Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 451 Youth Training Camp (Second Change)

Ruby woke up from her sleep. She opened her eyes in the dark, but she couldn't see anything clearly. Only the beating heart in her chest and the cold sweat on her back could prove her panic. The air conditioner was humming and releasing cold air, but she still felt extremely hot. Her armpits and inner thighs were covered with cold sweat, as if a thousand needles had pricked her whole body.

She breathed a sigh of relief, pulled away the blanket, sat up from the bed, and recalled the dream with difficulty. She dreamed of a rough ruby ​​shining in the dark, and then the ruby ​​was shattered by the slender blade. This was an unremarkable dream, and Ruby couldn't tell why she was terrified, but if she thought about it carefully, she would feel that her brain was being spied on.

If she was really shaken by a dream about a ruby, it could only mean that she wasn't educated enough to be shaken by such an absurd dream.

It was a room without windows, and even though all the furniture was shrouded in darkness, she could still imagine the scene when the lights were turned on. There are pink dolls everywhere and star posters on the walls. To the left of the bed was a desk on which all her books were cluttered.

Like most American students, she didn't want to organize those things, the only thing she could rebel against in her own mother's hands. Mother had very high demands on Ruby's courses. She asked Ruby to do her best, and Ruby did. Whether it was physical training or science classes, she was the best on the base, just like her mother.

Since she was a child, her mother instilled in her a concept: she is unique, and she will become the most powerful person among Hydra. Ruby believed that too, even though she hated the goal so much.

She reached out and groped in the dark, took out the remote control of the air conditioner and adjusted the temperature even lower. She wants to go to sleep early and she has a class tomorrow.

"Is that girl a product of Hotwell?" Salomon put the gift he had prepared into a dimensional bag in front of the heavy iron gate, "Not very good. Naive, weak-willed and arrogant. And I didn't see Dr. Hotwell's progress in bio-transformation technology in her, she was just an ordinary person."

"Dr. Hotwell has many projects, and this is just one of them, and it is the lowest level of confidentiality." Stephanie had to defend Dr. Hotwell, lest Salomon think that this is all about Hydra. She took out a list from her handbag, which contained a list of all Hydras that had come out of the base.

This handbag was the first gift she received from Salomon. She originally thought it was a gift suitable for women, but she didn't expect it to be a magical item with magic. She has seen "Harry Potter", and she knows how valuable this handbag can hold many things.

"This project is about eugenics. As you know, it's an inherent project of Nazi, and that girl is a product of eugenics. Her mother was the best student in the last generation in this base, and she was also a product of eugenics, and she was born through artificial insemination. Dr. Holtwyer wanted to find the best genes to modify, but from the perspective of modern science, this is an extremely stupid thing." Stephanie flipped through the documents in her hand, trying to write down what she saw. This thing was of great help to Salomon's acquisition of those Hydra agents later, and Stephanie wanted to show her value in this regard.

"If you are not satisfied, we can also go to the base of Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. He started to conduct experiments after getting Loki's scepter, and it is said that he has already achieved good results."

"I know, but it's not necessary. Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's technology is just a matter of luck. Those two twins are very special and don't help us much." Salomon and Stephanie strolled in the empty corridor. There are not many people in this Hydra base anymore. The girl named Ruby is the only student in this period, and the Hydra agents who serve as her teachers are the best of the Nazi faction.

Salomon and Stephanie barged in without anyone else.

All the doors locked by electronic locks opened automatically, and the mystic ostentatiously ignored all the cameras and security personnel as if they didn't exist. The trip was exciting for Stephanie. Hydra is not a kind organization, and here is the base of Nazi Hydra. She was the daughter of Gideon Malik, a member of Hydra's conservative faction, and she wouldn't fare much better if she was caught breaking into the bases of other snakeheads at random to explore their secrets.

As much as she fears being discovered, she longs to be discovered, and Stephanie wants to see Salomon unleash his power. The means of manipulating all the electronic equipment in the Hydra base had surprised her before, but this was not enough, she wanted to see blood.

"Do you have any expectations for that girl?" Stephanie raised her voice deliberately, "You can tell me, and I will be responsible for fulfilling it for you."

"I want to train assassins, full-time assassins." Salomon and Stephanie walked into the restaurant. There was still food here, and the mystic picked up the glass and poured himself a glass of juice. He hesitated, then got himself another biscuit, his composure unnerving Stephanie. "Not every battle is fought head-on," he said. "I need assassins who are good at sneaking, infiltrating, and not afraid of death. Such people are difficult to find, and they have to go through a lot of surgical modification to accomplish the goals I want."

"May I ask, I haven't seen any detailed information about human body modification in the Immortal City." Stephanie closed the file. Because the content is too much, she plans to take this document away, anyway, no one will go to the archives to search for things. This document involves many things, including but not limited to international organizations, foundations, and individuals such as the Global Vaccine Alliance. Stephanie did not expect that Dr. Hotwell would involve so many forces.

This is not surprising. Based on the information Stephanie herself knows, the United States is one of the few countries that has not signed the United Nations Child Rights Protection Act, and it is normal for Hydra to take this opportunity to make profits or experiment. If she can sort out the relationship and help Salomon swallow the benefits, she believes that her position with Salomon will become more and more important.

"I don't know if your goal of human body transformation can be achieved, but I suggest that you first absorb the research results of Dr. Holdwyer and Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. The biologists sent by my father don't understand magic. They need the support of scientific theories to work."

Salomon was no longer surprised by Stephanie's initiative. "Those biologists will be put under the hands of Maya Hansen," he said. "She will lead the experimental project, and all personnel involved in the project will be closely monitored. The biologists your father recruits should preferably be Hydra scientists. I worry that someone will be driven crazy in that environment."

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