Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 475: The Venerable’s Gift (Second Change)

The Christmas birthday party was held as scheduled, and Salomon ensured that he would have plenty of time to spend the whole day at the dinner table. He gave gifts to many who couldn't make it to the feast, including Harold Finch and John Reaser, and even Elijah in prison received a Christmas doll he sent in. As for Athena, as Salomon's adoptive mother, she received a draft paper as a gift to prove the success of her education to Salomon.

The mystic believed that this was the best gift for Athena.

By the way, the perfect excuse to add homework to the kids in the orphanage.

The gift to His Holiness was a scroll of the most powerful magic that Salomon could cast so far, which was used to be transcribed into the magic book named after him in the Karma Taj library. That book was placed next to the "Book of Weissandi". As a common spell that Kama Taj mystics can learn, it has a status comparable to that of "The Book of Weissandi".

The Venerable gave back a copy of the secret method that Salomon could not understand for the time being. This secret method was obtained by His Holiness when he was traveling in the multiverse, and he has not used it once so far. Excluding part of the means at the application level, this magic has a method of calling the cosmic database [Akashic Records] at the level of theoretical knowledge, and the so-called [Akashic Records] is in a sense equivalent to the Eternal God himself.

The Venerable gave such a secret method, which means that the Eternal God has some kind of recognition for Salomon. He has no doubt that this is the treatment that His Holiness won for him, and the favor of the Eternal God means the favor of the will of the universe. This is a very precious gift. Whether it is the grace of teaching or nurturing, Salomon feels that he really owes His Holiness a lot.

"You are my heir, this is what you should have." His Holiness said in a calm and flat tone. In the eyes of His Holiness, Salomon's future responsibility is much heavier than that of the current Supreme Master, so this little help is nothing at all.

So when Salomon proposed to recruit Strange as his assistant, His Holiness didn't have much opinion. Prior to this, the Supreme Master and Karma Taj were inseparable. After Salomon became the master of Karma Taj, the situation will change. The task of fighting against the outer dimensions would become extremely tragic, and His Holiness allowed Salomon to implement his ideas, including the secret project inside the Immortal City, which His Holiness thought was necessary.

If such measures are not taken, the future of human beings and even the entire main material plane will be even worse. Whether it is hell, abyss or heaven, they are the enemies of mankind, not to mention the countless demon gods, large and small. Even though Salomon already has a plan to fight against the upper and lower planes, the Venerable still thinks that this is the responsibility he forcibly placed on the disciple's shoulders, and no amount of help is enough.

"Go and enjoy life," His Holiness said. She stroked her disciple's soft long hair.

Such quiet time is running out, killing and war will fill every second of the future. And His Holiness thought that all he could do was to give Salomon more time.


Samun Shaw and Ms. Groves readily agreed to attend the party when they were invited.

They've long since lost their family, so they haven't had a house party for years. And they can be regarded as friends of the witches, so at the invitation of Salomon and the witch, they and Maya Hansen came to the witch's apartment in New York City again-Salomon just didn't want to invite Tony Stark, that annoying guy.

If Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff were not on a mission, he would have invited them to dinner (in fact, they also received gifts, which Salomon sent over with pigeons). Dr. Bruce Banner is alone, and he declines the invitation. Even so, he received a gift, a talisman from Salomon, something to calm him down in critical moments.

This is very important to Bruce Banner. Salomon didn't give it to him before, not because of stinginess, but because Hulk's will check was too difficult to pass, and the fortitude save of a wild beast in a state of rage is a bit exaggerated. It's different now, with Salomon's mastery of skills, he is able to increase his influence on the Hulk's mind through other attributes.

Whether the gift arrived sooner or later, Dr. Banner was very grateful to Salomon.

"This is the only vacation I've had in months." Maya Hansen yawned, accusing the unscrupulous boss of oppressing her. She had slept for twenty-four hours, and if the mystic hadn't woken her up, she might have continued to sleep. She just took a shower, changed her clothes and came to the party.

The virologist was really exhausted. The experimental body sent by Gideon Malik had to be dealt with as soon as possible, and the field of epigenetics was really elusive. After Maya Hansen clipped the DNA fragments of those historical figures into the experimental subjects, she still needed to spend time observing their personality changes, appearance changes, and intelligence changes. Not everyone is competent for this kind of work.

She sat on the sofa with a glass of wine.

Ms. Groves and Samuel Shaw were crowding at the other end of the sofa, munching on Dinah's snacks. Samun Shaw had a good appetite, and she asked Salomon when the meal would be served, because they did come to eat.

Salomon introduced Wu Guiyue's family and Master Hamil's family to everyone present. As for the witch, everyone present knew each other. Whether it was the mystic of Kama Taj or ordinary people, they all knew that the witch was the mistress of the house.

Soon after the party started, it was Salomon's most relaxing day. Wu Guiyue's husband really has the skill of roasting a turkey, and everyone ate very happily. Not only turkey, but also a roast goose and Cantonese-style morning tea made by Wu Guiyue's family. No one would have imagined that a British policeman with Chinese nationality would have such craftsmanship.

Salomon refused to hold the Christmas reception proposed by Athena because he preferred this kind of small family gathering with its own lively atmosphere to the cold social occasion, which made him feel the warmth of the family. This is what he has been looking for since he came to this world.

"Nineteen, Boya," Bayoneta said with a smile. "You're two years below the legal drinking age."

"Anyway, the police won't rush here to check, and the sisterhood won't let them in." Salomon poured himself a glass of wine nonchalantly, "Cheers, dear."

"Oh shit, the little boy has become manly!"

Master Xiao Wang whistled desperately, and then was severely knocked on the head by Master Hamil.

"I want to say that I ordered takeaway from the teahouse!" Master Xiao Wang said aggrievedly, "I didn't know there were shrimp dumplings here!"

"Which one did you order?"

"It's newly opened, Diandude!"

"What do you want? Dogs don't even eat!" Master Hamil stretched out his remaining hand and slapped Master Xiao Wang on the head, "Hurry up and go to Lianxiang Tower! Hurry up!"

"What are they talking about?" Samun Xiao's mouth was full, and the overly delicious food almost made her eyes pop out. It is the host's honor that the guests can eat, and Wu Guiyue even brought food to Sam En with great joy. Samun Xiao drank a glass of wine in one gulp, and then forced his voice to ask the omniscient ROOT through his teeth.

But even Ms. Groves couldn't know more information through that artificial intelligence.

"I don't know." ROOT shook his head. She didn't know anything, she only knew that if she didn't eat it quickly, Samun Xiao would finish eating the shrimp dumplings.

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