Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 473 Crazy Nun (Second)

Damon Hellstrom hasn't shaved for a long time, and his sweater has a few holes.

Now he and Gaby's lives are temporarily dependent on Dr. Hastings' support, and he takes care of the child in Gaby's womb like crazy. In his opinion, the fetus sleeping in the womb is more important than anything else.

So when he saw his sister, Anna Hellstrom, his first reaction was not to welcome. He refused all visitors, even his own sister. Not to mention Salomon, he still wanted to shoot at the mystic. Anna subdued her brother immediately, and smashed Damon's head on the cold wall covered with mold, trying to wake up her brother.

"Do you think this place is suitable for pregnant women, you idiot!" Anna yelled in Damon's ear angrily. "The air in the rat's den is cleaner than here! You can't even pay the heating bill!" She pressed her brother's head firmly, "You won't die without Gabe, Damon. You dragged her into this situation, you made her pregnant! Don't make excuses, coward!"

Damon roared unwillingly.

While the Hellström brothers and sisters were arguing endlessly, Salomon had tiptoed over the sunken wooden floor and walked towards the little nun lying on the bed and huddled in a pile of quilts. Sister Gaby and Salomon were very different when they first met her. The rosy face full of vitality turned pale, and the ends of the smooth dark hair appeared a little gray. The cold took away her optimism, and her moist and lively eyes lost all positive emotions. Mold was parasitic on her pillow, and dirty skin flakes settled in the folds of her skin, but even though she was in such a poor hygienic environment, her body still barely reached the mark of health.

Not a single day passed without her living in regret. "Forgive me, my lord. I have broken my oath."

She grasped the sleeve of the mystic's skeletal cloth with her thin palm, her fingers gripping the gold inlaid at the hem.

Salomon did not break free from the irrational pregnant woman, but put his other hand on her high belly. Gabe's fingers clenched even tighter, and her vague consciousness recognized the actions of the mystic as God's condemnation of her sins, and she believed that she had been sent out of God's palace because of her sins.

In fact, Salomon is just casting a spell to check Gabby's children. There are a bunch of spells in the pink spells that are applied to fertility. Salomon is not joking about calling himself a mage, he also knows this kind of spells.

You must know that Gaby was a devout person who lived in a monastery since she was a child, but why did she suddenly break her vow and become pregnant with Damon's child? When Father Molu told Salomon the news, the mystic felt something was wrong. The reason why he delayed coming here until now was to wait for the child to develop to a certain level, so that it would be convenient for the magic to investigate.

He thinks that the specificity of this fetus might be able to answer that question. Blue-black blood vessels were revealed on the extremely tight skin, the internal organs were squeezed and displaced, the fat was exhausted, and the mystic's fingertips felt the throbbing of life.

There was a fire in the dark room, and Anna cast a spell to suppress her brother who was trying to rush towards Salomon like a mad cow.

After seeing Damon's appearance, Gaby screamed in panic.

"The devil possessed me!" she yelled in tears, "forgive me!"

"She's gone crazy." Anna's expression was indescribably complicated. Why doesn't she hope that her brother can have a happy family to make up for her terrible childhood life. But the current situation shows that her brother, Damon Helstrom, is not suitable for having a family, and they cannot have a happy life with the blood of the devil on them.

"I think she might be telling the truth, that's the only thing she remembers." Salomon put his hand on Gaby's forehead lightly. The little nun fell into a drowsy sleep, but she still only held Salomon's sleeve, as if that was her only salvation. "Gabi's spirit can't bear Marduk's possession." Salomon said solemnly, "Your brother and Gaby may have been influenced by Marduk. Marduk may have possessed Gaby and conceived Damon's child on his own initiative."

"You mean my devil father and my brother..."

"It sounds unbelievable. But for the devil, as long as it is to achieve its goal, there is nothing it can't do." Salomon curled his lips. Marduk's operation can indeed shock the mystic's jaw, but for the devil's morality that has no lower limit, mating with his son is not too exaggerated.

Salomon started chanting the spell, and all the spiders in the apartment ran out in panic.

Marduk has four forms: spider, cat, human face and frog. In order to prevent Marduk from eavesdropping on the next conversation, Salomon cast a spell to drive away all the things. "We have to take her away." After a while, Salomon said softly, "Gabby and her child need to be closely monitored. This matter is no longer a simple routine visit."

"What about him?" Anna was referring to Damon who was lying on the floor struggling like a maggot, "His mental state..."

"The only place he wants to go is the prison of Karma Taj." Salomon said, "I went there once when I was a child. Compared with the monsters imprisoned there, Damon's condition is considered mild. As long as his body has not undergone irreversible mutations, it means that he can still be saved. I can't save his mental state here. He must go to Karma Taj. I will prepare a sunny cell for him."

"You want to take him there yourself? What about Gabe?"

"I still have people." Salomon took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After a while, hurried and dull footsteps rushed from the bottom of the hotel all the way into the passage where this room was located. Then there was a polite knock on the door, and a sorority member in power armor with a bolter and a chainsword walked in carrying an emergency cot.

Faced with the narrow door frame that could not be squeezed into the emergency bed, the man-made people chose to remove it manually.


"Bring this pregnant woman back to the Immortal City." Salomon pulled out the sleeve that was tightly held by Gabi. "Follow the procedures for surveillance and detention. Special surveillance level A, wear amulets. Any abnormalities will be notified to me first, and I will be allowed to kill them in case of loss of control."

"Yes, Master!" The leader android hung the bolt gun back to the belt around his waist, then gently picked up the sleeping Gaby and placed him on the emergency bed. Seeing Gaby being taken away, Damon struggled with all his strength, and even Anna couldn't suppress it. Suddenly, Damon's eyes sparkled, and almost invisible flames ignited from the corners of his eyes.

Before Anna could figure out what to do, Salomon punched Damon on the jaw, physically knocking him out. "At least he can rest for a day," Salomon said, "maybe half a day. The devil's blood has strengthened his physique, and I didn't hit too hard."

"Let him live, will you?" Anna begged.

"I can't guarantee it, Anna." Salomon sighed, "But I believe that the child in Gaby's womb will be useful to Marduk. I will closely monitor Gaby and the unborn child, and I will tell you when I have news."

"Thank you." Anna hugged her brother. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the dirty, smelly home atmosphere for a while.

Ask for a ticket!

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