Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 462: The Gods Descend (Part 1)

Pietro Maximov also accepted the identity of Salomon smoothly after his sister explained it, but like his sister, he was still a little curious about Salomon, and he didn't trust this "teacher" who fell from the sky. They were born in this war-torn country and lost their parents since they were young. If they were naive and credulous, they would have died on the streets when they were young.

But Sithorn would probably not let this happen. Wanda Maximoff would not die so simply. After all, a good tool was so rare that he had to forge it himself. But her younger brother Pietro is hard to say, except for his sister, no one cares about his life or death.

Salomon dragged little Lorna around the base, and the Maximov siblings followed behind them.

Perhaps because she was excited about the ability to be strengthened, little Lorna couldn't help jumping up and down, and occasionally let out a few giggles. The mystic didn't blame her either, he knocked little Lorna on the head, and continued walking in the direction Wanda pointed. At first, the Maximov siblings tried to walk lightly, and Pietro also dragged his sister to hide, but soon they found that the heavily armed Hydra militants turned a blind eye to the four people passing by them, as if they were ghosts in this base. After a while, Wanda pulled her younger brother back and quickly followed Salomon's footsteps.

Even though they were wearing thin clothes, the magic still kept their body temperature, so that they would not freeze to death in this cold castle.

And Salomon wasn't as scary as those dry, old, bald wizards in fairy tales.

The main purpose of Salomon's trip is to use the Mind Stone to awaken and stabilize Little Lorna's ability. The genetic modification project of the Celestial Group is still in Little Lorna's body. Since the Mind Stone can awaken this genetically engineered creation by enhancing the spiritual power of the Maximov siblings, it is naturally not a problem to awaken Little Lorna's power.

This also shows from the side that the method of genetic engineering of the Celestial Group is inseparable from the so-called "cosmic secret energy". As a different application of the energy of the astral world, the two experiments of the Celestial Group have different results.

Even Earth's genes are related to a corrupt Celestial member, which is one of the reasons humans keep popping up superhumans. Including the birth of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield is also related to the corruption of the creature of the god, and the precious legacy left by the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield has become the technical resource in Salomon's hands today.

Everything in the world is connected, and Salomon is gradually approaching the truth.

Agamotto and Odin both faced that fearsome foe who roamed among the stars, the ancient giants who could decide the life and death of a planet. Four billion years ago, the first celestial god set foot on earth, a little ball of mud that was not born long ago. It didn't follow some godly destiny, grand plan or shit, and it didn't care about the planet.

It's just dying.

"A dying god, the dark god group. The gods lingering in the cosmic disease, the gods infected by space locusts. Even if the gods are as powerful as the gods, they can't escape the pain. It descended into the mud of the earth, and the black tears full of radiation flowed to the ground. It was wider than any river in the world. The silent giant finally died in pain." The blood stayed on the earth. The corruption swept the planet, permanently changing the evolutionary trajectory of the earth, and its death gave birth to life, and also gave birth to the special status and strength of this planet."

"But they don't forget, boy. Until a million years ago, the second god came. I still remember his name, Zagreb the Aspiring. He found his mates dead among millions of filth broodworms, a sight that could drive even pure inorganic life to madness."

Odin, the father of the gods who looked no different from ordinary old men, commented on the participants in the battle a million years ago, "First of all, I, the young and handsome Lord of Asgard, I was a handsome guy with a beautiful brown beard. Agamotto, an old-fashioned wizard full of crazy words. Iron Fist, the most inconspicuous little character in the damn dragon's nest. Phoenix, she has red hair... Oh, she is really the hottest woman in the world! She is really hot! Cough cough! "

"I admit that we were all too young to be ridiculous, but we still protected the earth, and we killed the crazy ambitious Zagreb." The aging All-Father couldn't help but trance as he recalled the past. When he came back to his senses, the orange-red afterglow of the setting sun on the snow peak had come to an end, and only shadows covered the ground.

"Ymir's blood, we paid a price. That is the price I don't want to pay in my long life. We buried them in the ground, together with the first god and the parasites on it." Odin said with a cane, "Agomoto cast a spell and sealed that area forever. But you also know that magic cannot last forever. I am surprised that the seal can last for a million years. Cough cough!"

The All-Father coughed heart-piercingly, his body seemed to be filled with thunder, and the rage from a million years ago returned to him again. "They will never forget this hatred. The disappearance of the two gods is enough to attract their attention! I believe you know what happened later. That was the last time I faced the god group." The father of the gods took a deep breath, and the surrounding area almost formed a vacuum. His single eye flashed with lightning that pierced the air. "There are more terrifying things in this universe! Kill those bastards! Salomon, this matter is not over yet! Kill those bastards! Kill that plague!"

Queen Frigga skillfully poured a dose of potion into Odin's mouth. As Odin was aging, and the enchantment magic that Loki applied to Odin caused irreversible damage, the memory of the father of the gods was gradually becoming confused. The queen Frigg is used to this, and she can also cook potions to deal with this trend.

"You talked about the god who died in four billion years, and then?" Little Lorna asked, "Where is the god who died now?"

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, you want to run over and dig that big guy out." Salomon, who was selective in telling stories, pressed little Lorna's head, and the tallest of the four glanced at the Maximov siblings who were listening attentively to the story. "Don't dig, it's very dangerous there, and the terrifying creatures infected with the gods haven't disappeared. And I will never take you on an adventure until you have practiced your abilities well." He said, "But I can give you a suit of power armor, I promise. A special power armor, or a tight leather jacket."

"Deal." Little Lorna nodded with satisfaction.

"It's just that your height must reach the standard first, you are too short now."

Baron Struker belongs to the faction in Hydra that is closer to Alexander Pierce. During World War II, this faction had already occupied a place within Hydra. The Red Skull in its heyday claimed to be the leader of Hydra, leaving the conservative Hydra like the Malik family with little room for survival.

After Nazi's defeat, leading the U.S. government to carry out the paperclip project allowed the Malik family to once again stand on the stage of Hydra leadership. It's just that there are still many snakeheads who are moving closer to the Hydra hidden under SHIELD. The Malik family has gained political status and wealth, and is determined not to have too much involvement with the Hydra of the Nazi faction.

So there is no conservative in the study of the Chitauri.

Baron Sterak seems to regard the Mind Stone Scepter and Chitauri's biochemical technology as the same technology. While analyzing the Chitauri technology, he also conducted research on the Mind Stone Scepter.

"Look, that's the gem that awakens power." Salomon twisted the fainted researcher, pointing to the scepter placed under the Leviathan monster. There was a huge circular wound on the forehead of the giant Leviathan, and Salomon recognized it as the one he killed at a glance. It seemed that the researcher was trying to use the Mind Stone to reactivate the nerve signals of the giant Leviathan, to study the method of controlling the giant beast, and to analyze the Chitauri's combination of mechanical and biological technology.

It has to be said that this method is very crude.

"What are you waiting for, let's get started!"

Ask for a ticket!

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