Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 452 Tita's Little Thoughts (Part 1)

All the girls with intact limbs who wanted to stay were divided into teams of ten and lived in the building belonging to the sisterhood in the Immortal City. They were the first girls who were willing to swear their lives to the Great Master, and after the androids examined their physical fitness, they became the first batch of Sorority Reserves. Even though they come from different countries and speak completely different accents, these girls can still communicate with stumbling gibberish gestures, showing their peers the traces of their terrible past on their bodies.

There is more than one girl who wiped away her tears after crying, and then looked forward to her future life.

They have all been in a similar hell, and the arrival of the sisterhood ignited the flames of revenge in their hearts. Therefore, the first items that the artificial people gave them were not clothes or medicine, but pistols and daggers. This was the first time they had their own power. Each member of the reserve team received a Kabbah 1217 tactical dagger and an Italian Beretta 92F pistol. Although the girls did not know the names of these weapons, they could still feel the sense of security brought by the heavy steel in their hands. It was their own weapon, the first gift they had.

In the past, they have been threatened with pistols and daggers more than once. In the future, this will not happen again, and they will pour out their anger on the enemy's head. From now on, they will bid farewell to the things that girls of the same age should enjoy. They will shed their weakness and stay away from nightmares. They will be forged by flames and sweat like daggers in their hands, tempered by blood and tears, and become reliable weapons.

The girls turned off the lights and went to sleep after agreeing to braid each other's hair the next morning, or the sorority would break into the room and throw them on the bed. Except for the lessons that will be held tomorrow morning, it is no different from an ordinary girls' school. These girls are also looking forward to using guns and knives in training sessions, wearing armor and fighting hand-to-hand with their peers, because they know that the sisterhood is giving them strength.

They are known for their courses in firearm maintenance and modification, gun training, pistol and rifle shooting. They will learn Weir's shooting position, axis relock system and pointing shooting, as well as Mozambique shooting and contact shooting. At the same time, the artificial man will also teach them how to do close combat, including hand-to-hand combat and bayonet combat. After they complete those courses, they will have the opportunity to touch the long sword and learn the Germanic swordsmanship sorted out by Salomon.

Just as the girls turned off the lights and went to sleep, Tita was taking almost all the artificial humans to make alchemy potions. These medicines are used by those girls during training, and many of them are formulated from the Umbra Witch family, which are medicines specially designed for female users to improve their physical fitness. After Salomon and Dinah's adjustments, taking these medicines at the same time will not cause adverse reactions. Under the condition of strictly controlling the intake, taking these alchemy medicines for a long time can improve their muscle mass, bone density and nerve response.

The ingredients for the potion were purchased by Dinah from Vandazar Fu using gold. Salomon's gold is far from being able to achieve such a large long-term transaction, but there is the world's largest gold reserve vault underground in New York City, and it is not a big problem for the mystic to borrow it quietly.

Anyway, the United States is diverting the gold stored there by other countries for other purposes, and Salomon doesn't mind throwing stones at the national credit of the United States at all. He thinks those girls are more important than American national credit.

Without these drugs, it is absolutely impossible for those girls to complete the extremely rigorous training, and their natural physical fitness is absolutely inferior to the artificial humans who use the alchemy engine. But the Sisterhood's expectation of them was more than that. When Salomon agreed that the Sisterhood would accept new blood from mortals, Tita already had some plans in her heart.

This is not betrayal, but loyalty, even if this kind of loyalty is disgusted by the gods they worship, the Sisterhood will not regret it. They want to spread this belief to every girl, and they also ask them to keep it a secret, to hide the fanaticism in their hearts. Cyborgs know how difficult it is, but they have to do it.

It's not that there are no girls who want to go home to find their loved ones, but artificial people have explained to them the pros and cons-even if they go back, there is nothing they can do. They miss the opportunity to receive education, the local government will not take care of them, and some people may even sell them again.

This is a paradise far away from the world. Even if they don't join the sorority, only here can they live peacefully and steadily.

The girls who insisted on going home were never seen again.

"Where are those girls?" The royal princess of Wakanda broke into Salomon's office directly to question him. She has just obtained the first-hand physical examination data of those girls, and is going to provide medical assistance to those girls who are suffering from diseases. But when she got up the next day and came to the Immortal City, passing the training ground of the sisterhood to see the girls who were training, she found that some people were missing.

Su Rui immediately remembered the longing for her hometown expressed by those girls during her physical examination, and those girls were highlighted by her. And the missing girls were those, which made Su Rui lose his mind all of a sudden. Regardless of the cooperative relationship between Wakanda and Salomon, she rushed into the office with a weapon, and was almost bitten by the spirit dog that Salomon placed at the door.

Stephanie, who was standing by the desk, poured a cup of tea for Salomon, and then cast a contemptuous look at Shu Rui. But soon she hid that look, pretending nothing happened. Since Dinah needs to be responsible for the daily operation of the sisterhood, the position of Salomon's life assistant is temporarily held by Stephanie, and this Hydra's daughter is also very competent to grasp certain details of Salomon's life.

Although Dinah made the Sunday breakfast herself, Stephanie already knew how much sugar Salomon's black tea needed.

Salomon rolled his eyes at Su Rui. "T'Chaka should have educated you on royal etiquette, Princess Shu Rui." He took a sip of hot tea slowly and expressed his appreciation to Stephanie, "Or is it that the Wakanda royal family are all fools who are not good at using their brains?"

"You answer my question first!" Princess Su Rui sat down at the table angrily.

"I have fulfilled their wishes, and I have sent them back to their hometown." Salomon turned over a page of the book in his hand without raising his head, "Every girl who wanted to go home was not left behind."


"Last night." Salomon raised his eyebrows, showing a rare tiredness. "I can only modify their memories in their sleep. They will forget what happened here, and then they will come up with a logical and somewhat bizarre story to fill the gaps in their memories, so as to completely hide the existence of the Sisterhood and the Immortal City. Since I have been casting spells for one night, can you give me some rest time?"

Salomon's tone was very serious while being polite. He relies heavily on Su Rui's research and development ability, so he allows her to have extremely high authority in the Immortal City, but this does not mean that he can tolerate Su Rui's dictating everything in the Immortal City. To put it simply, Shu Rui is used to the Wakanda royal family, thinking that the Immortal City is the same as Wakanda.

The cooperation between Immortal City and Wakanda is mutually beneficial. It is not so much Wakanda that he cooperates with, but Bastet. Wakanda is the spokesperson of Bastet. As the king, T'Chaka can position himself well, and the prince T'Challa also understands it, but only Shu Rui is still well protected.

"You don't understand anything, Su Rui." He said, "Go to work."

Ask for a ticket!

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