Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 456: Kitty Can't Listen To This (Part 1)

In the document submitted by Dinah, there is an update suggestion on the weapons and equipment of the sisterhood. She hopes that Shu Rui can make similar weapons through the imitation of the chainsaw sword, so as to deal with adequate protection. Zhenjin is indeed very powerful, but before Stark's research results are released, the Zhenjin sword still needs to rely on the power of artificial humans and power armor.

In the previous missions, the Sisterhood had discovered the dilemma of the Zhenjin Longsword in the face of armored vehicles. The artificial people urgently needed a weapon that could be used to cut armor plates and a portable bomb with sufficient power.

Salomon signed the document, agreeing to spend the research funding. Stephanie also agreed to this approach after a few glances, because she knew that Salomon's next strategy was to be located in the place where wars broke out most frequently in the world, and such weapons and equipment were very useful.

Although the U.S. military has no backbone, as long as they have armored forces, they will resist. Stephanie has roughly figured out how much money and weapons and equipment are needed to complete the next strategy. The production capacity of the Immortal City has not yet reached the standard, and there are many pre-research studies for the Mars Foundry plan.

However, Salomon has already drawn up an investment plan, which not only plans to invest in high-tech fields including Roxon, but also takes advantage of the virtual currency's plunge to become a bookmaker, waving a sickle wantonly to harvest American leeks.

Anyway, guerrilla warfare is not a frontal battle, and the cost is much less than that of a war, and it is not impossible for Salomon to carry out follow-up plans in the local area to make profits and continue to maintain this war. And he didn't intend to do it himself, and it was reasonable to launch a puppet to accept infrastructure assistance from other countries.

Even though it was just an attempt, Salomon and Stephanie carefully prepared for all possible problems.

The most important thing is the religious issue. Salomon's consistent attitude is to thoroughly clean up all religions and burn all religious books. All places of worship are converted into schools, all children are gathered for compulsory study, and adults are educated while working. Moreover, Salomon's attitude is definitely not as gentle as that of another country. That land has been poisoned by various forces for a long time, and it is impossible to use strong medicine.

Even if Stark rushed to him and asked him for an explanation, Salomon could use Dr. Ethan's hometown as an example to show Stark, who received "liberal, democratic and human rights education", that no matter how powerful his steel suit is, individual heroism cannot save the world. Pure economic assistance is not enough, and armed intervention is even more unworkable. Only by fundamentally transforming the land can Dr. Ethan's last wish be fulfilled.

As for being accused of words like "dictatorship" and "power", Salomon didn't care at all. How bad could it be? He has the power to overturn the table in his hands.

Stephanie also agreed to the plan after a little objection, and then went to plan with her forehead covered. The fact is that she has too much to do. If Salomon hadn't given her a few doses of potions, as an ordinary person, she would not have been able to complete so many tasks.

She is simply the busiest one in the Immortal City.

The Mystic also suggested in a document to Shuri that she miniaturize Wakanda's energy shield and study how to install it on the Sisterhood's power armor. In this way, the protection level of the power armor doesn't have to rely entirely on the strength of the titanium alloy outer armor and the vibrating gold shock absorption system.

Salomon, who assigns tasks arbitrarily, has no guilt in his heart. He has never asked people to work overtime. He will not be superstitious about the protective ability of the vibrating armor, there are many kinds of power in this world that can bypass the vibrating armor and affect the user. For example, many magic effects that do not directly affect the body, but the environment and spirit cannot be resisted by the vibration gold armor.

You have to ask how Salomon knew?

Because he watched T'Challa fall on the ground where the greasy technique was cast.


The Cheshire cat jumped onto the table and sniffed the black thing in front of him suspiciously.

This is not food, thought the Cheshire Cat. This thing smells like a glowing box.

It can see its owner facing a very interesting light-emitting box every day. There are many people and animals living in that light-emitting box, and more importantly, there are many cute kittens. The Cheshire cat loves to sleep on top of a warm glowing box, and even if its owner doesn't like it, it's not a good idea for a kitten who goes her own way.

The Cheshire cat raised its head and glanced at its owner on the other side of the table. Its owner was busy among a pile of thin lines of various colors, green and black small columns, and white smoke whizzed from his hands from time to time. The Cheshire cat couldn't understand what its owner was doing, but it had already smelled these things on the table, and they all smelled like the glowing box. After making sure there was no food in these things, the Cheshire cat walked around boredly among the various items, until it saw a small black square box next to the table.

It glanced at its owner, then quietly raised its cat legs and walked over, squatting in front of the small black square box. The Cheshire cat reconfirmed that its owner was too busy to take care of other things, and then it carefully stretched out its round paws, trying to push the thing off the table.

"Shit! Cheshire!" Salomon jumped up from the chair, and kept shaking his fingers that had been numbed by the electric shock.

The mystic was going mad, but the Cheshire cat still looked innocent, as if it didn't know what it had just touched. That is a piece of observation equipment recently designed by Jane Foster, which can accurately detect the readings of various signals before the Einstein-Rosen bridge is generated, and Salomon is working on one of the components. The entire device needs the support of a high-power generator, and Salomon can only make do with car batteries during the production stage.

"Why are you touching the switch!" Salomon twisted the back of the Cheshire Cat's neck and brought it up in front of him, but the Cheshire Cat still tilted its head back, expressing that it didn't know anything, "Get out!"

Salomon sighed and threw the familiar to the ground. Dinah silently held up the electric iron and glanced at the Cheshire cat who was trying to act coquettishly at her, but she silently looked away, pretending not to see the cat rubbing against her feet. Seeing that it failed to act like a baby, the Cheshire cat raised its head and meowed at its owner in dissatisfaction, then walked out of the study with its head held high and its chest held high under the glaring gaze of the mystic, not worried about its dinner at all.

After a while, Bayonetta came in with the Cheshire cat in her arms. The witch didn't pay any attention to the Cheshire cat's accusation, and let the fat cat crawl into her arms. She didn't come to quarrel with Salomon, she planned to discuss with Salomon about the birthday party - the hotel sent a menu for the guests to choose, Bayonetta and Joan chose the dishes they wanted, and then Salomon had to choose. This is to take into account the taboos of the guests, and the witches don't know what the mystics of Karma Taj like to eat and what they hate.

"Don't worry, you don't have to avoid meat and fish when eating outside. Vegetarian food is used to adjust the body and test the will. After a certain amount of practice, the mystics can eat whatever they want. It's not a big deal."


"The Cheshire Cat said he wanted tuna," said Bayonetta, laughing. "I think we should add another seat. By the way, I've picked out the manor. When are you going to pay for it?"

Ask for a ticket!

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