Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 460 Supernatural Magic (Part 1)

"Your face is terrible, brother Salomon. You look no better than a piece of shit." Little Lorna came over and sniffed the scent of Salomon with a puzzled expression. Although he had already taken a bath and put on the holy relic robe, but because Salomon didn't like the strong scent of incense, there was only the smell of washing powder on the holy relic robe.

Fortunately, the quality of the Shengke cloth is excellent, and it will not fade at all.

"Rosemary, is your girlfriend pestering you again?" Little Lorna threw a disdainful look, "Is that woman so clingy? Or did you forget to promise me today? I don't know why Sister Minerva would allow you to associate with that witch, or did you fall in love with her because she has magic?"

"I promise I haven't forgotten." Salomon took the topic awkwardly, and then pointed the finger at little Lorna, "We are going to visit your family today, you can't dress like this."

Little Lorna looked down at the baggy leather jacket and jeans she was wearing, and then pointed to the peaked cap on her head. After getting a negative answer, her expression became impatient, and it seemed that she was trying to jump on Salomon's back and bite.

"You should at least zip up the zipper of your biker suit." Salomon rolled his eyes. "This is the first time I've seen a sports bra under a leather jacket. Don't forget about the current weather. Even if I cast a heat-preserving magic on you, you'll catch a cold if you expose your belly."

"I just finished exercising, idiot!" Although she said so, little Lorna zipped up obediently, so as not to catch a cold tomorrow. According to Athena, little Lorna has grown up, and she must no longer pay attention to clothes like before.

At least you can't just run around in a loose vest, that's what Athena said.

"You said I have a little sister and a little brother?" Little Lorna put her hands in her pockets and buried her chin in the collar of her black jacket. There was a pistol in that pocket, and after Athena allowed her to keep the gun, little Lorna never left her body. Her expression suddenly became awkward, "You also know that I don't care too much about kinship. You and sister Minerva are my family. Is it really necessary for me to meet those two people?"

"Whatever it is, seeing them is just a side target anyway," Salomon said. "You've been clamoring to stabilize your superpowers for years, so I'm just trying to see if that thing will work for you. Your brothers and sisters in the multiverse just happen to be there too."

"Do you think we should prepare gifts for them?" Lorna pouted, "Will they call me sister?"

"Unfortunately, Lorna, their age may be older than yours. In the parallel universe you are a sister, but in this universe you are a younger sister." Salomon has read some of Baron Sterak's experimental records. Although that part of the records is not very detailed, the age and gender of the test subjects have been mentioned. That experiment record was Baron Strucker's way of proving his abilities to the other smugglers, proving that Loki's scepter was right on him.

Baron Strucker must have never imagined that the record would attract another shark.

"Then can I go to another universe to meet them?" Little Lorna rubbed the soles of her shoes on the floor, looking reluctant to meet her relatives in the multiverse. "Also, will my super power be stronger than theirs?"

"It's hard." Salomon grabbed Little Lorna who was trying to escape, "Let's go, we're in a hurry."

Wanda certainly did not expect that someone would break into her cell, and there were still two people. "Is she my 'little sister'?" Little Lorna emphasized on certain words, "It doesn't look any different, she has red hair and I have green hair, she is definitely not my sister."

"Who are you..." Her question went unanswered.

The man in the red robe approached her, and the cold wind that crashed into the cell from the other side of the portal made the thinly dressed Wanda shiver. Salomon closed the portal very intimately, and then placed an object exuding fragrance and heat in front of her. Wanda curled up on the bed, and the green-haired girl swaggered and sat beside her, causing the red-haired girl to shrink back a little.

"What is this? Who are you?"

"This is the Chicago baptized beef burrito, holy food. Today is the burrito church's burrito communion day, and I hope you eat the burrito." Salomon sat on the other side of the bed, and he and little Lorna sandwiched Wanda in the middle. The usually deserted cell suddenly became lively, making Wanda dazed. By the time Wanda realized it, she had already grabbed a beef patty and lowered her head to eat it, as did the two people sitting next to her, as if they were here to eat.

Hydra guards passed by outside the transparent cell, but didn't take a look inside. Even the staff on duty who looked at the monitoring screen of the cell ignored the abnormality on the screen. Since Salomon walked into this base, his magic began to affect the people here.

"I'm your older sister." Little Lorna finished the food first, then pointed at Wanda confidently and said, "Although I'm younger than you in this universe, I'm your older sister in another universe. So you have to call me older sister!"

"I don't have an older sister, nor a younger sister, I only have a younger brother! Who are you guys!" Wanda stopped chewing, and she was surprised to find that her ability was suppressed just as she was about to use her power. The energy in her hand was flickering like a light bulb with bad contact, and her plan to read the hearts of the two was inexplicably terminated.

It is not difficult for Salomon to crack an unformed spell. He doesn't even need to cast [Dispel Magic] to eliminate Wanda's ability.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"Family picnic. Although this is not the best place for a picnic, at least you won't be hit and killed by a sudden appearance of a big truck or a savage on a horse, and there will be no chattering boy scouts passing by. There are no crocodiles and annoying bugs here, and it is the best picnic place in this base." Salomon tried to use nonsense to make Wanda relax a bit, and only after Wanda's expression relaxed a little did he begin to tell her part of the truth.

"Although you come from different families in this universe, she is indeed your relative in the multiverse. You all share a common genome, and the superpowers you possess all come from the same person. The gifts of the Celestial Group flow in your blood vessels."

"What are you talking about?" Salomon's explanation failed to make Wanda understand. She was still at a loss and had no idea who the two unexpected guests beside her were. Salomon and little Lorna didn't mean to explain either, they just came to say hello.

Salomon had another thought.

He tried to understand what Wanda's powers were, to understand the form of magic possessed by this tool created by the Great Shadow. Wanda is naturally the key focus of Karma Taj, but Salomon volunteered to accept this task. Before that, he had guessed that after the magic of the big phantom was mixed with her own ability, it was very likely to form a more mysterious magic.

This kind of magic comes from the inherent characteristics of the caster. It does not require chanting incantations or special gestures, it is just a purely spiritual activity. This kind of magic is called "supernatural magic", a spell that uses emotions as raw materials. According to Salomon's observation, Wanda is a standard hypnotist, a half-baked kineticist, a supernatural user who has just started, and a magician who has not touched the threshold yet.

Poor girl, she's been in debt to Sithorne since the moment she awakened to her powers.

No one can afford to pay this debt.

Ask for a ticket!

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