Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 466: Traditional Performing Arts (Part 1)

Before that, Salomon analyzed Wanda Maximoff's magic.

The source of magic power is the Great Shadow, the God of Darkness Sithorne, so her spellcasting profession is the same as Salomon's magician, and some spells can be cast by both of them. The difference is that there are no offensive spells in the "Book of Visander". All the protection (Oshutu), dream (Hogoth), and prophecy (Agomoto) spells learned by Salomon, even if Wanda Maximoff understands the spells, he can't cast them.

Because the magic she possesses is incompatible with these spells, it's like adding diesel to a gasoline engine. This is different from the classic children's book, and has nothing to do with the caster's mental state or alignment, it's just that the magic of chaos cannot cast white magic.

There are a large number of offensive spells that Wanda can learn, but Salomon doesn't want to teach her. The reason why she doesn't want to teach her is because Salomon is trying to alleviate the debt Wanda inadvertently/instinctively/instinctively owed to the Great Shadow when she was trying her abilities. Although those prices turned into roasted rabbit meat in the end, the effect is actually good.

It's not that he didn't think about killing Wanda Maximoff in advance, but because both the Venerable and Meri think that this girl is still of great use. Merlin suggested that Karma Taj supervise the living Wanda Maximoff—a tool she created as Sithorne, one of which is to accommodate Sithorne's descent to the main material plane. Her characteristics as a chaotic magic active body also make her an easy target for Sithorne's possession.

All that is needed to oversee a living Wanda Maximoff is that Karma Taj can monitor Sithorne's movements. Weissandi's family has never monitored the movement of the Great Specter so accurately as it is now. After all, the Great Specter, who was sealed by the Gaia Mother Goddess along with his dark fortress N'Garai, is very dishonest. Since he left the main material plane, he has been trying to influence the earth. No one knows what conspiracy he is planning in his dark fortress.

The most recent one was during the Camelot period. Sithorn influenced the cult of the underworld worship created by Morgan Le Fay. The Supreme Mage was fighting against those things when he had not stepped into the path of the secret method. In fact, it is the same now, but the fighting method has been changed, from swords to magic.

Merlin and a group of Camelot wizards were recruited by Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, and participated in the reinforcement of the seal of the dark fortress Ngalai that lasted for thousands of years. As the leader of that group of wizards, Merlin's suggestion is undoubtedly very important. Moreover, Kama Taj and Vishandi, as products of inbreeding among various demon gods in ancient times, have various kinship relationships with the mother goddess Gaia. Merlin's words also represent Gaia's will to a certain extent.

Nepotism is also common in the wizarding world.

Sometimes even Salomon himself complained, saying that nepotism is the most powerful magic in the world, bar none. He also joked to the Venerable, saying that the name of the seal sounds powerful, but it will definitely fail for various stupid reasons in the classic stories.

In order to make Salomon more vigilant, the Venerable told Salomon some secrets.

That is, Sithorn, like the silver key hanging around Salomon's neck, is inextricably linked with another universe. Salomon immediately agreed with this statement after seeing the portrait of Sithorne with the name of Vishandi written on it. Anyone can see that the guy with a bunch of dark leather tentacles on his body is absolutely abnormal.

Although Salomon said that he would not teach Wanda too much, in fact he had already made all the educational plans. After Salomon's careful research, he finally let him play the traditional art skills of the Supreme Mage series again, and found a way to reduce Wanda's debts and not repay the debts.

In short, Salomon wanted to use Wanda Maximoff's traits to make her a kineticist rather than a warlock. There is no need to pray to the suzerain to perform certain actions, but to effectively use the chaotic magic power that fills her body to create magical abilities similar to spells.

Although they are all casting spells, they are also very different. Supernatural magic does not absorb the spiritual power of the caster, so it can be used at will as long as it can withstand the negative feedback brought by this kind of magic. In layman's terms, it is to use the soul connection between Wanda and Sithorne to forcibly gain power, and let Sithorne suffer for himself.

Anyway, it was given by Sithorn voluntarily, and has nothing to do with Wanda himself. Is there any reason to return the money donated voluntarily by others? Of course, the power obtained in this way is the same as that of free WIFI, and it will definitely not be very powerful, but it is better than this thing for free.

It’s okay if the speed is slower or the signal is weaker. Does anyone still find it slow when using free WIFI?

As long as Wanda casts spells according to the method given by Salomon, instead of following instinct, then probably there will be no major problems.

It is difficult for a kineticist to find a mentor, but fortunately, there is no magic organization in this universe as professional as Kama Taj. No one is better at manipulating energy than the mystics. So while teaching Wanda how to use power, Salomon also asked Wanda to do some physical training, so as to bear the non-fatal damage caused by overloading those powers.

At the same time, Salomon also expanded Wanda's enchanting and illusion abilities in response to the strong characteristics of chaotic magic affecting the mind. As mentioned before, Wanda Maximoff is a self-taught standard hypnotist, which is another important spellcaster profession that uses supernatural magic. Including an important branch of magic in supernatural magic, the education of spiritualism is also on the agenda.

It is generally difficult for hybrid spellcasters to achieve amazing achievements. One of the important reasons is that there are too many things to learn. The Scarlet Witch is a natural hybrid spellcaster. In order to fully develop her abilities, Salomon strives for her to gain the power to fight Sithorn, so she still needs to receive a lot of education.

"Twenty more push-ups, girl." Salomon pretended to blow the whistle, but no one except him and Wanda could hear the sharp voice. Wanda blinked her eyes, she didn't see when Salomon changed into a black and white sportswear at all. This also seems to be a kind of magic, she has never seen this kind of spell that can change the clothes on her body at will. It looks like Salomon has no intention of teaching her this either.

Wanda really doesn't need to learn this stuff, she can do it with her own superpowers.

The superpower part is something Salomon can't teach, because he can't do it himself. Perhaps in the eyes of Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and even Nick Fury, he is a very powerful superpower, but in fact he has no superpower at all. Those people always can't figure out the difference between magic and superpowers, which is a slander for the power he acquired through his own wisdom.

"Hurry up, time is coming!" The mystic's expression seemed to say that he really came to exercise, "Keep in shape so that you can learn magic!"

Wanda Maximoff and Daisy share common troubles, and sports are obviously not their strong point. Especially in the absence of professional clothing, such things as sports are too bad a burden for her, and Wanda in the past could not afford the clothes that girls in developed countries pay attention to.

All movement was confined to this small cell, and the chance to roam the whole castle during the first meeting never came again.

She was exhausted and panting on the cold floor.

Wanda felt that her arms and shoulders were so sore, and everything said in that "Prisoner's Fitness" was bullshit! If she had the opportunity to go out with Pietro, she would be willing to give up a magic class. After all, no one knew that magic classes required physical training.

"If you want to go out, then practice what I have taught you. Mind control is your natural ability, and I have taught you how to use it. Take your quill, not the hammer. Find your own way to get a Ouija board and science books from those people. This is your first test."

Ask for a ticket!

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