Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 477: Immortal Life on Rotten Street (Second Change)

Immortality is not a rare thing in the grotesque world of magic. Someone like Salomon, who stands at the top of the magic world, can easily point out a few people who have lived at least a thousand years. The Syrian prophet in the tenth century AD is not an outstanding figure. Even Balthazar, who was deceived by Merlin, has lived from Camelot to the present, and is still enjoying a sweet love that is more than a thousand years late.

Even Salomon's research and development work inside the Immortal City has something to do with immortal humans, and immortality without the help of magic.

So what made him curious was not the immortal prophet, but the fateful connection of that prophet to him. He had a hunch that maybe all of this had something to do with him. But now was not the time to inquire into these matters, for there was still much work to be done for him.

"Merry Christmas, Wanda Maximoff." As a frequent customer of high-end consumer goods, Salomon's mailbox is full of greeting cards from various companies during Christmas. He put the Christmas tree stickers cut from the gift list on Wanda's clothes, so that this experiment in the lonely Hydra base could feel the Christmas atmosphere.

In addition, there are several "Seventeen" magazines. The beautiful girls on the cover can attract Wanda's attention, but the content of the magazines is not so interesting.

Both Maximov and his brother received gifts from Salomon, and Wanda also gave her recent achievements as a reward. She has made sufficient progress in mind control, and she is proficient in spells of despair, panic, and charm. However, in terms of energy control, Wanda is still very unfamiliar.

At least she can still throw an orb, which is enough for now.

However, Salomon didn't blame her either. After all, Wanda Maximoff hadn't learned how to cast spells from supernatural beings for a long time, and it would be pure nonsense to ask her how proficient she is. Mystics often ask Wanda not to be impatient. Patience is the first virtue of a spellcaster. If you are too hasty, you will often fall into the enemy's trap. Salomon did not explain who the enemy is, and Wanda's own understanding is also quite different from Salomon's.

It is absolutely impossible for him to tell Wanda the truth about Sithorne, because just a handwritten letter from Sithorne will drive ordinary people into insanity and connect with Sithorne in the Dark Fortress, causing the entire planet to fall into darkness and become a delicacy in the mouth of the Great Shadow. Wanda Maximoff's connection with Sithorn is too close, and everything Salomon does is to prevent her soul and body from falling into the hands of the Great Shadow, causing the seal of Gaia, the Mother Earth, to be broken.

The group of wizards led by Merlin had already sacrificed more than half of their lives in the process of strengthening the seal. They used their souls to restrain the behemoth. Salomon would never let their sacrifice go to waste.

"I had a dream." Wanda talked about her recent dream.

This is what Salomon asked, and Wanda must report her mental state to him. Dreams are the key. Many depravities start from dreams, and dreams are the avenue to the subconscious. Through dreams, Wanda can perceive deep thoughts in his heart. She told the mystic about the blue shadows wriggling in the dark and the suffocating slippery tentacles, as well as the oppressive feeling of sinking into the deep sea, and Salomon could see fear in her eyes.

"It's not a big problem." Salomon said lightly, as if Wanda's dream was the normal state of spellcasters, and he didn't take this matter to heart at all. "Why don't you talk to me," he said, "I won't ask you to do too much practice today."

Psychological problems can easily lead to degeneration, which is the consensus of the magic world.

Don't look at the group of magicians in the Wumen bar who call themselves black magic masters, voodoo majors, all of them like addictive drugs and bugs, their eyes are always bright because of taking drugs, and they are more proficient at dissecting monsters, but Wanda's magic power is fundamentally unparalleled dark magic power. If Wanda was going crazy, no one in No Door could compare to her. Wanda's magical abilities could not be darker and more horrific than that of the Dormammu followers who have been eradicated from Earth.

"I have nothing to say." Wanda shrugged, "Do you want to hear how I fried French fries in a fast food restaurant and how I brought Pietro to fill my stomach?"

"Okay, then let's change one. Let's first learn about the identification of vampires, how we can find hidden vampires in the vast crowd, and how we can cut off their heads. These various monsters have different sources of mutation, not all monsters are produced by Disney, and they won't bleed when they lose their heads. Dirty and smelly is basically normal in the magical world, and only our Karma Taj will be cleaner." Salomon opened the book brought today, "I brought you Karma Taj. It also has hand-drawn pictures. This is a children's version, which is very suitable as an introductory textbook."

"There are still children in the wizarding world?" Wanda frowned, she couldn't imagine how a child would go through the training she had before. Until she saw Salomon pointing at herself.

"Children in magic families only receive basic education, and they don't start learning magic until they are adults. Only when their brains are fully developed can they show their talent in magic. Underage spellcasters can only be apprentices." The mystic said, "I am an exception. I started learning magic when I was ten years old. Before that, I experienced five years of martial arts training and theoretical study beyond ordinary people, so I made rapid progress when I was learning magic. Your ability to cast spells, but theoretical study must not be left behind. When you have the opportunity to leave here, maybe you can still get into a university."

"I don't want to go to college, I want revenge!"

"You have to go to university after taking revenge." Salomon pretended to push the rimless glasses that he found out of nowhere, "Your spellcasting ability does not require you to do precise calculations, but the mathematical calculation ability you have developed in front of the cash register does not support you to go on the road of magic. Mathematics is a language, a language that explains the world. It can give you different perspectives on the world and strengthen your spellcasting ability. Rationality is the correct way to look at the world, and mathematics can prevent humans from falling into ignorance. So mathematics and higher education Mathematics is a compulsory course for you, after we finish talking about the vampires of the Thirteen Clans, you will start to learn quadratic equations in one variable."

"Does this have anything to do with you teaching me the secret art of counting?" Wanda took out a set of tarot cards from under the pillow. This tarot card is a small gift and teaching props given to her by Salomon. Together with the Ouija board that Wanda obtained from Hydra researchers before, it has become the main teaching tool of the magic course.

Tarot cards are used to prophesy, and Ouija boards are used to ask about the past.

"In case you can't find a job after you go out, maybe you can still find a work of a spiritual media with these things." Salmon said, "I really didn't lie to you, and even in the United States, the police would seek the help of spiritual media to find out the case. We can't say that they are pure superstitions, but they can only say that they are looking for some stinky fish and rotten shrimp. It is to learn this craft, so as a spiritual media with an academic degree, maybe you can still make a fortune! "

"The premise is that you have a degree. Come on, make this test paper. This is a math test paper for junior high school students. Don't look over there, your brother is also taking the test. He works harder than you."

Ask for a ticket!

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