

Originally, she wanted to use her body and charm to conquer that magician, but even after going through the extremely glamorous torture, Salomon was still unmoved, as if she was not interested in her body at all, even Lorelei's initiative to curry favor with Salomon was dismissive.

You know, no man can resist her charm. She once danced in front of Salomon wearing extremely thin clothes, showing off her extremely flexible body, but unexpectedly, Salomon just applauded, and then continued to read the words in the book, as if the words were more attractive than her—even when Lorelei sat on his lap, Salomon hugged her waist naturally, but did not make any further moves.

This made Lorelei somewhat suspicious of Salomon's sexual orientation.

She had recently read a statement in a book, and with the fact that Salomon revealed that he belonged to British nationality, this kind of conjecture took root in Lorelei's mind.

Yes, it seemed to her that Salomon might like men.

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