Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 449 Following the True God (Second Change)

Salomon's birthday is usually synonymous with family gatherings, and the attendees haven't changed much over the years. The Guardians of the Hong Kong Temple and Master Hamil's family are frequent visitors. When Europeans and Americans celebrate Christmas, they will come to Salomon's birthday, and make up Christmas by the way.

Auntie Wu Guiyue, the guardian of the Hong Kong Temple, whom Salomon respectfully calls her aunt, will bring her own soup, and Alice, who has long black hair, will also attend with her father.

There is no roast turkey at such a holiday banquet, and no one eats roast turkey. Unless there is stuffing in the skin, the turkey will not be so hot when it comes out of the oven. And Wu Guiyue's husband, the ordinary Hong Kong policeman, happens to have a knack for making roasted turkeys, and the Chinese-style butter stuffing makes roasted turkeys popular.

As with many holidays, this one requires advance planning. Salomon had just finished class and returned to the Immortal City after greeting his adoptive mother in an expensive tailored suit. He personally slaughtered the turkey raised by the druids, and rolled up his sleeves to pluck the feathers carefully in front of a pot of boiling water. After doing this, he went to the bank to exchange some RMB, then led the sheep through the portal, and went to XZ herders to help slaughter the sheep.

There is no need to reveal his identity, but Salomon, who is considered to be a "long-haired monk in a Buddhist temple on the mountain", has a very good relationship with the herdsmen, and he is also treated as a "monk who came to find people to kill sheep on a motorcycle" and received warm hospitality from the herdsmen. This treat refers to butter tea and local hand-caught lamb.

Salomon smiled and drank the butter tea, not caring whether his stomach could tolerate it.

Because this he is not him.

He himself is not so idle, and all these activities are carried out by the alchemy simulacrum he made for himself. The raw material is the snow in Karma Taj, swept by the apprentice mystic from the square to the door in the early morning, and then moved by him to his laboratory-the snow in the Himalayas is much cleaner than the snow in London, it is true. And he was on a business trip, followed Stephanie Malick to see the world.

Class solidification in the United States is very serious. Even if a person with sufficient influence in the political arena loses his position, he can join various official and unofficial organizations and continue to receive taxpayer money. There are many such organizations, such as Sir Arnold Abinson, the honorary chancellor of Oxford University where Salomon works. After retirement, this person still holds several positions, such as the chairman of the bank, the top executives of IBM and BP, the chairman of the Royal Opera House Foundation, and the honorary chancellor of Oxford University. Countless students who hope to enter Whitehall hope to have dinner with President Arnold.

Especially when the living environment of British civil servants is even worse, young people who want to become cabinet secretaries need the wisdom of their predecessors. As long as you get the appreciation of the honorary principal, making it to the top is not a dream but a reality.

Although the political ecology of the United States is very different from that of the United Kingdom, especially the civil service system, this does not prevent Stephanie from taking Salomon to various political banquets. In this regard, Stephanie is the teacher.

"Excuse me, I have to show my dignity. In addition, I personally suggest that you restrain your charm a little bit." Stephanie rummaged through Salomon's closet and found an outfit suitable for the occasion. This is not because Salomon's clothes are too cheap, but too expensive.

This is just a cold dinner party. Wearing a haute couture tuxedo or a three-piece suit will only make people think that this person is too serious, or a dude who is new to the social scene. Double-breasted suits were also inappropriate, and Salomon had only British suits in his wardrobe, which was a huge difference from the oversized American sack suits.

Most of these suits were chosen by witches and Athena. Salomon couldn't bear to go in and out of the portal frequently, so taking advantage of the time when the witches and Laura went to see the manor, he took Stephanie to the wardrobe and let her choose by herself.

This was not what Stephanie wanted. She still selected the clothes that were most suitable for political and social occasions and could set off her figure from a pile of clothes, and she also paid for a Patek Philippe watch as compensation for the price of the suit. This kind of invisibility to set off wealth is a compulsory course for Stephanie, and she is even more proficient in this aspect than Salomon.

At the same time, she strongly asked Salomon to follow her to the beauty salon. Although Salomon's thick, long black curly hair matched his face perfectly, it made him look like a libertine in a baggy white shirt. Looking good and being respected are two different things, so Stephanie hired a stylist to style Salomon's hair.

And she also needs a well-fitting business attire, because she is going to the banquet as her father's representative.

"Didn't you just ask me to be your secretary?" Stephanie said proudly. "I have a right to speak in this regard, don't I?"

"Yes, ma'am." Salomon smiled gently. He was very pleased with the speed with which Stephanie's mind had changed. "I've got a good idea," he said softly, with a flick of his tongue to show that he wasn't speaking American but English. "Let's just set the first hunt on that planet. As the price of a lie that's been going on for thousands of years, I think you deserve to hunt down the gods of the past Hydra yourself. This is my reward, Stephanie."

She heard the subtext of the mystic. This is the first time Salomon has mentioned her transformation plan again after a month. The youth and beauty she wants to have are at your fingertips, as well as superhuman strength, just like those women wearing power armor.

"I think my father will soon understand what kind of person you are." After nearly two months of sorting out, Stephanie had a general idea of ​​the ongoing projects in the Immortal City. Although she didn't speak a word with the Wakanda people, she found key information from the documents and reports submitted.

She even learned that there is a very powerful artificial intelligence in the Immortal City, the most powerful hacker in the world, which can be used to monitor cameras all over the world and steal secrets from many companies with tight security.

And there is also a top-secret laboratory in the Immortal City, which has the most powerful magic protection, and there are horrible monsters lurking in every shadow—she saw a mouse (running in through the portal) swallowed by the cold shadow, and then there was a chilling dense chewing sound from that place, which scared Stephanie, who was trying to spy on the information, and turned her head and ran away.

Especially when she investigated her new boss, she discovered something extremely unreasonable. Taking education experience as an example, she couldn't even find any flaws in Salomon's report card, as if this person was born full of wisdom. Another example is artistic taste. She found that Salomon was proficient in sculpture and painting, and knew almost all the painters and their works that she had heard and never heard of in Europe.

He seemed to have lived for many years, and those things seemed to happen before his eyes.

What surprised her even more was a plan for the construction of the Mars foundry and a superhuman transformation plan. Although it was just a briefing and plan, Stephanie found some clues. She believes that after the birth of those god-like super humans, Salomon's future will be unimpeded. All the Malik family has to do is invest, whether it is money or personnel (especially money) can increase the weight.

Although she has not told her father about these things, she believes that her father will make a wise judgment. Just as he turned his back on false gods and used chipped white pebbles to keep himself alive.

The Malik family will follow the true god and share the power of the living true god.

Stephanie put her hand on Salomon's shoulder, looked at the person in the mirror and smiled. She revels in the sensuality of well-fitted suits and wit.

"It's fitting," she said with a smile. "You're going to shine."

How could someone call me short!

Some subtext cannot be clearly written, and I am so angry.

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