Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 479 Everyone is a capitalist (second update)

After all, this is a man shrouded in fog, and Wanda felt that he could not fathom his intentions. But fortunately, his attitude towards the siblings is still kind, and even to a certain extent, it is incredible (as far as Wanda himself thinks) that a person with such great power should have such patience. She even felt quite relaxed around Salomon, and the cold sense of humor that burst out from time to time was even more hilarious.

She felt that Salomon was like everyone's old lady neighbor who liked to say the same thing, wore gold-rimmed glasses and served everyone's favorite cake, and the smell of old people under the clothes was covered up by the heavy perfume smell of lies. But when you accidentally smash a neighbor's garden leprechaun statue on the lawn, or the golden plastic star on the Christmas tree, that otherwise kind neighbor will stick out his thin fingers and grab your ear to give you a good lesson.

Wanda wants to know where the garden goblins are kept, and she doesn't want to make an enemy of Salomon.

It is a pity that Salomon refused to say anything.

Wanda knew that Salomon was hiding something from her, but she never told her. The girl named Lorna Dayne is part of the plan that Wanda knows now, but who this girl is and what role she will play, Wanda knows nothing about it. It's just that she has no intention of pursuing this matter now, because Salomon once again used "revenge" to induce her to focus on her studies.

Tony Stark was a good enemy, and he always stirred up hatred in her heart. But under the request of the mystic, Wanda was still able to endure her anger, keep calm and continue to learn everything she should learn. At least after the walk on Mars, Wanda's attention was once again placed on the lessons given by Salomon.

What she didn't know was that after Salomon bid her farewell, he went to find Tony Stark immediately. His sudden arrival disturbed Stark's normal life, and he came here only to ask for a piece of information about the sale of armaments. Salomon did not believe that the bombs thrown at Wanda's house were smuggled goods, and the missiles capable of carrying ultra-small nuclear warheads were high-tech weapons.

The White House will sell light weapons to the opposition parties it supports, but it is absolutely impossible for high-tech weapons to flow out.

If you don't believe me, just look at the terrorists supported by the United States in the Middle East. What they have in their hands are some outdated light weapons, artillery from World War II, and RPGs that have not changed for thousands of years. They don't have any high-tech weapons that are really priceless.

Salomon already knew the serial number of the missile, and he tried to find out who the missile was sold to through the information of the Stark Group. But he already had an expectation in his mind that the missile was likely to be sold directly to the US military, and Obadiah, the former company veteran, was likely to be a white glove of the US military, using smuggling in exchange for orders from the White House.

This also explains why the U.S. military chooses the expensive Stark Industries Group instead of the cheap Hammer Industries Group even for firearms. Who doesn't know that the U.S. Army is a genuine fourth-class person. Any equipment on soldiers sent to the Middle East will crush local terrorists, not to mention that the most common job is to target local civilians.

After all, officials also want kickbacks. It makes sense that the Stark Group's armaments are expensive. Obadiah must have given a price that is much higher than the market value, and then the US military can share the soup.

Only a qualified auditor can find out this method, but it has been safe and sound for so many years, which shows that the US military and the Stark Group have a full tacit understanding. This tacit understanding was not broken until the naive Tony Stark shut down the arms manufacturing department and switched to the energy industry. But under the money offensive of Tony Stark, or Pepper Potts, the Stark Group invested in many military high-tech research projects, and this relationship was slowly repaired.

It can be said that it is precisely because of Colonel Rhodes as an excuse that the US military has gradually stood on the same front as the Stark Group. This relationship is far less close than before. After all, no one knew that Tony Stark, a playboy capitalist, would suddenly have such a thing as a conscience?

"Jarvis, help me obtain Stark Industries' arms sales records." Salomon asked for the information as soon as he walked out of the portal. Just as the non-lethal automatic countermeasures placed by Tony Stark in the research room were about to start, a bright blue light spread rapidly around Salomon's body, and all electronic instruments except Jarvis were cut off from power, and Jarvis himself fell into chaos caused by redundant data.

"Wow! What's wrong with you?" Tony Stark never thought that Salomon would be so rude this time. But the mystic was in no mood and had no time to talk nonsense this time. After communicating with Stark concisely, he immediately obtained permission to retrieve the records. In fact, even Tony Stark was curious about where Obadiah sold the weapons. The playboy's degeneration is very obvious. He first admitted his mistake, and then admitted the possibility that Salomon said. He believed that it was his fault and his responsibility.

After Howard Stark's death, the Stark Group fell into an embarrassing situation. In fact, if it wasn't for Obadiah's way of making the Stark Group survive, they would have been knocked down by the Roxon Group next door. The founders of these two groups are feuds. The specific reason has to start with the ambiguous relationship between Howard Stark and the wife of the founder of the Rockson Group...

"I don't know why you need this record." Stark turned off the automatic countermeasures, and then ordered Jarvis to start calling the records many years ago. He said heavily, "But if you find a victim, please do let me know. I will make it up to them."

"Very well, I appreciate you, Stark. Do you know why? Because you won't call employees in the middle of the night to ask for overtime or temporary increase or change of demand, and as a capitalist, you still have such a little conscience." Salomon stretched out his fingers, and stroked Stark's chest with the gap between his fingertips, "That's all, not much. It's not that I belittle you, but your position is destined not to pay attention to the life and death of the lower class people. No matter how many people you save when a disaster occurs, you can't compare to the little resources you leaked from your fingers. "

Ignoring Stark's bad face, Salomon continued, "I'm not talking about the tax avoidance method of charitable funds. I don't know how much tax you paid last year? Gangsters pay more taxes than you. This is also the tragedy of capitalism. The life and death of the people depends on the conscience of the capitalists."

"Okay, okay, can you stop blaming me all the time? I don't think I've done anything wrong to make money!" Stark blinked, "I'm also in business anyway, why do you think I'm as miserable as a Wall Street financial jackal?"

"Because I recently joined the ranks of Wall Street and became a part of the financial circle. No, I'm talking about private Wall Street." Salomon couldn't help laughing, "Remember to brag about virtual currency on Twitter in two days, I've already bought the bottom..."

"Which one did you buy, I will also enter the venue to play..."

Ask for a ticket!

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