Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 447 Elders (Second update! Please recommend tickets!)

After solving the family of religious worshipers with the second disease, Salomon didn't stop here. He asked Dinah to choose five armed Sorority members to stay and monitor the Malik family. The other androids also left in flying machines after burying the security guard's body in the garden. They need to discuss the roster of rotations in House Malik.

Compared with the grueling daily training, this task is like a vacation for them. A week later, another five androids will arrive in the Malik family, replacing the original five.

Salomon took Stephanie Malek. This is a warning to Gideon Malik, and it is also a means to show his strength to his current subordinates. He opened the portal and brought Stephanie to the Immortal City. Whether it was the glowing rock formations thousands of feet thick hanging at a height of 100 meters, the noisy and endlessly running fully automatic construction machines, or the ancient sculptures left on the streets in the long history, they all opened up Stephanie's eyes.

What was once the greatest city in the world is now coming back to life from its war-torn death.

This is a real dungeon, and Ms. Malik, who was a little downcast, suddenly regained her spirits. The level of science and technology here is far beyond the outside world, and at the same time has a very strong artistic atmosphere, architectural styles and art forms from all over the world are displayed here. The Wakanda renovation team is about to clean up the worst-hit areas. Those brand new buildings are all built in the Victorian style required by Salomon. After all, the architects hired by Salomon with a lot of money are top-notch in the industry.

Especially the tall clock tower is full of Gothic architectural style. The office building requested by Salomon was built as a Gothic church, and the office building was not completed until the stained glass windows and murals were completed.

Everything in front of her eyes made Stephanie very excited.

After the contract was signed, the rise and fall of the Malik family was tied to this magical stranger. Although she now knows that Salomon is the knight from the Battle of New York, she thought that it was just a Tony Stark recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. until she witnessed Salomon's territory - anyone who knows that his new boss has enough abilities will calm down his trembling mentality.

"I promised your father that I would let you broaden your horizons." Salomon found a pair of sunglasses and a suit of clothes for Stephanie, and Stephanie had to look suspiciously at Salomon. The mystic could only shrug helplessly, "Sorry, these are the only women's clothes here. The maid's outfit is the daily attire of the sisterhood, but it's better than your bloody clothes."

"Where are we going?" Stephanie asked holding her clothes.

"Go to aliens." Salomon said, "to eat Xandar snail ice cream. A new dish in Xandar's capital, which is sought after by many alien civilizations. If you want, you can also bring a copy for your Hydra god, who hasn't eaten for many years."

"That sounds disgusting." Out of nowhere, Stephanie suddenly became confident. It was as if her faith had been quickly rebuilt after being destroyed. She held her head high, showing the imposing manner of a big family heir, "I think you still have something to say, don't you? Is there anything you want to tell me? My father will agree to the reward you give, but I won't."

"You haven't shown your worth now, girl." Salomon narrowed his eyes and looked down at Stephanie. "Here, only those who are worthy can survive."

"Hydra is the same, even more cruel." Stephanie said calmly. She has visited Hydra's youth training camp, where the children are from Hydra's middle and lower classes, and they can only climb up in this way. "I noticed that the people around you are all combatants, the civilian staff is quite rare, and I haven't even seen one. I can fill the vacancy, I have a high degree in management, and I can even work as an accountant."

"Then it seems that this place is very suitable for you. I happen to have a lot of paper work that needs help." The mystic took her hand, and the amazing charm appeared again. Even for a family woman like Stephanie, Salomon's charm is quite fatal. "Get ready to accept the routine here, and I'll watch over you." The words were both encouraging and threatening, and Salomon seemed to be waiting for Stephanie to show her feet. "You'll get what you want, whether it's youthful beauty or strength."

"Can I be like those people around you?" Stephanie also climbed up following the words of the mystic, "Can you give me that? Or are they all super soldiers?"

"Okay, as long as you can do your job."


Only the Doorless Bar can allow spellcasters to speak freely. This bar built by magic has no definite door and location, and it may appear anywhere. For experienced spellcasters, the Doorless Bar is just like the old bars of the west, with a glowing bat door.


"I'm sorry, really." Salomon apologized before Casilios could finish. Apologizing for his double life, he has been ignoring not only the witches, but also the mystics in Kama Taj a lot lately. He picked up the cold beer bottle and clinked glasses with Cascilios. Casilios, however, shook his head.

"I don't mean to blame you, kid," he said. "You're grown up now, you got into college for the rich and talented, and you have a girlfriend. I have nothing to complain about, really."

Casilios drank half a bottle of Heineken in one gulp. He let out a long breath and hiccupped in satisfaction.

"Hell, cold beer is supposed to be gulped."

With his encouragement, Salomon pretended to seldom drink alcohol and drank the whole bottle of beer in one go.

"That's right, this is the young man! See that!" He pointed at Salomon and looked around the bar. "He can drink! Hell, this is the man!"

There was a whistling in the bar. The people here are almost all spellcasters who watched Salomon grow up, and they still remember Salomon, the little guy who was brought here by Casilios when he was a child. Of course, it is not ruled out that it is because the supreme mage attaches too much importance to Salomon.

"Give this little guy a glass of vodka, ice!" Earl Kooz yelled loudly, "A man can't just drink beer, he has to drink something really strong!"

"You idiot, do you think vodka can intoxicate the caster of Karma Taj!" An African voodoo priest taunted Earl Kooz mercilessly.

After Salomon frowned and drank the ice vodka in the shot glass, Casilios finally let him go.

"The environment like Karma Taj is not suitable for young people. You can't have the vitality that young people should have there." He began to talk to Salomon in an elder tone. "I watched you grow up, and I know how silent you were before you left Karma Taj for the first time. Everyone wants to make you happy. Even Modu allows you to make trouble and play video games. I once told His Holiness that you should have your own life, and there is no need to go back to Karma Taj every day."

"It's my responsibility, Casilios."

"Damn, you have no responsibility!" Casilios seemed a little angry, "You will be the Supreme Mage sooner or later, but not now. Now all you have to do is enjoy life and drive around in a luxury car. I heard from Modu that you interfered with the fate of a female archaeologist, and that girl's fate has something to do with Feathered Serpent. But your clever tricks are still within the tolerance of the Venerable."

"Huh! Tell me the truth, why do you always have such wonderful girls around you? How many girlfriends do you have now?"

"It was a coincidence, Casilios." Salomon smiled helplessly, and continued to hold up the beer bottle, "Maybe it's because I'm good-looking?"


"Okay, Casilios, I want to invite you and Mordo to a family dinner." Salomon said, "I also invited the family of Hong Kong Temple Guardians, Master Hamil and Wang. I have already booked the hotel, remember to wear worldly clothes."

Ask for a ticket!

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