Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 461 The Scarlet Witch and the Mystic (Second Change)

Both the power of the Great Shadow Sithorn and the super powers carried by Wanda are very deadly. The combination of the two powers makes Wanda Maximoff's potential leap forward, almost at the highest point of human magical talent. The reason is almost because Salomon's spiritual power is stronger than hers, and it is highly controllable.

Even if she casts a spell that Salomon has never seen before, the mystic can find a way to break it based on his own experience.

Even without the blessing of the stigmata, Salomon's spellcasting skills are enough to defeat this untrained spellcaster. Although it's not uncommon for the powerful bricks to fly at the magical level, such things often happen between spellcasters with huge differences in strength. The same spell is released by different spellcasters, and the results are completely different. The spells cast by powerful spellcasters often go through long-term training and application, and are more powerful than beginners.

In most cases, the magic duel is not a competition of who has more magic power, but the most critical factor is the skill of casting spells. The speed and clarity of incantation, the accuracy of gestures, and other factors add up to the skill of the casters. A fledgling spellcaster of the academic school can even be better than a wandering wild mage whose level is far higher than himself in some respects.

Experienced spellcasters can deduce the upcoming spell from the gestures and syllables of hostile spellcasters, and make effective countermeasures. Or let your spell hit the enemy before the opponent's spell arrives, interrupting the casting of the spell, or simply snatch the control of a spell and return the enemy's spell.

For example, the arcane lock that Salomon imposed on the refrigerator could not be opened even after the Supreme Master touched the refrigerator door. Unless Salomon brute-forced the Venerable's spell, he would not be able to open the refrigerator door at all. [Dispelling Magic] The most commonly used place for this spell is the small refrigerator that Salomon puts in Karma Taj. Over the years, he has used it at least a hundred times, and only a few times he has successfully cracked the secret lock of the Venerable.

Karma Taj trains standard academic spellcasters, and such exercises are carried out every day on the training ground, the purpose is to cultivate the spellcasting skills of the mystics. Compared with the fist-to-flesh melee combat practice, the magic duel is not so good-looking.

To the uninitiated, it doesn't make any sense for two spellcasters to stand face to face for a long time before casting a spell. But for an expert, two spellcasters have fought against each other more than once. The basic routine is casting-interrupting casting, casting-countering spells, casting-stealing spells. This kind of invisible battle is the most eye-catching.

Salomon is the most powerful among all the apprentices, he is good at using tricks to interrupt the opponent's spellcasting. And he doesn't mind using some low-level methods, such as scratching the opponent's nostrils with a feather when the opponent is chanting a spell, forcing the opponent to choose between giving up casting the spell or backlashing after the spell fails.

As far as he knew, there was no spell in this world that used sneezing as an ingredient. The cracking method of the Supreme Mage is also very simple, the Venerable speaks with his fists. Ever since, this trick doesn't work, at least not in Karma Taj.

So when Wanda Maximoff tried to read the hearts of little Lorna and Salomon again, there was a gap in her heart that could be peeped. Wanda, who was in a trance, opened her eyes and found that she had sunk into the deep and dark seabed, and the icy sea water was pressing into her nostrils and lungs. What scares her even more is that there is an eye floating above her, looking for all the information she reveals.

Even though she reacted quickly, the gap was enough for Salomon to detect her superficial thoughts. Of course, part of the reason was that Salomon was not interested in her heart and did not continue to cast spells to detect the mind, otherwise Wanda, who had just mastered the ability, would not be able to resist.

"Your abilities are the same as mine!" The red-haired girl widened her eyes, "You also have superpowers!"

"No, it's completely different." Salomon shook his head without explaining too much. He took away three empty, gravy-stained paper bags, and pulled little Lorna to her feet.

"Let's see you next time, Ms. Maximov." Salomon, who stopped talking nonsense, became polite, which made Wanda think that the person in front of him might have some brain problems. "It's time for us to get down to business." He said to little Lorna, "Hurry up."

"What are you going to do?" Wanda asked suddenly, "Do you want to find that gem?"

"Do you know where that thing is?" Salomon glanced at her with some interest. It will take some time to analyze Wanda Maximoff's spellcasting ability, but the reaction she has shown now is enough to be the key to the analysis. If she was really a user of supernatural magic, then she would not be a fool with intelligence as her main attribute.

Salomon revealed a lot of information, and Wanda, who recovered from the sudden attack, also found key clues.

"Make a deal, and I'll tell you where that thing is. The most valuable thing in this base must be that thing." The red-haired girl took a deep breath and started to negotiate boldly. Her fear of Salomon goes far beyond the lingering feeling of drowning when she voluntarily signed up for Hydra's human experimentation. But she also knew that this group of people (she didn't know what a Hydra was) would suck every penny out of her and her brother, who were nothing more than experiments for this group of people.

In order to protect herself and her brother, she had to make a deal.

Even if the other party is a devil, she will not regret it.

"You seem to know me very well, so you should know my purpose." She glanced at little Lorna who was standing beside Salomon. "Your ability is about the same as mine. I know how powerful you are, so I won't lie to you." Wanda Maximoff said nervously, "Teach me how to use the ability, and I'll tell you where it is."

"You want to be my student? You want to learn magic?"

"Is this magic?"

"Otherwise?" Salomon said, "Don't you know what your abilities are? I do know you very well, I know your birth, your thinking, your strength, your whole body..."

"It's too perverted to say that, Brother Salomon!" Little Lorna grabbed Salomon's ear and interrupted the mystic's speech.

"Idiot, this is rhetoric!" The mystic rolled his eyes. He dropped little Lorna, who looked like a koala, and held out a hand to Wanda Maximoff. There were three gemstone rings of different colors on that hand, even in the cell with only one light, it still reflected the eye-catching bright light.

Wanda couldn't help squinting her eyes.

"You will definitely not be my student, but in order to ensure that you will not cause trouble with your own abilities, I can teach you some methods of control." He said, "Let's get to know each other formally. I am the heir to the Supreme Mage. The unofficial contractor of Vissandra. The practitioner of the covenant with Asgard. The heir to King Midgard. The legal heir of Great Britain. The future king of the Celts. Holder of the Holy Sword and Holy Lance. The last seat of the Knights of the Round Table. Earl Londinian. No Lord of the City of Mortals and the Pillar of the Demon God. Adopted son of the Goddess of Wisdom. Living saint. Savior. Unofficial Jewish chief priest and king. Probably builder of the Temple of Jerusalem in a previous life. And Chicago baptism beef burrito fanatic - Salomon Damonette."

Wanda Maximoff's eyes widened. "What did you say?"

Ask for a ticket!

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