Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 438 Armored Thugs (Part 1)

The Cyborg Sisters acted very quickly. The main reason for this was not only the guidance of Salomon’s scroll, but also because the Wakanda’s aircraft had excellent stealth performance. They even avoided everyone’s eyes and radars, hovering the aircraft over the US Air Force base.

As the commander of this operation, Tita is responsible for breaking through the layers of blockade of the US military to enter the ground and snatch the nuclear warhead that was launched in the Battle of New York. Of course, she didn't intend to lead all the sisters to rush in. Although this is an air force base located in the mainland of the United States, it has all kinds of armored vehicles and so on. If she rushes into the ground recklessly, the only possible result is to be surrounded by tanks and other heavy armored vehicles in the base. At that time, she can only ask Salomon's portal for support.

But she didn't want to do this, and Catherine, who was following her, was unwilling to bear the shame of mission failure-she declared loudly on the aircraft that she was unwilling to accept the support of the master, because it would make her look like a failure. Servia stretched out her hand with a smile, trying to pinch the face of this "bluffing puppy". If it wasn't for Tita giving her a hard look, Sevia would really start fighting on the aircraft.

"Don't be so serious, Tita, did the master miss out on a sense of humor when he created you?" As a member of the commando, Sevia wasn't worried about this mission at all. "Don't we still have Orla? Don't we, my shy little bird?"

According to Salomon's instructions, Tita carried some heavy weapons to deal with the vehicles, and the support team led by Ola, who was good at shooting, was in charge. If enemy heavy vehicles had surrounded them before they got that airborne nuclear warhead onto the plane, Ola would use those AT-12T 120mm rocket launchers to destroy enemy tanks and helicopters, and lead the reserve team for assault support.

Ola blushed and nodded, she said very seriously that she would definitely complete the task.

According to the daily norms, the assault team led by Tita eagerly checked the heavy bolters and long swords in their hands. The magazines were inserted in the metal belts around their waists, and they loaded each bullet with their own hands.

Tita ordered the team members to check the Iron Wings flight module. She put on the helmet, and under her soft command, the servo system of the power armor began to activate and check the steel wings. The temperature at the position where the power pack and the armor were attached began to rise, and she felt energy flowing out of the power pack, like a hot, beating heart of steel pumping energy to every corner of the power armor. She had an illusion that the steel wings on her back were like her own limbs, and she could easily command each wingtip.

The heat dissipation grid opened in an instant, and the lowest-thrust blue flames spewed out from the steel wings in an instant. The strong thrust that emerged made Tita almost fall forward, but according to her usual training, she had already supported herself with her other leg. The members of the sisterhood who participated in this operation did so in accordance with the training norms. Although the steel wing module was only activated for a short 0.5 seconds, the flames sprayed by many steel wings caused the temperature inside the aircraft to rise suddenly, and the ozone smell when the air was ionized was even more unbearable.

Tita nodded, and through the communication system in her helmet, she ordered the strike team to get ready. The members of the sisterhood who were in charge of controlling the vehicle opened the rear hatch of the aircraft, and the wind rushed in recklessly. The red robes worn by the members of the sisterhood under the armor were quickly rolled up, the temperature in the cabin dropped sharply, the hot air was engulfed by the cold wind, and condensation appeared on the power armor.

But soon, the dew that condensed on the power armor was blown dry by the powerful storm. Tita ran forward for a few steps, and then jumped down from the gangway. The assault team followed Tita and jumped out of the aircraft one after another. The steel wing flight module behind them sprayed orange-blue flames in the air, leading them to dive towards the air force base below.

James Rhodes never imagined that someone would attack the Langley Air Force Base in the United States, and there was no warning on the radar. He had come to watch flight training today, and in his rush he hadn't even been able to put on Tony Stark's recently upgraded suit of MK2 War Machine armor.

But fortunately, the enemy's target was not the F-22 or F-15 fighter jets parked on the tarmac. Standing on the tower, he witnessed dozens of streams of flame falling from the sky to the base, like dozens of dazzling meteors. When the flame stream can be seen with the naked eye, those figures are shown on the radar.

"Call Tony Stark, and at the same time order the plane to take off to meet the enemy. The enemy must have other aircraft!" He put down the binoculars and hurriedly ordered the officer to do so. He found that the enemies who fell from the sky were not aimed at attacking the aircraft that had not yet taken off. The targets of those enemies were the heavily protected special ammunition depots in the base, where all nuclear warheads were maintained. James Rhodes immediately understood the enemy's goal. He immediately ran out of the tower and loudly ordered the logistics to prepare the steel armor. He had to face those enemies who were also wearing steel armor.

However, before he could run far, he was overturned to the ground by the violent blast, and a huge roar filled his brain. James Rhodes stood up unsteadily from the hot rough concrete floor. He endured the severe pain in his forehead and opened his eyes. In his blurred vision, he saw the tower tower shrouded in ruins. He was accustomed to the smell of gunpowder smoke and cement smoke and dust.

A rocket hit the tower accurately, paralyzing the flight command center of the base. No one knew where the rocket came from, and the radar found nothing. They seemed to be fighting an invisible enemy.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Colonel Rhodes couldn't help cursing the enemy in his heart. Everyone, be it the enemy, the military, or even Stark, he cursed them all. He gritted his teeth and touched his forehead, his dusty fingers only touched sticky and moist liquid.

The airflow from the explosion scratched his forehead, but this was luck. Colonel Rhodes didn't think the people in the tower would survive.

"Mother Fuck!" James Rhodes ran over to the special equipment warehouse.

"Miss Tita, we are close to our goal."

"Fire!" The sisterhood was greeted not only by deafening sirens, but also by American soldiers guarding in front of the special ammunition depot. The moment the sirens sounded, these soldiers were ready to defend. The M2HB machine gun mounted on the armored vehicle fired a fast-flying chain of flash bullets at the artificial people in the air. Even in the daytime, the tracer bullets also indicated the shooting target. Under such guidance, the assault rifle opened fire, but Tita had already ordered the team to activate the steel wing module at full speed, and the violent engine pushed the assault team straight to the armored vehicle.

The black steel high-heeled shoes smashed the non-stop ringing M2HB machine gun, and the thick armored roof panel was also dented under the powerful kinetic energy. The bullets from the assault rifle exploded into clusters of sparks on the force-feedback power armor, but these roaring gods of death could not cause any damage to the assault team, at most they scratched the armor of the artificial man.

"Fire!" Tita raised the heavy bolter with one hand, drew out the long sword with the other, and stabbed fiercely at the cab of the armored vehicle. She shouted orders to her team members, Catherine couldn't help cheering loudly, raised her bolter to fire bursts, and moved forward with the team members.

No one could stop them, and even the pre-set concrete bunkers were blown to pieces by the explosive-filled warheads.

"Ha! For the glory of the master!" Although she was wearing a helmet, anyone could hear Catherine's cheerful tone. The Sisters put on new magazines and continued to suppress the soldiers who wanted to assault from the bunker with unparalleled firepower. Any enemy hit by the explosive bomb would trigger the mass fuse in the warhead, and any enemy would be easily blown into two pieces.

"Prepare the explosives!" Tita fired a shot at the door of the bunker, and then stood sideways beside the door of the bunker. This is an important freight elevator, and they must control this passage.

"Got it, ma'am!" Sevia grinned back as she dropped a heavy grenade down the bottomless freight elevator shaft, and several other sorority members did the same.

"Let the master's glory be louder!"

I wanted to ask for leave, but it was updated.

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