Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 455 Stockholm Syndrome (Second)

Salomon did not indulge in carnal desires, he even dared to swear to Visandi, and swear by the training he had received since he was a child. But in order to make Lorelai suffer from Stockholm Syndrome to ensure that she will not be out of control after being sent back to Asgard, and to ensure that she becomes the best spy, Salomon still trained her. This is a very academic matter, a plan that Salomon formulated after consulting a large amount of psychological data.

This is a very complete psychological devastation. Even if he takes Lorelei out now, as long as Salomon can satisfy her desire and ask her to do anything in public, Rhine's daughter will not refuse.

But now is not a good time to send her back to Asgard. As long as he walks out of this room, Heimulda's eyes can find her, and he must send her back through the gap between the branches of the world tree when the Rainbow Bridge is lowered.

That's why he continued to train Lorelai. It's definitely not a sign of his sensuality, he promises.

He found a previously ordered long sword grid from Luo Dan, a non-famous fallen angel blacksmith. After polishing the sword embryo, he installed the gold sword grid inlaid with rubies. The only materials used in the sword embryo include Uru metal, which is an excellent enchanting material, so Salomon did not hesitate to add a magical effect to the sword.

This sword has the same return ability as Thor's Hammer, which Salomon added on purpose. But this effect is somewhat different from Thor's Hammer, because the sword will be sent directly back to the user's hand, because not every weapon is as indestructible as Thor's Hammer, and sending it directly back to the user will reduce many variables.

In addition to this practical function, the magical effect on this sword can be inspiring, boost morale, and help those around you fight fear (heroism). The enemy hit by this sword will feel unspeakable tremors and even nausea. When the user kills a target, the user of this sword will get a temporary buff (cruelty), and it can cause greater damage to all extradimensional creatures.

The magic effect that Salomon painstakingly added can also resist any supernatural means that can make the sword rust (sturdy), so that the user will not put down the weapon in extreme desperate situations (bravery), and can also speed up the user's movements so that it can make more attacks (breaking rule).

Last but not least, this sword bears part of Salomon's real name. This real name is concealed in the complex patterns on the sword body, protecting the user from evil with the power of the stigmata, and this also adds a magical effect that Salomon did not expect.

Due to the overpowering magical power in Salomon's blood, the sword can even interfere with enemy spellcasting. Although this effect is not very great, and the spell can be recast with a little concentration, but this effect can play an unexpected role in certain situations.

In order to fit these runes better on the sword, Salomon also asked Rodin for a special forging method.

"Tita." Salomon called to the android who was busy supervising the training of new students, and handed her the long sword wrapped in linen. Tita was a little puzzled at first, but when she took the long strip of linen wrap with both hands, the heavy touch on her hand told her what it was. The artificial man who was still trying to maintain a dignified expression immediately couldn't control the expression of surprise. She even let out a shy whimper when she realized it.

Salomon noticed that she was wearing the black lipstick he had given her.

After getting Salomon's consent, Tita opened the package impatiently, and carefully looked at the carefully forged long sword - the polished blade was extremely sharp, and the folded and forged lines were faintly visible. Both the sword grid and the hilt are golden, and the center of the front and back of the sword grid is inlaid with a large dark red round ruby. The sword grid is in the shape of an angel with outstretched hands and wings. The extended golden wings are in the shape of an inverted triangle as a whole. There are golden angel statues on the front and back sides, tightly clamping the sword body with its back and legs.

The wire that wraps the metal hilt is brass nerve cord that Rodin stripped from an angel's wing, and the weight at the end of the hilt is a golden bust of a brooding, hooded woman with two faces. The hilt of suitable length can be held with one hand or with two hands, and the slightly longer and thicker blade than ordinary half swords makes this sword full of weight.

The complex pattern on the gray-black flat sword spine reveals a faint blue light, forming beautiful cracks like ice. All the arcane runes are carefully hidden in these lines, including even part of Salomon's real name.

This sword is a dizzyingly perfect work of art, whether it is the distinct and detailed feather patterns on the sword grid shaped like angel wings or the small inscriptions around the circles inlaid with rubies, they are all carved out bit by bit by fallen angel craftsmen and Salomon using carving knives. As for the sculpture on the sword grid, Salomon did not use the lost wax method, but used the sculpture skills taught by Athena to carve on hot metal, using two different techniques, and then formed it after cooling.

(Part of the reason is because Salomon doesn't want to touch cad anymore)

When Tita held the sword carefully, the light on the ice pattern on the spine of the sword instantly increased its brightness. The excited android subconsciously swung the long sword, and she realized that Salomon was standing in front of her after she realized it. Tita's light brown skin immediately turned red, and she wanted to apologize but was too anxious to speak, so she could only stammer out words.

Especially when Salomon stroked her short white hair, Tita almost fainted.

Salomon's attitude towards these androids is somewhat different. Except for Dinah, who was the first to be created, the other androids seemed to him like his own children. Tita, a somewhat shy artificial human, is even more loved by him, especially when he strokes her head, Tita behaves very well. It was a strange feeling, but it didn't stop him from promising Tita and the Sisterhood that they would always have the honor of standing by his side and fighting by his side.

"You dote on them too much, you shouldn't spend too much time in the sorority. They have the ability to take care of themselves, they are born to serve you and not the other way around." Dinah made a small protest, expressing her dissatisfaction by "accidentally" forgetting to add sugar to the black tea.

Salomon smiled, acquiescing to Dinah's waywardness.

Dinah was in control of her master's life schedule, and Salomon spent too much time forging that long sword, disrupting many arrangements. In Dinah's eyes, even Salomon's afternoon tea was more important than forging weapons for the Sisterhood. She glared at Stephanie who was sitting behind another desk, and then stood beside Salomon in silence, blocking Stephanie's gaze.

"What kind of sword are you talking about?" Stephanie didn't seem to notice Dinah's attitude, she still asked the question like no one else, "Can I have a look?"

"That's a sorority secret," Dinah replied hastily. She didn't seem to want Stephanie to get involved in the running of the sorority at all. Dinah was extremely wary of this woman who had just joined Salomon and her family. She took a document about the update of the Sisterhood's weaponry from Stephanie's desk and put it back on Salomon's desk.

"I handled all the documents of the Immortal City!" Stephanie stood up dissatisfied, "All of them! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to account for the expenses of the Immortal City!"

"No, you can access the Sisterhood's papers only with my Master's permission." Dinah cast her a dangerous look. "Not now, mortal. The Sisterhood is only responsible to my Master."

Salomon remained silent, allowing Dinah and Stephanie to clash.

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