Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 486 Spirits (Part 1)

Just like this man, under the ice on the streets of Norway in January, the warm spring wind spreads from the sea to the land. In the days to come, the long winter like the doomsday catastrophe will be slowly driven out of the southern land, and the forest god Vidal and the nature god Vali will plant greener and more lush plants than ever before on this land, and life will once again sing praises on this land. But in Oslo in the north, the slender tentacles of spring have not yet arrived so quickly, the pale sun overhead is weakly throwing scarce heat, and the vitality is still hidden under the ice.

Just like this man walking on the sidewalk, the short gray hair is combed back, and a few lifeless strands of hair hang down on the broad forehead. His eyes had a happy expression, neither the deliberately gray-white stubble nor the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes made him look too old, and the cold air boosted his spirit even more, making his eyes brighter. There was a light snowfall last night, and in the morning those melting snowflakes turned into a loathsome slippery ice.

He walked lightly, striding across the ice on the sidewalk. From the heels of the stiff black leather shoes to the gray-white hair that was blown a little messy by the wind, it was exactly 183 centimeters, and the arms hidden by the gray woolen coat were as powerful as the coming warm ocean wind. Good taste in dark clothes not only keeps him warm, but also gives him a mature and masculine charm. It has to be said that he is very attractive to women with Electra complex.

Casilios is looking forward to the person he is about to meet. He walked to the cafe on the side of the street, the awning kept the ground a little dry, and the waiting person stood there, looking slender than him, with the same tall figure covered by a black coat casually draped over his shoulders. This man was completely opposite to him, with a youthful aura exuding irresistibly. Not only did the three huge gemstone rings of different colors fail to make him look vulgar and gorgeous, but the bulging muscles under the white shirt also did not make him rude.

His long, slightly curly black hair was tied behind his head, and a few mischievous curls danced on his forehead with the breeze, and a charming smile was always on his face. It can be vaguely seen that there is something long and long tied around his waist with a belt inlaid with a silver buckle, which can be pulled out at any time as long as he stretches out his right hand.

"My child." Casilios opened his arms and hugged the young man hard. At one point, the two do resemble father and son. This child is his spiritual sustenance on the lonely snow mountain. He has watched this child grow up, be admitted to university, and have one or two girlfriends. He watched him learn magic, learn to drive, and learn scientific knowledge that is difficult for normal people to understand.

Salomon also smiled and patted Casilios on the back. He did not object to Casilios calling him by this name.

"You have a belly now, Casilios." After parting, Salomon raised his eyebrows at him. Cassilios' American English accent seems to have changed a bit, with the refreshing atmosphere of glaciers and pastures, "It's only been a few months, how did you become like this?"

"The father of the gods is a good hunter, and Frigg is too hospitable." Casilios said with a smile. He pulled back the wooden chairs of the coffee stand. This chair creaks, it has done the same job for over a hundred years, and it is no different today. Salomon took his seat just like him. Under his dark black woolen overcoat was a long, silver-plated black scabbard, and on the other side was a smaller scabbard. The same artistic style, only hidden by the baggy coat.

Cascilios hung his coat over the back of the seat. "If you eat venison, bear and salmon every day and don't exercise because it's too cold, you're like me," he said. "You can't just blame me. The All-Father has a belly, and that doesn't mean anything."

"Asgardians just can't stay idle, but that's not why you refuse to exercise." When the waiter brought coffee, Salomon didn't intend to talk about the mission right away. Because Salomon was busy with his studies at Oxford, His Holiness could only assign another person to accompany the Father of the Gods. As one of Kama Taj's best mystics, Casilios did his part and received the assignment of this easy task.

Whether it's Christmas or New Years, Casilios spends his time in the snow and ice of northern Europe. This kind of vacation-like task allowed him to rest for a while, and the vast and magnificent scenery made him feel happier. Salomon pushed the coffee aside. He doesn't like coffee, very much, especially the Norwegian Ferry coffee which is as bad as the Americano. But before he came here, he already wanted to spend time with Casilios, and the money he paid was enough for the store to provide some help.

The elder mystic raised his eyebrows, watching Salomon conjure a bottle of clear wine with exaggerated gestures. The waiter brought four wine glasses and a large bottle of soda, the two large glasses were filled with ice cubes, and the two small glasses could only hold a little liquid. Drinking alcohol is a very normal thing in this country, even spirits are welcomed by most people.

After Salomon poured the almost viscous frozen liquid from the wine bottle into two small cups, Casilios raised the cups without hesitation, and drank the vodka as pure as ice cubes in one gulp. Under his gaze, Salomon also raised his glass and drank the frozen wine. The vodka hit the stomach like an ice cube, and the stomach shivered from the cold. Within a few seconds, the alcohol began to play its role, and the mystic felt as if a pot of charcoal fire at a suitable temperature was stuffed into his stomach.

He let out a long breath.

"For Odin!" He happily toasted casually, "The next one is for Frigg."

Casilios nodded in satisfaction, it seemed that Salomon looked like a man.

Maybe one cup, maybe five cups, no one knows. Perhaps it was the cold wind in the north that urged them to drink every drop of wine, and Salomon and Casilios didn't intend to stop this time. Vodka was poured into glasses filled with ice cubes, and sparkling water was poured into them, and no one knew how much they drank. Between smoked fish and sausages, between chocolate and cheese balls, there were glasses of spirits and countless topics, including the joint exam that Salomon had not long ago taken. When the two finally got up to leave, Salomon was still not at all drunk, and only Casilios was still talking about the stupid things Salomon did with him when he was a child.

The young man listened, smiling, without interrupting the elder mystic.

The alcohol concentration in the veins is just right, very warm, very suitable for chatting.

It is undeniable that Casillas did play part of the father's role in Salomon's childhood. For example, taking the boy to drink secretly, building a snowman, and throwing snowballs at the boring and rigid Mordo. Salomon was grateful to him, because he really played a good father, even if the two were not related by blood-partly because Salomon was quite reassuring, completely different from normal teenagers, not at all interested in the concept of second-hand and death, noise, noise.

"What are we going to do?" Casilios asked the destination of the mission until the paper cup filled with mixed orange juice and vodka was empty. Salomon shook his head, and casually repeated what His Holiness said. Casilios glanced at the young mystic, a little curious.

"It's just a task of picking up trash." It's not unreasonable for him to call looking for items left by the gods in the past as picking up trash, because when all the gods left the earth, they often missed some less important things. For example, Aphrodite's clothes are always not worn, or she will take off her clothes immediately after wearing them. They have a magical effect, but they are actually very tasteless, and they are not even eligible to be included in the temple museum.

It is said that Aphrodite's clothes were burned by Athena, but Salomon didn't dare to ask about the specific situation.

Of course, these things will still cause some troubles after they are picked up by ordinary people, and Kama Taj will definitely solve those troubles.

Ask for a ticket!

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