Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 474 Two Thirds (Part 1)

Damon was imprisoned in a sunny cell at the headquarters of Karma Taj, and Salomon believed that the fresh air and sunshine of the snow-capped mountains could improve his spirit. He did what he said, and Damon was indeed locked in the cell with the best environment, separated by several magic seals from the monsters with tentacles. Demon possession has caused great mental trauma to human beings. At present, there is no good recovery method. At most, drink some calming potions and sleep more.

Sometimes Salomon wants to go to the pharmacy to ask for some calming medicine to drink, so that he can have a perfect sleep.

As for Gaby, the nun who was almost insane was sent to the cell with the strictest protection level in the Immortal City to undergo the most advanced scientific examination. Salomon's facilities for a series of dangerous targets are on the same level as Lorelei's cell, located in the basement of the dungeon. Immediately after being cleaned by the man-made man, Gaby began the obstetrical examination that had never been done before, especially the fetal B-ultrasound.

Perhaps it was because Barr felt that his son and daughter were not up to the mark and wanted to create another heir, so this unborn child obviously had a certain specialness. Almost all the people with the blood of the great devil have only reproduced on the earth for one generation, and then lost the opportunity to reproduce for various reasons. Kama Taj will never allow the devil's offspring to reproduce on the earth and form a family.

For example, Danny, he and his mother will have a dignified life, but he must never marry and have children, this is not negotiable. Those who tried to negotiate were dead. Damon is the only tiefling who has offspring. From a certain point of view, he and his father have reproduced the next generation of offspring, and Gaby is just a carrier.

Salomon never thought that the head of the Demon God Pillar would do such an operation. He needed to see if there was any abnormality in the skull of the fetus. It is the easiest way to judge whether a human has mutated through the skull, especially this type of tiefling, which usually grows horns after awakening, or the tail that should have been degenerated during the development process will continue to develop.

He hasn't decided whether to force Gaby to induce labor or let this fetus be born, and use this Baal's product to add a bargaining chip to his plan to attack hell, just like using Anna. Everything is unknown now, and it will not be decided until Su Rui checks on Gaby and the fetus, because this son of a devil who is close to pure blood is very likely to tear Gaby's womb and come into the world after he is fully developed.

Just like those monsters born in the rituals of devil worship cults, Salomon is not even sure whether this child will have much sanity after birth.

A group of sorority members in full gear kept an eye on Gabe, day and night. If the fetus in her womb mutated and tore apart the mother's body and came to the world, the artificial people would shoot without hesitation, and use flamethrowers and positive energy potions to purify the entire room.

Su Rui was very dissatisfied with this arrangement. She didn't know what a devil's son was, and she didn't know why she needed to carry an amulet during the inspection. Salomon has no intention of explaining to her, because Shuri and Stark are very curious people, especially when such people still have a certain amount of hands-on ability, the troubles they can cause will increase exponentially with their intelligence.

If it weren't for the obstruction of the Wakanda royal family, maybe Shu Rui would like to study the Black Panther God, and then the Wakanda royal family would undoubtedly change. Without Bastet's divine power, the heart-shaped grass's radiation sickness would only cause mutations. The glowing thing on the heart-shaped grass is high-intensity radiation, the kind that would explode if you put a Geiger counter on it. The radiation disease caused by the heart-shaped grass has been cured by Wakanda, but even with the medical level of Wakanda, directly taking the juice of the heart-shaped grass can only declare death.

This also means that Wakanda's current royal family has lost its legitimacy.

Even though she lives in a world ruled by gods, Shu Rui is excluded from all affairs in the field of magic. There was nothing she could do but examine Gabe and the fetus.

"you must……"

"My decision will not change, Shu Rui." Salomon didn't even look at the Wakanda princess who was protesting to him. He waved his hand, "You still have a project to cut monomolecule materials. Speed ​​up the progress and update all the weapons in the hands of the artificial people. It's their main battle weapon."

"I became your researcher?" Su Rui's eyes widened, as if he had heard something incredible.

"You are indeed, this is a deal between me and Wakanda. All scientific research results are shared by the Immortal City and Wakanda, and no one suffers." Salomon continued, "Also, it is summer in the southern hemisphere, and the exploration team is about to set off. The mining location I provided is only an approximate range, and the specific location needs a long period of exploration. Your brother asked for some more accurate locations, so I plan to let the artificial man bring the scroll of prophecy to the past, as long as you solve the overheating problem of the engine core of the transport plane."

"Huh—" Su Rui rolled his eyes. She finally remembered how busy she was. There are too many scientific research projects in progress at the same time in the Immortal City. All the scientists are too busy and can only work overtime day after day. No one knows that Christmas is coming because they are too busy.

Salomon stood aside, watching Su Rui who was so busy walking back. His cooperative relationship with Wakanda is too fragile, but he is also a person who keeps his promises, and it is really difficult to do anything now. So he had to find a solution. Stephanie was on vacation, and he had to deal with such troubles himself, and he had to come and inform him about some special little things.

"Tita!" Salomon elongated his tone. The commander of the android combat team looked at his master suspiciously.

"Tell those girls not to break the pasta in half when they cook it." He sighed. Those Slavic girls didn't care about the integrity of the pasta when they cooked their own food. If they were seen by the Romans on the surface, they would have to call the police.

Salomon did not want the first enemy his Immortal City faced would be the Italian police.

"You know my girlfriend is Italian, right?" he said. "It's a crime to break spaghetti in half!"

"Master, did they make any mistakes?" Tita took out a pen and paper with a serious face, as if she wanted to record what Salomon said. The mystic seemed to be choking, he knew Tita's overly serious character, this cute artificial man might really be taught a lesson by those girls because of this kind of thing.

"Forget it, I don't need to talk about it. Anyway, I can't see how they cook pasta. As long as you don't order Hawaiian pizza." The mystic waved his hand, "Give those girls a holiday during Christmas, and you can go to Rome together."

"Master, but their training hasn't been completed yet." Tita hesitated for a moment, and finally refuted Salomon's order, "They haven't listened to your... lectures. I'm worried that some of them will not be able to bear the pain of training and try to escape while shopping."

"It doesn't matter." Salomon said nonchalantly, "Anyway, they don't know where the entrance to the Immortal City is. If someone wants to quit, just erase the memory and put it back. We don't need involuntary people to join our cause, or there will be morale problems when we face our enemies in the future."

Tita nodded, secretly intending to strengthen the education of Salomon's personality cult.

Since Salomon gave her the educational rights of those girls, she would not allow traitors under her command.

Ask for a ticket!

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