Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 442: Moving (Part 1)

Not to mention how much psychological shock Laura Crawford suffered, after politely sending her back to her residence, Salomon planned to discuss with the witches about changing their residence. It's just that before he started the topic, Bayonetta started. She pushed Salomon onto the sofa, and before he could react, the witch gracefully raised her long legs and sat on his waist.

She pressed Salomon's chest with her palm, and the other hand rose slowly along with her perfect body curve. When her fingers touched the smooth and gorgeous lips, the witch let out a long and faint sigh (don't forget, at this time, Beunita had already lifted her battle suit). Taking advantage of the few seconds when Joan went to change clothes, Salomon fell without any resistance. The cunning witch began to torture Beunita only when she noticed the agitated body beneath her.

"Bad boy." Beunita narrowed her eyes, shaking her slender waist slightly, "How are you going to use poor Lara Croft? Or do you just want to find a tender lover and dump me like an overnight jam? I think Lara Croft is a girl with a good figure, do you have any ideas?"

"Because... ahem, because Laura Crawford is involved with a god." Salomon still couldn't hold back, and confided the truth to Bayonetta. The Witch also possessed all of Salomon's hobbies, and she gave the mystic a proper reward to keep him talking. "Kukulkan!" Under repeated prodding, Salomon said the name, "Laura Crawford's fate involves the Feathered Serpent God. Before the giant dragon of the Aztec pantheon launched a great flood, she has the ability to expose the giant snake!"

"Oh? So you are preparing for the dragon slaying? What did you predict?" Beunita prodded her captive a little more. Salomon blushed and hesitated to speak. Dinah passed by here with a blank face. She was very familiar with this scene, and she also knew that her master was just having fun. When her master finished enjoying all this, his attention would be transferred to the really important things.

She walked by quietly and picked up the Cheshire cat, so that the stupid cat would not disturb the owner.

Bayonetta and Salomon sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket and watched TV, and Dinah brought them dinner. Joan kindly makes room for Salomon and Bayonetta. If it wasn't for the long waiting time and the time for dinner, she might not even have walked out of the bedroom.

But Salomon still clings to Bayonetta.

Salomon roughly explained the move to the witches, the reason being that they are not suitable to live in a place with ordinary people now. Not to mention what the sisterhood did to ensure his safety, the witch and he were both special people, and the magic power overflowing from their bodies would always cause some troubles in the almost vacuum magic environment of this world, and those magical creatures were examples that had to be mentioned.

Scottish Isaacons are rare and kind magical creatures, but if these little guys are seen by someone they don't want to see, they will take away the sight of the unlucky guy. Now there are a few Essason elves who help clean up in this apartment, and Salomon also gives poisonous mushroom juice to these little guys in floral skirts as a reward. Correspondingly, his bookcase is also full of small gifts from the Essasons.

But bad magical creatures still accounted for the majority. For example, a small fire elemental creature jumped out of the kitchen from time to time. Dinah once crushed a fire elemental to death in the water basin. From time to time, she also needs to use the broom to drive out the uninvited mischievous pixies. But in order not to cause trouble for Salomon, Dinah would sometimes leave a small bucket of water at the door of the apartment so that the pixies could wash their babies, and at the same time give them a place to feast and dance.

(The Cheshire Cat is a frequent visitor to Pickle's banquets, and it has an excellent relationship with Isaacson.)

The Cheshire cat once culled a Mexican hairy hand, and then it was forced to brush its teeth by Salomon. Although the hairy hand can only stay in Salomon's glass jar in the end and become one of the research materials, these creatures are very difficult for ordinary people to deal with. If Salomon hadn't strengthened the surrounding magic defenses, these messy things would continue to happen.

And even if his protective magic kept working, New York City itself wasn't a safe place.

More than half of the idiot villains in this world are concentrated here, why not leave New York now and find a place with a good view. Salomon already had an idea - Laura's family had three independent manor houses, two of which were managed by the National Trust. He planned to talk to Laura in a while, and try to buy one of the manors as a residence.

In addition, Salomon also took a fancy to a manor on the banks of the Thames in Whitchurch, Oxfordshire, overlooking the Thames and the surrounding beautiful scenery. He didn't know about the manor until he heard it from his classmates at the afternoon tea party. The 125-acre manor also had a horse farm where Pegasus could run wild.

The price of 10 million pounds is still affordable by Salomon. It's just that he still has alternatives for Bayonetta to choose from, such as the extremely beautiful Tillingham estate in Buckinghamshire, which is asking for 18 million pounds. Or the Dans Hall estate with a nice garden view and asking price of 5 million pounds.

Salomon has never been hesitant to spend money on his life, because beauty can only bloom in money. In any case, it was time to look at the house, and even Joan of Arc, who had originally dismissed Salomon's proposal, began to choose the scenery of the manor.

"I think we can buy a house in Positano." Joan of Arc unconsciously included Salomon, "It's always depressing to be in England. I want to see the coast of the Sirens."

"no problem."

"Mont Saint-Michel in France! And the Côte d'Azur in Monaco!" The witches excitedly discussed their travel plans, completely forgetting Salomon. They are all drag racing enthusiasts, and now they plan to go to Northern Europe to challenge extreme sports, and take a look at Aurora by the way. Salomon's Ducati was also requisitioned as a matter of course.

"Let's take a look at the manor first, ladies." Salomon said, "Let's go on a tour while the manor is being repaired."


The attack on the U.S. air force base has already spread among some people, especially this is an air force base on the east coast of the United States, which makes White House officials completely unable to sit still. This incident has been classified as a terrorist attack. Unlike the alien invasion, neither the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Air Force Intelligence, Marine Corps Intelligence Office, Intelligence Analysis Service, Intelligence and Counterintelligence Office, National Security Branch, Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Office did not predict this attack in advance.

Casualties aside, the missing nuclear warhead was deadly. No one knows whether the people who attacked the base wanted to blackmail the United States with warheads, or just wanted to detonate in a certain city. The White House could not even rule out that this was an act of espionage by a hostile country, and the international situation suddenly became tense.

The White House doesn't know who the enemy is, it only knows that the enemy is under its nose. Although White House officials tried to ask S.H.I.E.L.D. to investigate the matter, Nick Fury rejected it after hesitation—his usual practice was to conduct investigations in spite of the White House’s opposition, but this matter really had nothing to do with him.

This key information kept one person up at night, even he was the one who actively opposed SHIELD's participation in the investigation.

Gideon Malik, former U.S. representative to the World Security Council, who received that critical message.

The missing nuclear warhead was the one he had encouraged to launch during the Battle of New York!

The Avengers want revenge on him! No, it's S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury Spotted Alexander Pierce's Hydra Team! S.H.I.E.L.D. has found him, and they're doing an indiscriminate strike!

Ask for a ticket!

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