Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 478 Walking on Mars (Part 1)

Whenever someone asked, "Hey, Salomon! How much magic do you know now?" the mystic in question would shake his head like a pigeon in a square looking for a sandwich crust dropped by a tourist, trying to answer the question vaguely. But when someone asked him further, he would always produce some data and tables, like a poor lawyer who specializes in slipping and falling lawsuits, so as to cover up his attainments in various types of magic.

The reason why he did this was because he didn't want people to know what kind of forbidden magic he was dabbling in now. It was black magic through and through, and it was much more terrifying than the black magic learned by the strange old man Monaur in the doorless bar.

Not only does it involve curse magic such as bugs, saliva, hair, and blood, but the degree of evil of those magics is carefully covered up by the Supreme Mage, and many of them are still practiced by him in the biological laboratory of the Immortal City.

Now he rarely let others see the silver key, because with the deepening of research, he felt more and more dark and terrifying the power of this key. As a source of knowledge, as a door leading to the ultimate abyss of another universe, the analysis of this silver key is all done by Salomon alone.

On Christmas Day, another one went crazy in the laboratory. Fortunately, the artificial people controlled the disturbance to a very small range, and did not expand the influence of corruption. Every piece of paper, every word and symbol in the crazy researcher's dormitory must be strictly reviewed before being sent to others for reference. At first, Maya Hansen protested against Salomon's harsh and terrible practices, and then she saw what happened to ordinary people who witnessed the profane symbols.

She understood that no matter what values ​​a person had before, whether they were abolitionists, environmental supporters, refugee sympathizers, vegetarians, or CPS, they ceased to be human when they went mad. It was some kind of drooling beast that could only bite everywhere. Even a syllable or a look could cause the most filthy and profound power to spread.

In the face of the most terrifying spectacle of the universe, human nature is a kind of superfluous thing.

Staying sensible, staying rational is the best way to avoid madness, which is why Salomon asked every researcher to be fully isolated. Their voices can no longer be transmitted directly to each other's ears, but through earphones engraved with runes. They cannot breathe in a sterile laboratory, the air source for their lungs is oxygen cylinders filled with magic from the outside world.

Those spells can be said to be the top knowledge in necromancy, usually led by Salomon, and then handed over to the scientists of Sola Honglin Druid Order and Maya Hansen to share some finely divided tasks. Except for Salomon, no one knew the full picture of the genetic alchemy technology summed up through those experiments, and even Maya Hansen only knew about the scientific part.

So when Wanda tried to ask Salomon to learn some necromancy to summon the souls of her parents, the mystic refused without hesitation.

Even if others learn necromancy, even if they go astray, there is still a process of slowly eroding the mind by negative energy, or corrupting the body and distorting the body and mind by chaotic positive energy. If Wanda had learned this knowledge directly, with the similarity between the Great Shadow and another cosmic god, Wanda's madness would be like riding a roller coaster without wearing a seat belt, and then falling from a high altitude when driving to the highest point.

This was something that would happen almost 100% of the time. If that happened, Salomon felt that he might have to kill her first.

Salomon never let her see the silver key hidden in his clothes. He believed that as long as the pattern on the silver key was seen by Wanda Maximoff with his own eyes, she would probably fall into darkness. Instead of asking Wanda where the idea of ​​learning this magic came from, he cast a spell on her and took the girl to Mars to watch the space probe fall into the atmosphere.

He joked about the history of European art as he watched the refractory-clad probe burn across the red sky above Mars. Salomon took her to say hello to the American Mars Exploration Rover, and then walked with her on the red land of Mars, under the dust storms and deep space of Mars.

He tried to talk to Wanda about his interesting experiences on earth and aliens, even if some jokes were not so easy to understand. But when he showed off his cat to Wanda, Wanda's mood improved a lot after all. The fluffy little guy and this novel sight finally diverted Wanda's attention, making her forget for a while the grievance of wanting to learn necromancy and being rejected by Salomon. Even her anger at being forced to finish that math paper vanished with the shock of the Mars rover.

She subconsciously patted the head of the passing Mars rover. After accidentally knocking off the solar panel, she hurried back to Salomon, as if nothing happened just now.

"How do you know something's going to fall from it today?" she asked.

"Because I launched this thing, this is the first phase of the Mars rover." Salomon sighed. November was the window for launching the probe, but at that time Wakanda’s Mars prospector hadn’t been built yet, and he had to open a portal after launching the rocket to shorten the arrival time—in simple terms, he opened a door in outer space on Mars, and then used a short-range rocket to throw the probe over. Based on the data detected by other countries from Mars, the mining site is selected.

"As I said, I'm probably a rich man." He pointed to the American Mars rover, which seemed to have a higher level of technology than the one next to it, and was not a big guy of the same level. "My money was spent on it. There are many materials here that are not easy to buy, and they are resources monopolized by big countries. However, there are still nuclear reactors. This thing can probably run by itself for more than a hundred years, and then die from the meltdown of the reactor core."

"What do you want to do?" Wanda didn't show any discomfort under the protection of magic. She asked curiously, "What's the point of doing this?"

"This will be my factory in the future, fully automated production of armed equipment and vehicles." Salomon pointed to the large pincers protruding from the prospecting vehicle. "Its first mission is to kill those Mars exploration rovers that may find it moving. The technical value of those exploration vehicles is not on it, but on the satellites that receive information, so there is nothing to regret."

"I've always wanted to ask you a question, Salomon." Wanda kicked the priceless Martian soil on Earth, "Why didn't you take me and Pietro out of there? What's your purpose?"

"I have many goals, girl." Salomon said unhurriedly, "I don't mind helping you with a small favor while achieving my own goals. You also know that there is a subject of prophecy in magic. Although you haven't learned it yet, I can tell you that prophecy spells can see many things. Including your goal, revenge. You just need to stay there, wait for the opportunity, and you can accomplish your goal. There is another reason, that is, human beings need to be vigilant, need trial and error, and need to realize how dangerous this planet is. Even the land under your feet The civilization that has not yet been conquered is quite low-level, and our enemy is very powerful. It doesn't matter if you don't understand what I say now, you will understand when it happens."

"You always like to tell riddles."

"Magicians who specialize in prophecy are like this, just get used to it. Prophecy makes people have foresight, and all my plans point to a goal."

Ask for a ticket!

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