Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 472 Winter Solstice Visit (Part 1)

Wakanda has excellent aerospace technology, and their Hall thrusters are powerful enough to propel spaceships. But if this technology is to be put on fighter jets in the atmosphere now, the advanced Hall thrusters that do not yet have a production line will inevitably be unable to keep down the cost.

Today, the Sisterhood only has two transport planes. After a few years, after the new fighters are successfully trained, the supply of transport planes will inevitably exceed demand. Coupled with the problem of production capacity, Immortal City has no time to build such things as sky carriers, so Salomon needs the aircraft engine technology of S.H.I.E.L.D., especially all the technology of the Quin-jet fighter.

Even Stephanie, who was on vacation, received Salomon's request and took the initiative to make suggestions, trying to help Salomon plunder the technical reserves of S.H.I.E.L.D.

No one in Hydra now wants to provoke Alexander Pierce. Everyone knows that this snakehead attaches great importance to the insight plan that is about to be completed, and any move will be regarded as sabotaging the plan by him. So Salomon vetoed Stephanie's plan to use the insight plan as a threat and all the technology. Doing so now will only make Alexander Pierce try to kill him.

When the construction process of the Helicarrier is completed, it will be time for Salomon to reap the results.

As a mystic, Salomon couldn't devote all his energy to the Immortal City. As Christmas was approaching, Salomon took a mission to visit several of Kama Taj's surveillance objects. Although the main material plane has not much connection with magic, the impact of the winter solstice (December 23) on the entire earth still exists, especially for Tiefling.

Salomon brought a Christmas gift to Mephisto's clone child, Danny.

As this boy grows up, whether the devil's blood in his body is awakened has become a key issue, especially during the winter solstice, the devil's blood has a huge impact on the spirit. Salomon asked Danny several questions: For example, have you had any hallucinations recently? Are there any abnormalities in the dream? Are there scales, tails, horns or fangs? Do you have frequent migraines?

These questions correspond to the spiritual depravity and the physical depravity respectively.

Salomon has no doubt that Mephisto will instigate Danny to fall through blood connections, or strengthen the blood of the devil, allowing him to grow sharp horns and claws.

The mystics kept detailed records of all the problems, grouped in all types of tieflings.

Originally, at least two people were needed for this job, but the deacons of the Three Great Temples were busy dealing with the winter solstice cult's changes and the black magic creatures running around. Especially vampires and werewolves, just like cockroaches, when you see a werewolf, it means there is a pack of werewolves, and when the winter solstice comes, these dark magic creatures will go crazy under the influence of the ether tide.

It was the consensus of the deacons of the three temples to entrust this less dangerous task to Salomon. No matter how strong he is, Salomon is always a mystic who has just grown up.

Although the boy's mother works in a gift shop in Karma Taj, she is not happy about Salomon's arrival. She always remembers that Salomon wanted Danny's life.

"Ma'am, please don't obstruct the investigation." Salomon, who had just checked the color of Danny's pupils, put the boy back, and the woman immediately hugged her child. Salomon's inspections were brutal and oppressive. If Danny affirms the above questions, Salomon will throw him into hell. If he denies, then Salomon needs to give him some pain to check if he is lying.

The logic of this kind of inspection is the same as the absurd witch trials. In comparison, at least the devil's son really has something to do with magic. It's just that with the advancement of modern science, Salomon didn't have to use the same brutal methods as in the past-he drew a tube of blood for everyone. Whether there is a mutation can be judged only by inspection. Salomon was able to get a rough answer after inspecting the blood for a while with mystic vision.

There was more than one tiefling, and Marduk's Helstrom siblings were on the list. Compared with her elder brother Damon Hellstrom, her younger sister Anna Hellstrom is much easier to get along with, and she readily accepts this extremely low-invasive inspection. Salomon also received a fake antique as a Christmas present after the routine.

A voodoo head made of plastic, suitable for hanging on a car rearview mirror.

Like Salomon, Anna is also very disturbed by the mental state of Damon, who is now in the emotional quagmire.

Especially when she found out that the nun named Gaby was pregnant with her brother's child, Anna found it quite difficult to handle. As his mother's soul was completely devoured by the devil, Damon Helstrom seemed to want to find a new psychological sustenance, but everyone knew that the excommunicated nun was not a good match. That stubborn, childish nun somehow contributed to Damon's awakening of power.

Anna begged Salomon to let her accompany him when he visited Damon, and Salomon agreed.

Since Salomon performed an exorcism on the mother of the Helstrom brothers and sisters, Damon has always been dissatisfied with Salomon. If he made a careless visit, Damon would only think he wanted to murder his child--Salomon did want to check the unborn child, because there had never been a second-generation tiefling on Earth. In addition, the head of the Demon God Pillar was reluctantly expelled, and there was no sign of Sister Gaby's pregnancy. Marduk's second-generation heir came inexplicably. Salomon had to examine carefully to determine whether the child was tampered with by the head of the Demon God Pillar.

"It's my fault." Salomon looked at the not-so-good environment in front of him and said, kicking the can beside his feet. Sister Gaby was excommunicated after she became pregnant, but Damon and Gaby, who believed in Catholicism, still rented a house in the Vatican City. Needless to say, it was with the help of Dr. Hastings, the director of the mental hospital.

Salomon has always disliked that arrogant woman, and he deeply understood the superstition and ignorance of religion from that woman's eyes.

"Why do you say that?" Anna asked with long hair. Now Salomon was taller than her, and the two tall people were very conspicuous no matter where they were. Yet it was sort of a slum in Vatican City, full of cheap hotels for tourists, not much better than motels in America.

"I told the people in the church to take Gaby back. I didn't expect Damon to let go of your mother and come here with Gaby." Salomon exhaled, and his and Anna's footsteps collided with dull sounds between the damp and moldy walls. "I can imagine the situation of the two of them now. Come on, let's visit your brother. I only hope that his mental state is not too bad."

"That's right!" Salomon stopped on the decaying wooden stairs, "What I want you to do..."

"No problem." Anna stretched out her hand, and a ray of flame illuminated the dim stairwell. Poorly connected light tubes kept flickering, and the air smelled of dead bugs. The firelight illuminated the lower half of Anna's face, distorting her expression into an inexplicable ridicule. "I know how to do it," she said. "I've learned most of the magic you taught me."

"Shh, this has never happened before, you figured it out by yourself. Remember not to slip up, it's against the rules for me to do so." Salomon held Anna's hand, and the hot flame was extinguished in his palm. It was not a whim that he taught Anna Helstrom, but a conspiracy against Marduk.

Anna Helstrom, or the succubus known as Satana, plays a prominent role in this plan.

This plan is definitely not about getting cheap succubus whores.

Ask for a ticket!

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