Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 465: Bad Student (Second)

The Cheshire Cat tried to lick the piece of chocolate on Joan's fingertip, but the Witch pressed its head tightly.

This fat cat is completely insulated from the word elegant, it is a gluttonous, lazy, whiny leprechaun cat, stuffed with premium cat food, jumping from sofa to sofa, and likes to shed fur everywhere. This cat has no advantages at all. It has all the shortcomings of all cats in the world. The only happy thing is that the Cheshire Cat's chubby, cylindrical figure feels great to the touch, and it is the favorite doll of witches.

Dinah, ignoring the fat cat's struggles, picked it up from the Witch's lap, and brushed its belly furiously with the brush, for the fur that was flying about offended her divine master. It just so happens that these cat hairs can also make a nest for the pixie that stays at the door of the apartment, so that those troublemakers will not stain the floor.

Salomon moved the chair next to Beunita, and then kissed the slender white hand that was stretched out. "Ma'am, what movie are we going to watch today?" Salomon said in French. As the common language in this apartment, Bayonetta can also understand it.

"Hopefully it lifts my spirits," said the mystic. "I need a movie that's a little more exciting."

"Then you have to find your own tree (the stalk of the Count of Monte Cristo)." The changing light and shadow of the projector reflected on the witch's face. Thanks to the good genes of Umbrella Witch, even in a dim environment, she is still amazingly beautiful. Especially when Beunita's eyes widened, the witch with a classically beautiful face showed a touch of cuteness. As a symbol of the contract with the devil, Bayonetta's beauty mark is located at the corner of the mouth, and Joan's is located under the corner of the eye.

"Today we watch Breakfast at Tiffany's."

"If it's a recommended video for Givenchy, I can accept it. I believe in Audrey Hepburn's fashion taste. Maybe we can refer to the off-the-shoulder dress in "Dragon and Phoenix" to choose your dress." Salomon switched back to English, "Oh, I still remember that theme song! No matter where you go, I will accompany you. Two drifters, go travel the world."

"Lovely child, I didn't expect you to know "Moon River"." Bayonetta happily stuffed a piece of chocolate into Salomon's mouth, "That's my favorite song!"

Joan couldn't help stomping her feet in protest. "Hey! You two! We're watching a movie right now!"

"Sorry." Salomon raised his eyebrows, but there was no apology on his face. He saw that Dinah was busy grooming the Cheshire cat, so he summoned the invisible servant to give the witch and himself a glass of champagne. "To this beautiful night." He drank the cold liquid in the glass, and then let out a long breath, "To this relaxing time."


"Magic formula is like an engine, and magic power is fuel. The reason why I repeat this sentence again is because it is very important. Driving an engine requires a certain amount of fuel. Without my guidance, you pumped out the fuel and poured it out." Salomon looked at the damaged building block at his feet, and shook his head helplessly. His tone was a little disappointed, because when he came to check on Wanda Maximoff in his busy schedule, he found that the girl hadn't completed the homework he left behind.

This building block seems to have been put into a hydraulic press and squeezed. If it weren't for the paint with red letters on it, the shape could barely be seen, and no one could tell what this thing covered with sharp stubbles was.

Wanda looked a little embarrassed.

When this sudden power appeared on her body, she didn't want to control it at all. She didn't know what her magic could do, and she didn't know why Salomon insisted that she control her magic. Whenever she asked this question, the mystic always glanced at her body with cold eyes of prey—some things were a secret to Wanda Maximoff, and Salomon would not tell her the truth about that part for the time being.

The most suitable textbook for her is none other than the "Dark Book of God" compiled by Morgan Le Fay by sorting out Sithorn's "Dark Scroll". All vampires and werewolves can appear in this world through the power of this great enemy. Wanda can use Sithorn's power to cast the spells in that book without complicated spells.

That book was Salomon's long-term mission, but because there were so few clues, he had to shelve this mission. But even if the "Dark Book of God" is in hand, Salomon will not give it to Wanda, because the souls of all those who have studied the "Dark Book of God" belong to Sithorne.

Without exception, the Great Shadow always takes back his bill, and Salomon thinks he is eager to take back the soul of Wanda, a purpose-made tool. Maybe under certain circumstances, the "Dark Book of God" or the scattered "Dark Scrolls" would suddenly appear beside Wanda, tempting her to study.

For today's Wanda Maximoff, her soul was still free before she read "Dark Book of the Gods", and all the costs of casting spells can still be repaid by other means. Every time Salomon came to see her, he would bring her a live rabbit. He asked Wanda to tighten her hands little by little, strangle the cute rabbit slowly, and asked her not to take her eyes off the struggling rabbit, and asked her to feel the pain in her heart. As a price to be paid, more animals than rabbits will be sent.

Before figuring out the intention of the Great Demon Shadow, Salomon will try to prevent this tool from falling into the hands of her creator. Even though this method is a bit cruel to ordinary people, it is better than the soul falling into the hands of the Great Demon.

"Have you paid the price?" Wanda asked holding the dead rabbit.

"I paid, when I was born, on my first mission. I've faced death many times, and that's what I paid for. You're paying your own bill, Ms. Wanda Maximoff." Salomon was pointing, suggesting in every way that Wanda's magic could be life-threatening to her brother.

"If you don't pay the price now, then when the demon god who gave you the magic comes to collect the bill, it won't be something that can be solved by killing a few rabbits."

"Do I have to do this?" Wanda Maximoff asked. "Who the hell is going to come and collect my bill?"

"This is not something you need to care about. What you need to do now is to learn how to use your power. Maybe making an engine is a bit difficult for you, so do you know how to make a Molotov cocktail, Ms. Maximov?" Salomon skipped the usual reprimand to apprentices, and went directly to the teaching session, "You have learned some simple applications, and you are self-taught in mind control. But let me tell you, you really don't have much talent in energy control, which is also the focus of your future studies."

"Not all energy can be thrown out at once, that's what barbarians do. Even barbarians can use sticks, but you can only wave branches. You are a mystic like me, but the source of magic is different." Salomon deliberately imitated the tone of the potions professor in the classic children's book, dragged out his voice, and maintained an elegant pause.

"You will learn from me how to shape the energy in your hands, and use those limited energies to make magic beyond ordinary people. Let's go step by step—you will first learn how to use those powers to shape weapons, and then learn how to use void energy to shape your body. You will learn how to see through darkness and lies. You will learn how to control gravity and how to survive in a vacuum. You will learn how to draw strength from pain, hatred, faith, and peace, and how to flexibly use your mind to achieve your goals."

"Please work harder, Ms. Maximov." Salomon said, "You still have a lot to learn. But before that, let's have a roast rabbit!"

Ask for a ticket!

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