Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 464: Everyone Is Busy (Part 1)

Everyone who knows Salomon knows that he likes planning, that things go according to plan.

In order to achieve this goal, this obsessive-compulsive mystic will always make many plans, trying to come up with corresponding countermeasures when the incident goes to each different branch. Even Wanda, who has not been in contact with him for a long time, can understand this.

When she lay on the hard metal bed in the bulletproof glass cell, what she remembered most was Salomon's raven-black eyes. There are many conspiracies buried in those moist eyes full of complex emotions, which overlap with the rust on the bed frame, and they all smell cold and rusty. Wanda Maximoff felt that she couldn't figure out what this person was thinking. This kind of uneasiness was like an abyss in her heart that dragged her down, making her terrified by her bold actions today.

She felt that she was too reckless, and that person was too talkative.

After repeatedly chewing on what happened today, she realized that she might have fallen into another trap, a trap that might be more terrifying and unpredictable than the organization entrenched in this castle.

Was my reaction what he expected? Who was the girl he brought with him? What is the role of that girl? What is the truth in what he said? What exactly is the so-called "multiverse"? Is that girl really my sister in the parallel world?

magic! she thought.

Why does he know so much about my abilities, my magic, and my life? Does his many titles hide the secret to answer all this? Which of the things he taught could have bad consequences? What exactly is the price of magic he speaks of, and what price do I have to pay? How to pay?

Like Wanda Maximoff, Pietro also slept with anxiety about the future, and today's small adventure was a bit too exhausting for them. Whether it is the food obtained by relying on those inexplicable "good luck" when wandering on the streets, or the fixed meals provided by Hydra, they cannot provide much nutrition for their growth and development, and they urgently need sleep.

Salomon on the other side of the world is still buried in the pile of parchment scrolls.

The spells recorded on these parchment scrolls are quite powerful and expensive, even Salomon had to treat them with caution, carefully copying them into his magic book, and writing his own analysis and conclusions along the way. Just like completing a thesis, a magic scroll is an examination of the spellcaster's ability, and Salomon has gone through such examinations countless times.

Some people may envy the power of the spellcaster, but the intensity of magic learning far exceeds that of three years in high school. When copying the scroll, Salomon also needs to consult the astrology charts he has learned in the past to learn and understand the magic on the scroll. He is still young, full of energy, and has the ability to stay up late. It is always right to learn more while he is young.

What's more, his recent study time is getting less and less. Merton College and the Immortal City have squeezed his timetable. Dinah and Stephanie have to accurately calculate every second, and then fight over what to do in Salomon's free time.

The technology invented by the Wakanda based on the part of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield that he shared is progressing every day. The live ammunition shooting results of the new blood of the sisterhood, the performance of swordsmanship training, hand-to-hand combat training, science education results, basic magic knowledge test scores and even menstrual cycle and other documents were submitted to the office by Tita.

Out of a sense of responsibility, Salomon read it at least once and gave a reply.

Tony Stark’s Asgard decomposition force field imitation prototype needs to be sent to Wakanda for re-analysis and miniaturization and integration attempts; in return for Salomon’s sharing of technology, Wakanda will also donate their electromagnetic barrier technology and invest in human research to try to integrate it into individual equipment; one hundred sets of golden armor made of Uru metal are still being refined. Both the health system and the protection system are under development.

When these things are installed into the power armor, only tall superhumans can support it.

But at present, even with Salomon's current financial resources, it is difficult to support so many scientific research projects at the same time, and the support of the Malik family is just a drop in the bucket. Those researchers sent by the Malik family are like a drop of water thrown into the sea. They are inconspicuous in the vigorous research and development team of the Immortal City. Many research and development work still need Salomon to lead them personally, and even participate in solving some problems that ordinary humans cannot solve for the time being.

Wakanda Royal Princess Shu Rui hardly even sleeps under his command, because the knowledge of the Immortal City is too much. Stephanie also has dark circles under her eyes from all the expenses and income she has to deal with. As for the biological laboratory with stricter protection, only Salomon knew what happened in it.

Since the Hydra researchers entered there, Salomon has personally executed two mad scientists. They shouted the name of the black goat of the forest, and then tore their own skin alive. In order to prevent them from affecting others, Salomon has commissioned Gideon Malik to issue death notices to the families of the biologists, and after that to inject the newcomers with some kind of drug he made himself.

After being injected with drugs, all mood swings will be temporarily suppressed to prevent them from falling into madness while studying. But this expensive drug is rare, and only when others find that the person's condition is not right can they apply for a dose from Maya Hansen. And those who unfortunately go crazy will be burned to ashes by specific personnel of the sisterhood using a flamethrower, and no cell will remain.

To make matters worse, the Immortal City is located thousands of feet underground, and currently all bulk goods can only be transferred through Salomon's portals, and the most advanced ventilation settings must be operated with all their strength to ensure that the people in the city will not suffocate. Only some daily necessities and food passed through the ancient transportation channels from the ground of Rome, and those transportation channels often could not accommodate many people in order to be concealed.

Everyone is short of time, and Salomon must seize the time to read all useful magic books.

A fake high-tech fireplace screen with computerized random flame images illuminates the modest room, along with candles stacked on a mahogany desk encased in bronze trim in the study. The candles are filled with essential oils that can calm the mind, and the pungent peppermint incense permeates almost every strand of the mystic's hair.

"Would you like to watch a movie with us, dear? If you can, please go and get some potato chips. I remember Joan bought a lot of chocolates and put them in the first shelf on the left side of the refrigerator." The witch sat on the recliner in front of the fireplace and took out a bottle of champagne from the ice bucket. She snapped her fingers and let the champagne fill her and Joan's glasses. Joan of Arc wanted to make up for the movies she had missed in the past five hundred years, and it just so happened that the size of the study room was also suitable for a home theater.

There's nothing quite like sipping champagne and watching old movies with a fat cat in your arms. If so, then add two comfortable chaise longues (these two ornate chaise longues are furniture that Joan of Arc bought from Versailles in the past), and some hors d'oeuvres that can be picked up with two fingers.

Dinah had been busy all night with these appetizers, and Salomon's tasting was the best compliment to her.

The apartment's liquor cabinet has grown and now contains nine bottles of champagne. Beunita put them one by one in an ice bucket, and planned to end their lives with oysters or caviar tonight, surrounded by "Anna Karenina", "War and Peace", "Origin of Species" and "The Prince", under the gaze of Apollo and Marcia, the Virgin and the Magi.

Ask for a ticket!

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