Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 437: The New World Is Ahead (Second Update)

They are all adults, and after Salomon's serious protest, Stark also revealed a little bit of his cards to him. He did have some connection with the vibranium smuggler. The shock absorption system of the Mark 2 Iron Armor is based on the cushioning bone designed by vibranium. If it weren't for the kinetic energy absorption properties brought about by Vibranium, the mechanical structure alone would not have allowed him to survive being shelled.

At that time, he didn't have enough vibrating gold on hand (and he doesn't have enough now), and it was difficult to process vibrating gold. In addition, his armor version was updated very quickly, and large-scale use of vibrating gold was likely to lead to waste. If it weren't for the above reasons, Stark would still like to try to make a vibrating gold armor. But now he has an idea, that is, there is no most powerful armor, only the most suitable armor.

This is similar to Salomon's spellcasting concept, and the mystics believe that this is the path that intelligence attribute occupations will eventually take. For this reason, he clinked glasses with Stark, and as one of the few intellectual professionals in the world (Warlock is a charismatic profession, Kama Taj is more evil and has added physique, after all, it is the fighting style of Cursed Sword), he rewarded himself with a cup of Coke.

Now, everything was arranged, and Salomon was going back to Merton College to make up for the missed week of classes. But he is not in a hurry, his one-day study results can be compared to others' several days, and this is still without opening the stigmata. Salomon, who has turned on the stigmata, can be said to be the spokesperson of "Quantum Fluctuation Reading". The [Scholar's Touch] spell may not be as fast as his reading.

"Master!" At 3:30 am in the middle of the night, Dinah hurriedly woke up Salomon. She helped Salomon get dressed, and then handed over the hanging ring to him. London time is five hours earlier than New York, so Salomon has to leave at 3:50 in the morning to catch up with the course. Too many absenteeisms can't make the course get an A+ evaluation.

Salomon plans to buy a property in London, and then move there when the witches come back, leaving the house here to the sisterhood. But it was a very important family decision, and he had to discuss it with the witches.

After washing up, Salomon sat down at the dining table with half-closed eyes. He put on his napkin and Dinah brought breakfast to him just in time. After finishing the food, Salomon yawned and arrived in London amidst the artificial man's farewell.

The morning in London was still gloomy, and there should have been a light rain before dawn, which was very friendly to Salomon, who was wearing a double-breasted suit. It will be colder in Oxfordshire in winter, and someone has already warned against slipping on the forum. After all, in terms of the weather in London, no one knows when the temperature will drop.

He made himself a cup of hot black tea in the rented house in Oxfordshire, and then took his thermos cup and schoolbag, rode his bicycle and rushed to today's classroom. He still has to go to the office of his college tutor today. Today is the first day after the end of his sick leave, and he also has to listen to the suggestions for revising the thesis given by the college tutor.

By convention, the corresponding author is the faculty supervisor, the second author is Jane Foster, and the first author is himself. If there are no accidents, this paper should be published, as long as the tutor of the college does not think that this paper is made by Jane Foster for his qualifications.

Even at the rate Merton College students are producing papers, Salomon is one of the best, and his paper is an extension of Jane Foster's theory-after the advent of Thor and the Battle of New York proved the existence of the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, this old theory has become popular again, especially the dark elf invasion. Different from the New York War, the incidents that happened on the face are enduring hits. Dissertations on hot topics are a must-have for every undergraduate.

If this paper is published, then he will start working on the second paper.

Even Jane Foster herself began to publish papers continuously like a paper engine, trying to expand her influence in this field. Professor Savig, a Stonehenge streaking enthusiast, a famous scholar who predicted alien invasion twice and experienced third contact three times, has also become an important figure in this field.

As a Nobel Prize nominee, Jane Foster is now well-fed, but she still lives in this small apartment in London, using paper, pen, and laptop to do research—she uses the research laboratory at the University of Greenwich a lot, but it is currently being renovated, but Downing Street and the British University Grants Committee are pushing each other because of the losses caused by the Dark Elf invasion.

And one of the culprits in Greenwich University's need for extensive repairs is pushing open the doors of the 'research lab'.

Also trapped in the apartment is Jane Foster's intern. No, it's Ms. Darcy now, because she's officially hired and a master's student. It is said that Daxie also intends to become a doctor, so Jane Foster also increased the supervision of Daxie's study progress in her spare time.

As for that Daxie's intern, he ran away a long time ago. After all, the interns that this research institute wanted were not for their brains but for their muscles.

Darcy stretched out her hand with a smile, trying to get a new paper from Salomon. "Hurry up and give me the paper." Darcy, who was wearing a thin sweater, said, "Jane is going to give a lecture at Holloway University today, and we are the only ones here. So I am your reviewer today, have you figured out how to bribe me?"

"No papers today."

"What's there?"

"This!" Salomon took out two tickets from his suit pocket, and Daxi snatched them first as soon as he reached out his hand.

"Royal Opera House? Or a box?" She opened her mouth and patted Salomon's chest with a big laugh. Immediately afterwards, she poked vigorously with her fingers, then nodded with a very satisfied expression. "It's pretty good." Daxi showed a mysterious smile. She looked down at her chest, then raised her head confidently and approached Salomon, "Do you want to date me, sexy little boy?"

"Today there is a performance of Les Misérables in the West End of London. Given that the repertoires of the Royal Opera House have been moving closer to pathological political correctness in recent years, I think it's better to listen to some old repertoires. Don't worry, I won't dislike you for falling asleep." Salomon said, "Only lovers can see God, don't they?"

"Well, I have a gift for you too." Darcy took out a large handful of small glass bottles from the woolen handbag, "Dangdang! My collection of small wine version! There is vodka and rum, we can drink secretly in the box! I know this is against the rules, but don't be so rigid! This is fun! We want to meet God in the box!"

"Very well. Now, who will join us on our journey?"

"Me! Go fast, London is stuck in traffic again today, it's too late if you don't go!"

"Let's go, cross the gunpowder smoke, cross the barricades, the new world is ahead."

Ask for a ticket!

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