Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 448: The New Blood of the Sisterhood (Part 1)

Joan of Arc was very confident, and cast cold eyes that could freeze boiling water on the person sitting opposite her, as if that person was an inconspicuous bug in her eyes. She picked up the martini glass by the table and took a sip, then snorted softly, fully expressing her disdain. The long white hair was coiled up high, the golden hollow earrings swayed with her movements, the slender legs were unscrupulously raised on the black glass tabletop, the red-soled high-heeled shoes hung unruly on the tiptoes, and the white-haired witch sitting on the huge sofa was full of elegance.

She ordered an apple martini, the same as Bayonetta. Not to be outdone, Salomon narrowed his eyes, and put the iced rum in his hand back on the armrest of the sofa.

When he stretched out his hand under Joan's murderous eyes, Joan immediately pushed his thumb and pushed a card out of his hand. Salomon's fingers crossed the card without hesitation, but he couldn't twitch the playing cards tightly held by Joan anyway. He changed a card, but Joan was still holding the poker tightly, without any intention of letting go.

The white-haired witch looked at Salomon as if nothing had happened, and then pushed the card out again, as if to emphasize something. Both her and Salomon are far stronger than ordinary humans, and only non-ordinary playing cards can resist the two superhumans pulling their white hair. The wrestling between the witch and the mystic was carried out on the playing cards made of demon bones. The mind-reading skills thrown subconsciously at each other collided into purple and golden sparks in the eyes of the two, and the air was filled with the magical atmosphere produced by the fierce confrontation between the two.

Rodin glanced at the booth, and after making sure that nothing happened, he continued to hold the Cheshire Cat and start sucking.

The black-haired witch watching the battle in front of her smiled happily. She winked at Salomon and gave her hint.

Joan raised her delicate chin with a tense expression, her eyes fixed on Salomon's fingers. The helpless mystic can only pick up the card that was pushed out. The white-haired witch breathed a sigh of relief, and then she regained that aloof pride. "You lost!" she yelled in satisfaction. "It's your turn to do the dishes since Dinah's gone. We agreed not to use magic!"

"Okay, okay." Salomon retreated into the sofa, took a sip of the already weak rum. Isn't it just washing dishes? It's not like he hasn't done it before.

"Honey, you haven't said where you sent Dinah yet." Beunita said, "Your maid has been very busy recently. Last time Joan accidentally ate Hawaiian pizza. She almost overturned the living room."

"It's obviously you, Theresa!" Joan retorted without hesitation, "I'm not Italian."

"Whatever you say." Bayonetta whistled. "And you, Boya?"

"I asked Dinah and the artificial human team to buy armaments." Salomon told her the movements of the maid and the sisterhood without hesitation. "They should be in Ukraine now, conducting private transactions with those officers. But I think they should bring back something else."

"for example?"

"Some girls." Salomon shrugged. He once told the leadership of the Sisterhood that everything has a limit and that he won't keep making androids. Artificial humans can be mass-produced using ether particles, but their souls will always be attached to his soul, and the bodies in those cultivation tanks are prepared to resurrect them. This is the eternal service that Salomon promised to the sisterhood.

Recruiting ordinary people and subjecting them to training and reformation is a must if the Sisterhood is to continue to grow.

Due to factors such as the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the bloody war in the Balkans, many Eastern European countries have fallen into a vortex of barbarism. Armed gangs, smuggling groups, human traffickers and pimps have formed a flesh-and-blood industrial chain to resell girls kidnapped and lured from conflict areas and poor countries to Western Europe.

In Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Kosovo, Bosnia and even Russia, it could happen anytime, and those human demons tell those girls that if they go to Western European countries, they can become models and have a good life, or just tell those girls that they can take them to eat.

Compared with girls who are forced to pick up customers as child prostitutes, suffer from diseases and abuse, and have their organs taken away after being drained, or thrown on the street to die, joining the sisterhood will be a good choice for harsh training and reformation. Salomonte intends to declare to Dinah that no matter what the status of those women is, they will be taken away. Those women who are unwilling to join the sorority, who are too old or have physical disabilities can still work in the Immortal City and enjoy the power of being human.

Dinah and her sorority members are almost all dispatched except those who are on missions, riding a newly built stealth aircraft, carrying money and food to find Russian mafia and Albanian gangsters. This will be a bloody massacre in the dark corners of the so-called "civilized society". For this mission, Salomon gave the sisterhood unlimited fire power, all existing heavy weapons are allowed to use, and they are even allowed to exchange fire with local armed forces.

Beneath bolters and swords there is no mercy.

After this mission is over, Dinah will also use the information provided by Elijah to clear up the gangsters that engage in human trafficking in New York City.

"Good job." Rodin, who was holding the Cheshire Cat, came out from behind the bar. "I thought you were just as rigid as those mystics. When you asked Enzo for the details of those people, I even thought you were going to trade human flesh. I apologize to you. Have a glass of better wine? I treat you."

"Aren't you a devil, why are you so kind?"

"Damn it, I'm a fallen angel!" Rodin rolled his eyes, but he was wearing sunglasses, so no one could see clearly.

"I can't directly intervene in this matter, which violates the precepts set by His Holiness." Salomon sighed, "I have always been a member of Karma Taj, and my current power does not allow me to save them. But I can make artificial humans save them, which does not violate the precepts of Karma Taj. But as long as they reach the Immortal City, they can live because they are human beings."

"Boya, you are such a kind child, I didn't misunderstand you."

"Of course, I have to find a place to use the little kindness I have left." He patted the long and short knives on his waist, "And I haven't fought for a long time."

"Count me in!" Joan put away her long legs and slapped the cards in her hand on the table. She was very excited by what Salomon had to say. "Don't be with your maids, I'm going somewhere they haven't been!" The white-haired witch said excitedly, "I just want to exercise occasionally, so don't think too much! You still have to wash the dishes!"


A violent gust of wind poured in through the cargo door of the stealth plane, but it couldn't seep into the armor of the android. These biting cold winds can only blow their blood-red robes, and pairs of crimson electronic eyes hidden behind the Plexiglas are staring at the buildings below the aircraft. Beside them are a group of girls wrapped in seat belts and dirty quilts. They are cold and hungry, and most of the androids ignore their thoughts, because Dinah has not announced the role of these girls to all androids.

Before the artificial man from another aircraft, responsible for cleaning, disinfection and rapid detection of infectious diseases, arrived, the artificial man was temporarily prohibited from directly contacting these girls. However, the sisterhood still distributed food and water to them. After escaping from hell on earth, these girls were extremely emotionally unstable, but under the gaze of the blood-red eyes of the sisterhood's power armor, the trembling girls did not dare to cry loudly.

"Ma'am, you said the Master agreed with us to use heavy weapons?" Tita's dull voice came from the helmet, and she asked Dinah, who had her back turned to her, "I think the use of field artillery on the outskirts of the city is a bit too exaggerated."

Ask for a ticket!

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