Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 459: Everyone Has Their Own Plans (Second Change)

Salomon did not agree to attend the Hydra Christmas dinner, but he still arranged ten artificial humans for Stephanie, asking her to completely subdue the conservative Hydra headed by the Malik family at that banquet. Although Gideon Malik was a little unhappy, but thinking that those Hydras were actually Stephanie's subordinates, and the day when the Malik family's power transfer would come sooner or later, it was better to lay the foundation for Stephanie's rule in advance while he was not too old to be unconscious.

"Don't have too much blood." Gideon Malik requested, "Those families have followed the Malik family for hundreds of years. Whether in Britain or the United States, the conservative Hydra has extremely rich assets and connections. I believe those people will be useful to you."

"This matter is led by the Malik family, but—" Salomon pointed to the artificial man behind him, and the subtext was self-evident. If those hydras refused to obey, then he didn't mind using violent pillaging to focus those resources.

But Stephanie had another piece of news for him. It turned out that she has long been the real controller of several listed companies. If Salomon intends to take back those industries, then those companies must be merged into a group to improve administrative efficiency and cooperation between different companies. "There may be resistance." Stephanie said, "The Rothschild family also got involved, as well as the Freemasons. Are you going to clear those people?"

"Why should I worry about a group of stonemasons who will award sports stars with medals?" Salomon waved his hand indifferently, as if the Freemasons were really just a group of stonemasons in his eyes. Stephanie didn't dare to be surprised either. The Immortal City is an armed violent group, and it is hardly in line with the economic system of this world. There is no need to worry about the small actions of the capitalists waving money behind the scenes.

The next step after pooling funds is to exchange dollars for gold, and then exchange gold for extraterrestrial resources. There are many sources of funding, one of which is the gangs of New York City. Salomon promised that Stephanie could go to the alien black market with him to do business, and he had already contacted a black market merchant from the Kerry Empire. The alien black market dealer obviously didn't want to make such a big deal with Salomon.

There is no security in doing business on the black market. Just like the auction houses in many fantasy novels, they will be attacked as soon as they go out. It's just that alien technology doesn't pose much threat to him. As long as it is defined as technology, from small alien guns to large spaceships, he has a way to deal with it.

Stephanie was also given a modified piece of Sisterhood Power Armor that enhanced the Resurrection System to protect herself during the transaction.

With a hammer, everything is a nail, and Stephanie is no exception. Simple and crude solutions allow her to focus on more important tasks, such as the Martian foundry. Stephanie is inviting professionals to evaluate the production capacity of the artificial intelligence-controlled Mars foundry, and then use this as a standard to plan the strategy with Salomon and determine the progress of the great plan.

"The enemy is coming, Stephanie." Salomon said softly, "Then it's time for us to show our strength. That battle will be more tragic than anyone imagined, and it's just the first battle for human beings to step out of the earth. Hurry up, Stephanie, hurry up, we're running out of time."

The reason why Salomon said this is that he heard the movements of various empires in the universe in the trading city between dimensions. The Kerry Empire has an ambiguous attitude towards Ronan the Conqueror, the truce agreement is likely to become a piece of paper, and the war between Xandar and the Kree Empire will break out again. The cosmic warlord Thanos also recently sent a fleet to search for some mysterious things.

The quiet universe will soon become lively, and the earth will not be stable for long.

"I will." Stephanie nodded, "Can you tell me what kind of enemy that is?"

"It's just the most common villain in comics." Salomon shrugged, unwilling to say too much. Thanos' fleet is too powerful, and he has to speed up to catch up. Prior to this, he had obtained the permission of the Venerable, and the Venerable agreed to use the time gem to speed up the time in a certain area for the construction of warships.

Maybe Agamotto knew, but he didn't stop him. The first-generation supreme mage who is good at prophecy has already seen the possibility of the future, and he, who is partial to human beings, acquiesced to Salomon's approach. From the first time Salomon put on the ring, he felt that Agamotto was abnormally partial.

But he couldn't guess the intention of the God of Truth, and the Venerable didn't know what plan Agamotto had.

But even the grim future can't stop Salomon from taking off his suit and putting on a Paper Girl T-shirt.


The door of the apartment opened with a bang, and the witches, who ignored the weather and wore cropped shirts and jeans, walked in haughtily. The Cheshire cat following them even raised its head and looked at the road with its chin until it hit the corner of the table. The witches accepted Athena's invitation and went to the beauty salon purchased by the goddess of wisdom to do SPA. Even the fur of the Cheshire cat became smooth and moist. Bayonetta even showed her new pure black manicure in front of Salomon.

Tomorrow, the witches plan to go to that manor to inspect and hold a stunt racing competition between witches.

"Boya, why are you frowning?" Beunita, wearing a wide-brimmed hat, bent down, holding the sunglasses with one hand, and looked at Salomon through the gap above the glasses. The hem of the white shirt was tied in a knot at her chest, and the mystic could even see the black lace trim. "Is it because we didn't invite you when we went out to play?" She said with a smile, "Or are you jealous?"

"certainly not!"

"You are so cute!" Bayonetta pinched Salomon's face, and then kissed him on the lips. "Are you satisfied?" The scent of rosemary on Beunita's body, which resembled sweet camphor and grass, entered his nostrils, but the refreshing and strong fragrance made the witch feel a little oppressed. Bayonetta took off her hat and straddled Salomon's lap.

She was satisfied with Salomon's physical response, especially the speed. She put Salomon's hands on her waist, and the mystic's hands were full of delicate touch. The witch's belly is not as soft as that of ordinary women. Salomon can touch Beunita's vest line and abdominal muscles, and her slender waist can be held with only two hands.

When Bayunita habitually fixed his waist with her slender and powerful legs, Salomon subconsciously hugged her tightly, and also held the witch's hip with one hand. His hand stroked the witch's smooth back, which made Beunita laugh, and the silver triangular pierced perkin earrings inlaid with sapphires dangled.

"Do you want to see my apology?" Bayonetta put her hands on Salomon's shoulders and looked down at him. Some sticky voices sounded in Salomon's ears, "I can show you before Joan has changed. If you don't want to sleep tonight, I can..."

"Let Joan sleep on the sofa today."

Ask for a ticket!

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