Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 467 Find the target (second update)

"You stay here for a short time today." The strong red-haired girl got up from the ground. "You don't look a few years older than me. What is keeping you so busy? Or are you a rich man like those Yankees (US-backed rebels) who started the war in my hometown, busy attending various banquets? Just like Tony Stark? Go, don't waste time on me, a country girl!"

"Wow! Don't be so indignant, Wanda. What's wrong with you today?"

This is the first time Wanda Maximoff mentioned her past life to Salomon, but her attitude is really good. Perhaps the blood pressure increased by exercise affected her endocrine, and the girl who was never required to think rationally allowed herself to be controlled by her emotions.

Salomon immediately discovered this situation.

He put the hanging ring he had just put on back into his pocket, and sat down beside Wanda's bed. This is a good thing and a bad thing. Wanda can tap strength from her own emotions, but she can't indulge in it too much and be controlled by her own emotions.

Especially the emotion of "hate", which is even more fatal to Wanda. She can tap strength in this emotion, and Sithorn can also approach him in this emotion (the spiritual realm of the supernatural being: hatred). If she indulges in this emotion, then Sithorn's influence on her will be maximized.

In this way, all of Salomon's preparations will come to naught. He must correct this state. Although he was a teacher for the first time, he was present most of the time when the Supreme Master talked to the apprentice.

He knew how to reason with a man.

"Remember what I told you, Wanda? I know the parts of your life, the parts that shaped you. I know what happened to you, what you saw, and it's normal for you to have such thoughts." Salomon took out two bags of snacks from his pocket. These two bags of expensive snacks Wanda only saw the advertisements on the old TV at home and in the hands of those well-dressed children. She will never forget how she coveted those out-of-reach foods when she was a child, and she was reluctant to buy them even when she was a part-time job when she grew up.

Wanda ate the snack in retaliation, and this time the sweet didn't bring her joy.

"I'm not trying to persuade you to let go of your hatred. That's the idea of ​​the white left-wing group. The emptiness after revenge in movies is bullshit. Let me tell you, revenge is fucking awesome!" Wanda glanced at Salomon. It was the first time she had seen Salomon utter a vulgar word, and it made the magician before her look more like a human being than a puppet behind a perfect mask.

In fact, Salomon is very good at swearing, since he was a child, he is not a born perfect person. It's just that after going to Eaton, Athena didn't like him saying that. Salomon is also very obedient, he likes Athena very much. Now that the shackles have been undone, Salomon doesn't mind temporarily abandoning his cultivation and rhetoric, and having a very common conversation with Wanda.

"My teacher is not a good-tempered person either. The Supreme Mage doesn't say anything to let go of hatred. Such words are only said after revenge." Salomon smiled, because Wanda's psychological defense was gradually weakening. Swearing can bring a sense of identity and narrow the sense of distance, which he saw in a book on psychology.

Salomon put his legs on the bed, physically pulling closer to Wanda.

"I know what those son-of-a-bitch rebels did. It happened more than once. Not just in your hometown, it happened in Tunisia, it happened in Egypt, it happened in Libya. I know more than one girl from Sokovia who was bought into Western Europe as prostitutes when they were very young." Salomon leaned over, "Do you remember the slogans those rebels chanted? If they really did, why did those girls suffer like that? Wanda, do you really understand who you want to hate?"

"Who are you hating? Tony Stark, or the rebels?" Salomon looked at the girl's half of the cheek covered by long red hair. Wanda remained silent, but she stopped what she was doing. "You are looking for something for yourself to hate, Wanda, or else you don't know who you can hate, and you don't know who took the lives of your parents."

Perhaps it was because the sweat all over her body gradually cooled down, and the girl also calmed down.

Seeing that Wanda's mood gradually improved, Salomon continued, "What is Sokovia? A small principality that accepts dictatorship, has no natural resources, no advanced technology, and only because it is close to Russia, it has become a key location. Stark Group's high-tech weapons are too late for the US military. How did the Stark Group's bomb appear here? Do the rebels have money to buy those expensive equipment?"

"Look, the answer to the question is very clear." Salomon pointed to Wanda's chest. He felt inappropriate, so he tapped her forehead with his fingertips, "I'm not defending Tony Stark, he is not innocent at all as a capitalist who produces arms. If you want revenge on him, then do it, but before you do this, you must first understand who killed your parents and who broke your family."

"Then would you like to tell me what you're going to do?" Wanda asked. "I only know your name and nothing else about you. Are you rich? What are you busy with? Who was the girl you brought last time?"

"I'm probably very rich. The reason why I say this is because my economic situation will not be in line with the existing system. The dollar is just a piece of waste paper to me, and gold is the real valuable thing. Whether it is the rarity of the skill or the role in magic, gold is a precious metal of great value." Salomon does not mind drawing distance from Wanda Maximoff. She asked about Salomon's life is an obvious signal.

"As for that girl, she might really be your sister in the parallel world. You should have heard of the parallel world, right? It's similar to those in those novels. Her name is Lorna Dane, and she is a child in an orphanage. She was adopted by my adoptive mother and is considered my sister." He said, "There are many things that keep me busy. I study science at Oxford, and study magic at the most powerful magic organization in this dimension. But the most important thing today is another thing."

"What's up?"

"My new armor is about to be finished." Salomon blinked with a smile. "It's actually my teacher's old armor, but with my teacher's consent, the legendary dwarf craftsmen have reforged and processed it according to the ancient contract. It has assembled the designs of the greatest wise men in human history and integrated various high-tech systems added by modern top scientists. .The dwarf craftsmen have helped me forge a hundred suits of incomparable and huge armor, and the one I will pick up later will be their pinnacle work."

"You want to fight aliens?" Wanda thought for a while and immediately realized, "Are you that knight? That King Arthur? Are you from the Avengers?"

"Don't put me on the same level as those egomaniacs with individual heroism, Wanda." Salomon shook his finger. "I never joined that stupid organization. Kama Taj only fights for the whole of mankind. Unless something happens that can destroy human civilization, Kama Taj will not interfere with the affairs of the main material plane, at least for now."

Ask for a ticket! ! ! ! !

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