Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 443 Forging and Assembling (Second Change)

Wakanda's industrial furnaces use clean energy from the restart of the Immortal City. The high temperature released by a small amount of radioactive material is separated into different pipes, and is used to melt the vibration gold ore with the help of combustible gas. Immediately afterwards, there was a work process similar to that of the outside steelmaking industry, except that no one could see the molten red to almost whitish vibrating metal molten metal being poured out of the crucible.

All operating environments are controlled by specific artificial intelligence, and weapons and equipment are also produced through various types of forging facilities downstream, large and small, as well as highly customized and modular research facilities, and are standardized and integrated. As a result, Wakanda has moved away from what now appears to be extremely inefficient means, and anvils and stoves have been regarded as a kind of backward mode of production. The Wakandas also moved their forging facilities to the Immortal City and assembled them. They erected tall forging furnaces in the ruins of the wars. Special blowers were connected to the Italian coast today through ancient underground ventilation facilities, providing air ducts for furnaces that condescend to melt steel and alloys with minimum power.

The scorching breath of the furnace giant rose in the dungeon. After a series of treatments, the exhaust gas formed by the burning of ore was discharged to the deep seabed in the distance through stone brick air pipes and anti-rust metal pipes, forming a group of high-temperature bubbles like a submarine volcano. The drainage system, in turn, fostered the growth of bacteria adapted to high temperatures and anoxic conditions, and the vent biota that fed on those bacteria.

Good heat insulation measures and an air filtration system keep the air in the Immortal City fresh and cool, but there is still an unimaginably high temperature in one place in this environment. The anvils and furnaces, which were regarded as backward production methods, reappeared in this wide obsidian hall. Blazing flames danced in the shining high-tech furnaces, and the stubborn red gold and steel gathered here. Brass gears and religious, dusty long flags hung on the walls, expressing the great achievements of the past wise men in machinery, chemistry, art, philosophy and alchemy.

Salomon once told the Sisterhood about the former owners here, and their war against the baby gods. In that battle that transcended time, the pioneers of mankind defeated the mechanical race named God with their own wisdom. Even if it was only a young individual, the wise men who had spent a long human history paid a heavy price.

The group of wise men that continued from ancient times to the present was destroyed, and the great city that was carefully shaped was also shattered under the feet of the gods. Tita can't imagine what that god is, because according to Salomon, human beings have received genetic adjustments from gods in the early days, and aliens have also come to earth, trying to develop human beings into slaves in interstellar wars.

And these alien races are one of the enemies that her master will fight in the future. In the vast universe, there are many aliens trying to enslave human beings. Her master will never allow this to happen. "We are experimental subjects." When Salomon said this, his expression was calm, "Humans are the most valuable creatures in this universe."

Tita looked up at the faded flag shrouded in darkness.

This place used to be one of the research institutes of the pioneer organization called Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, responsible for mechanical manufacturing and research and development. The research equipment here has been emptied and moved to Ms. Maya Hansen's research institute. Thousands of years of glory and history have become brand-new technological equipment in an instant. The furnace is a branch branch of the furnace built by the Wakanda.

The Wakanda people have excellent aesthetics (but Tita thinks this is Salomon's request). The furnace in the shape of a silver lion's head roared silently, and the bright red metal taken out of the furnace exuded unimaginably high temperatures. Even Tita, who was ten meters away, could feel the blazing heat. A huge anvil was erected on the smooth black stone brick floor. Tita breathed heavily, watching the repeatedly forged and folded metal on the anvil—her master was wearing a crimson holy relic robe and was forging weapons in an incomprehensible way.

Salomon raised the iron hammer in his hand and swung it down heavily. Every time he hammered, there would be a vague incantation. After being hammered, tiny golden runes would flash away on the blazing red alloy surface.

Another blow of the hammer followed, another flicker of the rune. Every time the hammer strikes, the orange-red sparks rise and fall like a sea tide, and are extinguished on the crimson relic. Tita saw with her own eyes that many precious materials were put into the furnace, mixed with that piece of metal in various strange ways. She smelled some kind of incense, and with her own knowledge (including indoctrination), she could understand a little of the meaning of the spells her master spoke at the forge.

Deconstruction and cutting, speed and elegance, purge and faith, protection and order.

This sword will be decorated with gold and precious stones, and the folded and forged lines will be full of blessings and wisdom. Her master will use this sword as a reward for the sisterhood to make up for their regret that they cannot be with him. At the same time, this sword is also her master's expectation for the sisterhood. He hopes that the sisterhood can become his finger and his strength.

Tita is willing to do this, she thinks this is what she was created for. Originally, Tita wanted to present this sword to Ms. Dinah as the sword of the leader of the sisterhood, but Dinah clearly rejected this request. She believed that being able to accompany her director was the highest honor, and there was no need to fight for the ownership of a sword. Therefore, they planned to use this sword as a sacred object of the sisterhood, and only the commander of the sisterhood after accepting the battle was eligible to pick up the sword and issue instructions to other sisters.

The forging of this sword has lasted for a week and a week. Tita watched the sword embryo take shape little by little with her own eyes, and her master added unimaginable power to the sword. The materials used included not only alien metals and various gemstones, but also her master's blood, which she saw radiated golden light and gave the sword a sacred meaning.

This is the most important and the step that gives meaning to this sword. From now on, the sister who wears this sword will be the messenger of the master's will. Tita firmly believes that as long as this sword is present, the Sisterhood's battle cannot be lost.

This idea came naturally and was unwavering.

She would describe the casting of the sword to her sisters every day, and every sister was very excited. They all want to be the one who can touch the sword one day, which is a rare ambition for them at present.

"Tita." After finishing today's forging, Salomon walked towards the artificial man. Tita hurriedly lowered her head, ready to accept orders from her master. "Don't be so nervous." Salomon raised his voice unconsciously. The sound of tinkling irons for several hours made his hearing a little impaired. "Take me to see the nuclear warhead."

"Master." Tita tentatively said the intimate address she had learned from Dinah. Seeing that Salomon had no objection, she cautiously breathed a sigh of relief. Her tall figure made her cautious like a squirrel. "The nuclear warhead was guarded by the sisters, and it was placed in a room insulated with lead plates according to your requirements, and it was kept around the clock." Still bowing her head, she followed Salomon's footsteps and walked out of the obsidian hall to welcome the clear air of the Immortal City. "The scientist also accepted our guard, and we monitored every inspection he made."

"Good job." Salomon nodded, "What about the daily training of the sisterhood?"

"After the last actual battle, the skills of each of them are much more proficient, and they have also begun to try tactics suitable for the robot army." Tita took out the tablet computer, so that Salomon could look up the information. But the mystic didn't look at it, he trusted what Tita said.

"We're going to do another mission next," he said. "This will be a mission for us to officially step onto the stage. I shouldn't treat you so harshly, but I still ask you to be ready, because this is another test for the Android Corps."

Ask for a ticket!

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