Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 463: The First Strengthening (Second)

"Do you think this thing is a plug, and you are a mobile phone? This thing can't be charged by plugging it into the butt!" Salomon couldn't help complaining. His words were so vicious that he was punched in the face by little Lorna who jumped up. So he stopped making jokes, but said in his usual serious tone, "This thing is very powerful and dangerous, and it cannot be used casually. In addition, this thing has been tampered with, so we must be careful when using it."

"How do you plan to use it?" Little Lorna glanced at the Maximov siblings behind her. Then both Wanda and Pietro shook their heads, saying that they didn't remember at all. They only remember that the researchers asked them to touch the gem, and then they fell into a coma and lost all memory of contact with the gem. When they woke up, they found that they had superpowers.

Wanda is better off, Pietro's out-of-control ability has him bumping around the cell, bruised all over his body. Hydra specially installed cushions on the walls of Pietro's room, and wrapped the bed with a thick layer of sponge. The researchers also prescribed him a full month of drugs to promote bone healing, and Pietro endured pain every day to train his abilities. This is not out of human compassion, but out of concern for the experimental subjects, because the Maximov siblings are the only two successful experimental subjects in this plan.

Not everyone has casual access to Infinity Stones.

"This scepter can enhance the spiritual power, and then use the spiritual power to tap the potential of the body and soul. Intellect, soul and body interact with each other. Granting the spirit, digging the soul, and then transcending the body, this is the role of this scepter." Since he wants to be a teacher, Salomon will not miss any opportunity to teach. Especially for Wanda Maximoff, such basic knowledge is more important.

Wild mages can't learn a lot of basic knowledge, such as the theory of knowledge taught by Salomon now. Wild mages only come back to tutor these academic knowledge after they have achieved certain achievements. These theoretical knowledge may not be very helpful for casting spells, but they are very important for the growth of a spellcaster.

Salomon picked up the scepter and uttered an extremely long and vague incantation towards the top of the staff.

Wanda craned her neck and leaned over to try to hear what Salomon said, but she couldn't hear anything, because the incantation had been hidden by the specially adjusted tone. A fledgling spellcaster can only roughly feel that the invisible waves created by this spell are concentrated on the scepter, and she can see the flash of energy that ordinary people cannot see. The blue crystal on the head of the staff broke, and bright yellow light leaked from the gap. Salomon temporarily suppressed the mystery covering the Soul Stone, allowing the Soul Stone to reveal its true power.

Infinity stones have their own consciousness, which has been recorded in Kama Taj's books. His Holiness had such a record when he was studying time stones and space stones. The Maximov siblings are the ones chosen by the Soul Stone, so their power will be awakened. Salomon just facilitated this process, so that the Soul Stone can also see the potential of little Lorna.

The mystic mage gestured towards little Lorna, chanted another rapping incantation, and then tapped the tip of his staff lightly on her forehead.

"That's it? Why didn't I... Shit! Salomon! My eyes..." It took only a second from the original nonchalant to panic, and little Lorna nervously grabbed Salomon's sleeve. Her vision became gray, but some of the flickering lights were sending out circles and circles of ripples, "I saw... this should be electric current and magnetic field, I seem to be able to manipulate them..."

"Concentrate, Lorna." Salomon continued to put the scepter on little Lorna's forehead, "Recall what you have learned, now you can not only bend spoons."

The giant Leviathan, which was hoisted by many thick iron chains, shook violently. The iron chains creaked, and a small gap appeared on the thick iron rings. The metal shell covering the surface of the biomass began to liquefy, flowing down from the face of the giant Leviathan like hundreds of small waterfalls. Immediately afterwards, the coagulated blood filled with chemicals in the giant Leviathan's body began to flow, and the filthy and greasy blood rich in iron also flowed down with the metal waterfall.

Wanda felt that this scene was no different from the islands floating in the air that she had seen in fairy tale books when she was a child.

Little Lorna let go of Salomon's sleeve and tried to control herself.

None of the girls trained by Athena were weak, and little Lorna was even better at wielding a spear, and she had suffered as many injuries as Salomon. Because of this, Salomon dared to enhance and stabilize little Lorna's abilities with confidence. Soon, the girl controlled the sudden force with her own will, the thick iron chain stopped collapsing, and the damaged iron ring was repaired by Chitauri metal. Although it seemed difficult and imperfect, she did it.

"I did it!" she exclaimed happily. "I did it! You promised me you would take me on an adventure!"

"The premise is that you can stabilize this power so that it will not decay. This is only the result of temporarily increasing your spiritual power." Salomon nodded with satisfaction, and then removed the Mind Stone Scepter. "And you don't seem to realize that you are now as tall as me."

"Ah!" Little Lorna, who was floating in the air by the magnetic force, fell down, and the liquefied metal on the Leviathan also solidified at that moment. This monster looked like a hot dog drizzled with cheese. The metal hanging around was pulled into sharp thorns under the action of natural gravity, and the stench of blood full of engine oil was slowly dripping down the thorns.

"Practice more, this is just the first strengthening. I'll bring you back when your strength stabilizes." Salomon put the scepter back. He'd have to have a legitimate reason to take it, and now wasn't the time. "I promised to take you on an adventure," he said to little Lorna. "Remember what I mentioned about that dead god made of?"

"Metal!" Pietro looked at the others, "What's the matter, I did listen carefully."

"That's right, metal. I think you can control that big guy." Salomon said, "My Antarctic mining team is about to start. Before that, you should hurry up and practice your abilities. I will take you to dig out that big guy."

"What about us?" Wanda hurriedly asked, "When will you start teaching me?"

"I'm already teaching you, Ms. Wanda Maximoff." Salomon said, "casting spells is not that simple. You can use your magic power like a hammer to smash around, and you can also use it to make some delicate things. Remember the spell I used when I brought you out? It was a spell that affects the mind. Try to read the root of the key words of the spell in front of me, and then implant a simple magic hint into the poor thing in my hand, which will trigger after he wakes up. When he wakes up I will act according to your thoughts. Remember what I said..."

"Spirit, soul and body." Wanda stretched out her hand in front of the unconscious researcher.

"Spirit, soul and body..."

"What are you doing, Wanda?" Pietro didn't understand, but Wanda still did what Salomon said.

"Don't get out of control, I don't want to see this poor man grow four deformed hands. Very well, I can see your magic clearly, pay attention to the root. Magic is an art, you are now just a barbarian wielding a hammer, and you may be hit in the head with a hammer at any time." Salomon also cast a spell to clear part of the Hydra researcher's memory, "Let's go back. This is just the first lesson, Ms. Wanda Maximoff. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and neither does your magic. But you must remember one word, and that is equivalent exchange."

"What does this mean?" Wanda stared at her eyes full of red energy, her face full of doubts.

"Magic requires a price." Salomon glanced at Pietro and said meaningfully, "You'd better think about what you can pay, and then prepare for it. There are many ways to repay the price, and you'd better choose carefully. If you don't pay the bill, someone will come to collect it, and then you can't help but choose."

Ask for a ticket!

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