Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 453 Big Lie (Second)

Su Rui left in a huff, as if she had installed an alarm clock on the sole of her shoe, banging on the marble floor.

She knew that after seeing the human experiment plan, she lowered Salomon's lower limit extremely low. Salomon transferred herself out of the human experiment project team to prevent herself from interfering in it. She also knew that she had misunderstood him in this matter, but this did not prevent her from being angry because Salomon taught her in a condescending tone.

What made her even more angry was that some of the girls who were sent back were untreated.

However, Salomon said that those girls themselves refused to join the sisterhood and refused to change the path of destiny, so the resources of the Immortal City should not be wasted on them. He is not a kind person, nor does he do charity. There are so many people in this world, he can only be a small part, not to mention saving those girls is to add fresh blood to the sorority, don't think too well of him.

But from a certain point of view, Salomon has done much better than many charitable organizations in European and American countries. He didn't conduct secret clinical trials of drugs on the girls, he didn't perform surgeries and inject drugs on them without telling them. He placed an order for Wakanda to order prosthetics for girls with physical disabilities. He even found a few sewing machines for girls in poor health, allowing them to sew clothes and give them the comfort of "I am a useful person".

With such humanitarian help, he also gave those girls educational opportunities comparable to public schools.

The textbooks were selected by Stephanie herself, and Joan of Arc volunteered to be a teacher after knowing what happened to those girls. Even if Joan just wanted to find a part-time job to pass the time, and the textbooks that Stephanie chose were not perfect, but the teaching level and degrees of the two had already surpassed the qualifications of many schools.

Based on the academic qualifications of these two people alone, the schools outside the school are enough to raise the housing prices in the school districts around the school by 50%.

Originally, for those girls, this kind of educational resources could not be obtained in this lifetime, but these things are within their reach now. Salomon expected more from the Sisterhood than a weapon, and that would be a waste.

In fact, Salomon did not show an overly superior attitude, but Su Rui just couldn't accept it. The royal princess of Wakanda has been too smart since she was a child. King T'Chaka also adopted the concept of laissez-faire education. Under T'Chaka's arrangement, she can learn all the knowledge she wants to learn. She doesn't need to learn anything she doesn't want to learn. Her brother is the only heir to the throne, her father is the only king, and no matter what she does, she is tolerated.

To put it simply, Su Rui was spoiled too much and was under too much pressure.

Salomon hadn't even been bombarded with text messages late at night on a weekend asking her to work overtime!

He let Su Rui control the progress of all scientific research projects. Is there a better boss in this world than him?

"Do you need to report this to Wakanda?" Stephanie was so excited that her toes straightened. She feels that she has finally encountered political struggle, which is her family knowledge, and she is about to show her skills. As long as Salomon agrees to her action, she can now play tricks on the partnership between the Immortal City and Wakanda, and can kick the Wakanda out of the Mars Foundry plan at any time.

She was planning this matter after she knew the true face of Wakanda for the first time, and Salomon also gave her part of the means to counter Wakanda. She also had the idea of ​​destroying Wakanda and completely occupying Wakanda's resources and technology.

It's just that this plan has never been approved by Salomon, because recklessly severing the cooperative relationship or even going to war will greatly reduce the strength of the Immortal City. The mystic said that he had an easier method, and he also took Stephanie to see an alchemy body soaked in a culture tank.

"What is this?" Stephanie was a little puzzled. How could a cyborg be the key to countering Wakanda?

"The time has not come yet." Salomon didn't answer this question. He just smiled and said in a mysterious way, "This body will be activated soon, and you will understand its usefulness when the time comes. All of this is planned."

"I'm your secretary, can't I know?"

"What do you say, Secretary?"

Stephanie is no stranger to Salomon's mystical style of acting, and a few months are not enough for her to explore all the secrets of the new boss. In Hydra's youth training camp before, Stephanie saw that Salomon thought of a rough plan within seconds of getting the list, who knows how many plans he has in progress.

"Then why did you read that book?" Stephanie changed the subject and put the question on the books Salomon read in the morning. That book is not very popular in European and American society. She couldn't think of the usefulness of Salomon reading that book, "The Complete Works of Lenin is still in Russian. Do you want to find some knowledge from that book?"

"There are some. I am looking for a way out of dialectical materialism." The mystic curled his lips. "Engels said that the true unity of the world lies in its materiality. Therefore, matter is primary and consciousness is secondary. Consciousness is a highly developed substance, a function of the human brain, and a reflection of the objective material world in the human brain. It would be great if this world was really that simple—will can affect the laws of matter, and magic is a typical example of it."

Salomon sighed. He held out a hand, and clusters of high-energy plasma flickered at his fingertips.

"Gods that represent the objective laws of matter exist, and they can modify the laws of mathematics at will. I am looking for a way to abandon religion. Lenin's thought is my attempt to abandon worship, abandon ignorance and pursue scientific rationality, so that people realize that even if God exists, there is no need to worship." He clenched his palms, and the plasma cluster turned into snowflakes.

"It's difficult, because you deny atheism." Stephanie grasped Salomon's thoughts, "This approach will only lead to agnosticism. Don't look at me like that, I have studied philosophy."

"Then why do you call a creature representing a certain concept a god instead of a machine that affects the operation of the universe?" The mystic threw out his own thought bomb. "Anyway, humans can't affect that machine, and that machine won't be changed because of human worship. So is there any point in worship? God's love for the world is fundamentally a false proposition. If God is really omnipotent, then it doesn't make any difference whether humans worship or not—in fact, there is still a difference.

"This is impossible, because human beings need objects of worship to become their spiritual pillars. Human beings are weak and need to be ruled and worshiped." Stephanie found the key. "Then, it is necessary to hide the existence of gods. Without the gods representing the objective laws of matter, all problems can be easily solved."

"Yes, a lie to deceive everyone, a helpless lie." Salomon nodded, "Asgard is an alien, and the dark elves are aliens. There is no magic in this world, and Asgard's magic is high technology. This is my lie, and everyone believes it."

"Then what does all this mean to you, Salomon?"

Ask for a ticket!

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