Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 50 Legal Consulting Services (For Investment! For Collection!)

Even though the summoning circle was filled with another kind of magic power, an unknown demon had stretched out his palm, and Salomon didn't panic at all. Although the demon paid for the summoned magic power himself, the summoning circle depicted by Salomon is only a summoning technique of the second ring. Even the most powerful demon cannot get out of this narrow exit and reach the main substance. plane.

That one hideous (Hideous) demon can pass through the summoning circle is already the limit, and a slightly stronger demon will not bear the feeling of drilling a water pipe. Unless the name of this demon is Mario, that layer of abyss is called Nintendo.

This is the experience he got from memory. It is a small trick to prevent the summoned object from summoning more demons through the summoning circle. If it is a mage who specializes in conjuration, there will be more means to arrange in the summoning room, including but not limited to placing a water spout above the summoning circle, spraying holy water if necessary; or depicting the teleportation method in the summoning room Array, the destination is Tiantangshan, anyway, such things as teleportation arrays are anonymous, and Tiantangshan will not know who threw the demon there.

Salomon ignored the shivering Hideous demon who was pushed aside by that palm, but stretched out his right hand with three rings, and with his voice, sapphires, orange sapphires and pink diamonds lit up in sequence .

"I order you in the name of Emperor Weishan, stay away from this world!" As he said, the majestic magic power of pink, blue and orange poured into the summoning circle, and quickly pushed the crimson magic power aside. This way of using magic power was learned by Salomon from the guardians of the British Museum. His body does not pass through magic power, but directly summons the endless magic power of Weissandi. Although this way of using it is rough, but in the current situation But very easy to use.

Seeing that Weishandi's magic power was about to spread all over the summoning circle, and the Hideous demon was also scorched and blackened by the magic power. He waved his crimson palm quickly, indicating that he hadn't resisted. Salomon paused the output of magic power for a while. He glanced at Bayunita, and the witch nodded, agreeing to Salomon's suspension of seizing control of the magic circle. But Bayonetta still held the gun, aiming at the hand.

Then the crimson palm gestured a thumbs up.

A scroll of yellowed parchment appeared out of thin air in its palm, and there were metal lintels at both ends of the scroll. This hand squeezed one side, unfolded the scroll, and sent the scroll to Salomon with magic.

"Is this the contract?" Salomon stretched out his hand, using the mage's hand to prevent the scroll from approaching him. He took out a magnifying glass from his pocket and began to carefully observe the scroll. This parchment is quite old, and the corners are cracked. Although Salomon can understand the language written on it, because the contract is too long, he can only read it line by line slowly.

He had to make sure there were no unwanted blotches, no lace, no punctuation that didn't make sense, no typos, no annotations, no overlapping pages. Salomon scanned the parchment inch by inch with a magnifying glass, but found no tampering. This contract can be said to be extremely simple.

Salomon also pulled Beunita, who was on guard, to watch the contract, because the Witch's Enochian level was much higher than Salomon's, and what the mystic was most worried about was the problem of sentence comprehension.

But reading the entire text, the contract is so strict that even a lawyer couldn't find any ambiguities.

It took Salomon almost an hour to check the contract, but there was no sign of impatience in the crimson palm. It was still held there, gesturing to draw the shadow of the animal in the moonlight. . It will give a thumbs up only when Salomon looks over it. I don't know if it is too sure that the contract will be signed, or it doesn't care at all.

"This doesn't look like a devil's contract at all." Salomon said, "There is no trick, but it makes me a little uneasy."

"This is a devil's contract, Boya." Bayoneta said with a frown. "You are connected to the abyss, not hell. Only the devil likes to play tricks on the contract."

"Then I'm even more worried." Salomon looked at the self-amusing finger. The palm that could easily pierce the human body was trying to bend his own shadow into a rabbit. "I'm more worried about the devil than the devil." .Not every demon is willing to abide by the contract, and some demons are more cunning than the devil."

For example, Grazter, the lord of the triple kingdom, is a well-known demon lord. This demon is very willing to abide by the contract, and he will also tamper with the contract like a devil. You need to be very cautious when dealing with guys from the lower planes. When you feel that your wisdom is better than theirs, it is time to fall into a trap.

"More importantly," Salomon pointed to the contract and whispered to Bayonetta, "there is no place for a signature in this contract."

Yes, this is a signed contract. The contract defines the real names of 72 demons that can be driven, and the signer of this contract is called Solomon, while the other party to the contract is a series of countless names. These names are all real names. Although the human throat cannot speak these names, Salomon still tried his best to remember a few.

"This is not my contract, Belial." Salomon took Bayoneta's leg and moved a few steps away, and he shouted at the crimson palm, "I will not give you my soul either, I'm not Solomon either!"

The hand spread out, and a line of writing appeared out of thin air like a piece of paper after it was lit: "We hold relevant views and reserve the right to pursue legal proceedings."

"I don't admit it, Beryl, I haven't even touched the contract." Salomon was also a little curious, isn't Beryl one of the fallen angels, one of the Seven Kings of Hell? How did you run into the abyss? Could it be that the person who wants to sign a contract with him is not Belial?

The palm of the hand became visibly depressed, and then another line of words appeared: "This is a fair deal, and this is to reaffirm the contract."

"Unless the contract is changed, I won't sign it." The mystic took another step back, "Never. I think it's a fair deal to use sacrifices to summon willing demons."

The owner of that hand seemed to have pondered for a while, and it snapped its fingers, and the few lines on the contract ignited and disappeared, and that clause was the one that sold the soul. Salomon stepped forward again, observed carefully with a magnifying glass, and used a little trick to summon a quill to start adding conditions to the contract.

Clauses such as "If you add additional terms, you must obtain the consent of the contract signer, and the contract signer must be conscious. If you agree to modify the terms due to magic, drugs, abilities, coercion, etc., the contract will be void." And Salomon kept his eyes open, and he also wrote some words that are difficult to define at the legal level.

For example, the word "etc." is an extremely vague word, indicating that the enumeration is not exhaustive. But the owner of that hand had already noticed this little trick. It pointed at the word with its sharp nails, but Salomon just spread his hand and didn't explain much. Anyway, he couldn't be sure whether the devil would abide by the contract, so it's better to be more careful.

Although he didn't know why Belial had to sign a contract with him, Salomon who hadn't signed a contract could still summon demons, but the steps were a little more troublesome. Therefore, no matter what Belial wants from him, he must sign a contract with Salomon-now, Salomon is the strong side.

The crimson palm raised its middle finger, and slapped the hideous (Hideous) demon shrunk aside to death, then grabbed the contract and slipped back into the summoning circle. This made Salomon very puzzled, because he just added some terms and did not sign at all. He thought about it carefully, and he didn't put blood, hair, etc. on the contract or magic circle.

"What's the matter? Legal consulting services? Why doesn't he pay for a lawyer." The mystic asked, spreading his hands.

But Beunita didn't know what happened. As for the knowledge of the lower plane, she only knew the level where Madame Butterfly was. She has long forgotten the knowledge of the witch family.

"Then, can you summon demons now?" the witch asked.

"I don't know," replied the mystic, "but I think that thing will do."

In the center of the magic circle where the smoke was rising, there were grayish-white embers, and in the middle of the ashes lay a ring.

Salomon suddenly had a feeling that this might also be one of the arrangements of the Supreme Mage.

Smoke smoke.

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