Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 49 Demon Summoning Experiment

There are many ways to summon demons in the Toril universe, not necessarily limited to signing contracts with demon lords. Although the latter method of summoning is very convenient, the end of the contract signer is generally not very good.

Therefore, Salomon chose to use ritual magic to summon demons, and because of the sacrifices, the demons that could be summoned were not very powerful.

This is also the purpose of Salomon. This time the summoning was just an experiment, to test whether his own magic power really had the property of restraining demons. Even though His Holiness said that he had the power of King Solomon, magic couldn't just rely on guesswork, cautious experiments were essential. And this time Beunita is also by his side. If the summoned demon loses control this time, Salomon and Beunita can quickly control the scene.

Blood is of great significance in occultism, and most religions believe that the soul remains in blood. The sacrifice for summoning demons is the blood of humanoids killed within 24 hours, because only in this way can the soul fragments remaining in the blood attract demons.

As for the choice of sacrifice, it was not difficult. He spent a week enjoying an Italian-style travel in Florence and Bellonetta, during which time he found some creatures living in the gutter. That's right, they were werewolves, but there were not many of them, but they were enough as sacrifices.

Salomon chose a full moon night to perform the ceremony on the top of Qieqieli Mountain, which is high enough and quiet enough. Qieqieli Mountain used to be a quarry in the past, and even now, not many people will live here. Looking down from the top of the hill, you can see the brightly lit city of Florence. It is not far from the city, at most 20 minutes by car. Here, the red roofs of Florence and the rough yellow walls that have not changed for hundreds of years are still the same. clear and distinct.

When the clear moonlight shone on the top of the mountain, Salomon cut the throats of the werewolves with a dagger. These werewolves were tightly bound by iron chains and could not move. Even their long snouts were entwined with dense chains. .

Otherwise they would have called Salomon a Venetian. The Florentines have always looked down on the Venetians, this is a tradition.

They were all harvested from Salomon's travels, and the magic power of him and Bayonetta was no less than a delicacy for these creatures, so the mystic accepted these sacrifices that he ran to the door with peace of mind.

And in order not to let them still have the strength to struggle during the ceremony, Salomon gave them a few free 10,000-meter high-altitude bungee jumps, the kind without ropes.

As for the filth that followed, Salomon didn't care too much, and he believed that the demons he summoned would not care either.

The werewolf's blood flowed along the magic circle he carved on the ground with acacia oil. The blood not only filled the hexagram drawn by Salomon, but also filled the Enochian words in the magic circle. These are directional words, specifically which planes and levels of demons are summoned. Since Salomon is not familiar with the lower planes of this world, the abyss level he points to is provided by Bayonetta.

After the blood filled the magic circle, Salomon threw the dead werewolf aside. He also drew two additional magic circles next to the summoning circle, which are the magic of Weishandi's series. If the summoned demons are not obedient, he can use these two extra magic circles to restrain and attack the demons .

He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and glanced at the witch who was standing aside with great interest.

"I'm starting, Bayonetta," said Salomon.

"I'm getting impatient, Boya," said the witch. "Let's get started."

"Spurcum sanguinem off! (Offer filthy blood)" Salomon stretched his hands towards the magic circle, the stigmata on his fingers shimmered, "Anima lactaberis (suck the soul)..."

The mystic chanted the incantation carefully. Immediately afterwards, the magic circle mixed with acacia oil and blood started to burn, and the air around him gradually became humid. He seemed to smell the choking smoke and sulfur smell, and Humid air with a salty smell hits the face. Beunita is also a little more serious, with a gun in her hand, ready to attack the summoned demon at any time.

The flames shot up into the sky, and a spider as tall as a person appeared in the magic circle. The spider's carapace was covered with scarlet embers. When it rubbed its forelegs, sparks with a sulfur smell flew away. out. This spider stayed quietly in the magic circle. It wasn't a big demon, it was just a beast living in the abyss, and it didn't have much intelligence.

Salomon expected the weakness of the summoned demon, because it was only a second-level summoning technique, but he was somewhat disappointed that only such a little demon could be summoned with the blood of the werewolf.

"As expected." Salomon glanced at Beunita who had relaxed again, and raised his eyebrows, "But it's too weak, I think it's obedient because of my magic, not because of me. magic."

As soon as Salomon finished speaking, the magic circle burst into flames again, and another abyss spider came out, pushing the first one up.

"Oh, two, it's still acceptable."

Then there was another one, and the magic circle became a little crowded. "Three spiders, is someone in the abyss doing the cleaning?"


"Four! Do you need housekeeping service?"


"Five! You are all stacked together! Beunita, I need you to ask Madame Butterfly if she is doing house maintenance, is this a spider from her house? This is a demon summoning ceremony, not garbage Handling service! Don't come here again!"


"Six! Excuse me, are you a family?"


"Seven! Stop, I'm going to send you back."

Suddenly, a huge scythe emerged from the magic circle, piercing through the seven stacked spiders from top to bottom, a creature with metal horns and a blue metallic luster from top to bottom stepped on it. The spider's corpse stood on top of the magic circle.

"Well, now that we have found the domestic service staff, it seems that we are going to summon it, and those spiders should be the result of its work. I don't think it is in a good mood, after all, it is at work." Salomon Spreading his hands, he asked Bayonetta, "What kind of demon is this?"

"Hideous." Bayonetta remained relaxed, "A common demon."

The demon looked around, then rushed towards Salomon. But two long whips made of sparks suddenly appeared, strangled its hands, and firmly fixed it in the magic circle.

"Okay, then I need to test whether my magic power is useful or not." Salomon stretched out his hands and released his magic power towards the magic circle. The burning acacia oil slowly extinguished, and the magic circle was turned into a magic circle. Filled with golden magic. Immediately afterwards, three bright copper shackles appeared on the hands and neck of the ugly (Hideous) demon, regardless of the demon's struggle, they were forcibly buckled on.

The mystic completely relaxed, he removed the two extra magic circles, and the ugly (Hideous) demon still stood obediently in the summoning circle. The shackles are the image of Salomon's magic power, not real shackles, but enough to dominate the demon.

Suddenly, the golden magic power in the magic circle disappeared, replaced by a crimson magic power, and a crimson palm with sharp nails stretched out from the magic circle.

"Oh, F*ck! Do demons pay their own way these days?"

May I ask if you can update it later tomorrow, I am so sleepy, gastroenteritis is really unbearable.

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