Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 457: Snowmobile (Second Change)

With the help of Laura Crawford, the riverside manor in Oxfordshire cost Salomon 15 million pounds and took it down, and the procedures were completed. It's just that he can't live in it immediately after the transfer of the property rights. He has to hire professionals to clean up the manor carefully, preferably to the point where he can move in, because the furniture in the manor is still good.

The former owner only did the most basic maintenance of the manor, and did not care about the wanton growth of weeds and the wanton entry and exit of some small wild animals in the manor. The company Salomon contacted was also recommended by Lara Croft. Another manor of the Crawford family is to hire professionals from this company to clean it up. Sometimes Laura will also arrange for a housekeeper to hire this company to clean up the garden.

Salomonte deliberately chose this manor with a horse farm, just to let Pegasus run wildly, and the witches can also race in the manor. Therefore, he also needs to spend a sum of money to repair the roads of the manor-highways 4 and 40 can go directly from Oxfordshire to London, which only takes an hour. Witches sometimes drive from the manor to London for shopping. Salomon knows a jewelry designer with Middle Eastern descent in London, and she can provide the witches with the best service.

Just to put the motorcycle bought by Bayonetta, Salomon has to find two more garages in New York City, not to mention the plan to remodel the yoga room and cloakroom in the apartment. Even the Cheshire cat does not have its own cubicle.

[The Cheshire cat has its own crib, but it prefers to stay in a cardboard box. Including scratching boards, the sofa is the best scratching board. 】

So everyone in the apartment supported the plan to move, and it was almost possible to move there after Salomon's birthday party.

"You're leaving New York and moving to Oxfordshire? Are you leaving New York pizza?" Tony Stark was taken aback by the news. "Before or after your birthday, buddy?" he said. "Listen, I'm sorry your birthday happens to be Christmas, but I've got a present for you anyway. I know you don't have Christmas, so it's your birthday, okay?"

"It doesn't matter, I won't invite you to my birthday party anyway." Salomon said with a smile, "It's a party in the magic world."

"Oh! This hurts so much!" Stark pretended to cover his heart, "If I hadn't taken the shrapnel out for more than a year, you might have killed me by saying that."

"Sir, is there any shrapnel that hasn't been removed?" Jarvis asked, "Do you want to make an appointment for a new operation?"

"This is just a metaphor. I should upgrade your lexicon and logical association ability." Stark rolled his eyes. "The deep learning chips are all designed by myself. If you want, I can give you a few chips and help you install a graphics card. What's so surprising, I do have a lithography machine. But this is not a gift, this is the gift I gave you!"

The billionaire beckons Salomon to come with him to the garage, and he shows Salomon his new snowmobile. "I modified it." He blinked. "According to less rigorous calculations, it takes five seconds to accelerate to 100 kilometers. I'm going to South America with Pepper for vacation, so I don't need a snowmobile. I think this guy will perform better in the Scottish Highlands."

"The manor I bought is in Oxfordshire, not in Scotland."

"Whatever, it's all the same." Stark said confidently, "Although you won't invite me to the birthday party, I will still invite you to my wedding."

"Wow? When?" Salomon was a little surprised now, because he didn't know when Pepper Potts and Stark would hold their wedding. He even suspected that it was because he told Stark that he would have a daughter in the future that he had the idea of ​​​​marrying.

"It depends on how you say it." Stark seemed a little nervous. "I think if the timing of the marriage was not right, Pepper's baby might not have been that girl," he said. "You know, I don't really believe in fate, prophecies and things like that... I just kind of like daughters. You know what I mean."

"Let it be, Stark. Destiny is a wonderful thing. Some things are predestined, and no matter how they change, they will happen. All you have to do is accept it, and then find out where you can change it."

"Is this what you thought of yourself?"

"No, my teacher told me." Salomon said, "I know it sounds a bit fatalistic, but multiverses exist, and various situations can happen. I see the possibility of one of the multiverses. I'm not 100% sure whether this possibility will happen to you, but it is indeed a possibility."

"And what about the statistical significance?"

"I don't know, the multiverse is endless. There are new births and old destructions every moment. In each different multiverse, there are some events that will happen 100% of the time. It is also possible for these random events to combine into a brand new universe."

"Like Lego."

"Yes, it might just be a difference in the color of a piece of Lego between two Lego buildings, and that's enough to generate a new universe."

"And what about my daughter?"

"I don't know." Salomon shrugged his shoulders with an innocent face. "I'm not an all-knowing and omnipotent god. You should ask the conceptual entity of this universe about this matter. But you have to pay a considerable price to see this god. His group of gods can be called the true god of the physical universe, which is not something we humans can resist."

"Then what about Asgard?" Stark, who heard the secrets of the universe, regained his energy. "Can Asgardians resist those gods?"

"Father of the Gods once gathered all the gods on the earth to resist the invasion of the Celestial Group. I can only tell you that even with such a mighty force, it can barely compete with the Celestial Group." Salomon said, "Part of the reason why the gods left the earth is because of the Celestial Group, and the other part is because of Kama Taj—because speaking of it, the first generation of supreme mages was connected with the conceptual entity of this universe, and the name Supreme Master was born from this. I cannot say that the Celestial Group helped humans drive away the gods. Because humans are a kind of experimental animals for the Celestial Group."

"My God!"

"You mentioned that Christ may also need to surrender to this universe, but I'm not sure, because there are still many secrets in heaven." Salomon narrowed his eyes, showing a sinister expression, "My teacher told me that some layers of heaven are blocked by Metatron, and no one knows what the plan of heaven is."

"Why is it so dangerous outside the earth!" Stark frowned, and his good mood disappeared suddenly. "Why do you bring me bad news every time? Are you doing it on purpose?"

"I'm just stating the facts." The mystic said, "Human beings are such an inconspicuous race. You can always feel the painstaking efforts of the Venerable to conceal magic, right? If the Venerable let mankind know that heaven really exists, then science and technology will not be able to develop at all. People will all go to church to read the Bible, and all knowledge is in the hands of the church. Don't say how good it is now. After S.H.I.E.L.D. It is also the object of worship by some people, weak people need spiritual support, and the Avengers are the spiritual support of some people."

"Why do I feel that you are accusing me?"

"I'm just pointing out the inferiority of creatures through the smartest of mortals. There's nothing wrong with needing spiritual support, but it's a bit too stupid to kneel to extradimensional creatures." Salomon said, "Kama Taj's main mission is to kill extradimensional creatures and ensure human independence. So you are very important, Stark, and you are a barrier against the threat of the physical universe."

Ask for a ticket!

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