Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 487: A Small Gift (Second Update)

Two people who smelled of alcohol walked the streets of Oslo. Salomon's height and attire made him look very unfriendly. He has put on his heavy woolen coat again, covering the weapons at his waist to prevent the local police from arresting him. He had heard that the Oslo police had a famous detective, Harry, who had solved many mysterious murders, but this incident might make that detective return without success. Because Salomon believed that they would encounter violent resistance, and there was no such thing as holding hands in battle, who knew how much the self-confidence of those fools would inflate.

In other words, they have to deal with those "lucky ones" first to avoid more tragedies.

Both Salomon and Casilios were sober, and that little alcohol was not enough to intoxicate the mystic.

"I remember that you are still busy with your studies, why did you take this task?" Casilios asked.

"That's because I just finished a homework." Salomon didn't specify whether it was Oxford's homework or the Immortal City's work, but he had reasons and excuses to relax anyway. Not to mention that he didn't dare to see his secretary recently. It was the consequence of that tanned straight ball. He wanted to delay as much as possible to let Stephanie calm down.

What's more, his work in the Immortal City has also temporarily come to an end. With the help of excellent atomic energy science, the super-heavy nuclear-powered tank jointly developed by him and Wakanda has been tested in a simulator, its safety has been guaranteed, and it is now ready for production. As one of the main vehicle armaments of the Sisterhood in the future, all androids and new trainees began to learn how to drive super-heavy nuclear-powered tanks and conduct infantry-tank coordinated tactical exercises.

Mechanized troops are the main goal of Salomon, relying on power armor for hand-to-hand combat will only happen in the final stage of the battle.

The Maximov siblings are shopping spree on the streets of London at the moment, and Salomon gave them a credit card. Both of them had good test scores, especially Pietro, who surprised Salomon by learning faster than his sister. As for Wanda, Salomon is always suspicious of her, because he still has no way of knowing whether Wanda succumbs to his instinct.

Perhaps the day will come when Sithorn's escape from the seal will be a disaster for the entire universe. But not now, not now, he doesn't have enough soldiers, he doesn't have enough tanks and warships, Salomon is not ready yet.

What they bought was allowed to take back to the castle, but how to hide it was another test for Salomon to Wanda. The Maximov siblings were completely unaware of the small trap set up by Salomon. Wanda never let go after receiving a ruby ​​wand from Salomon. The magic stored in that wand could temporarily make up for Wanda's lack of other elemental spells. After all, Wanda's flexibility as a kineticist is not as good as that of a mystic.

What Pietro received was a dagger and a set of high school physics exercises with more than 800 pages. This is not because of Salomon's partiality. These are the exam questions he compiled after sorting out his high school exercises. As long as Pietro finished that exercise book, it shouldn't be a problem to get into a good university.

He promised that the gifts he sent would be surprises.

The task this time is not too troublesome, it is just to recover a golden arrow of Athena's two-way plug brother Apollo. Athena didn't like her elder brother who was sowing seeds everywhere like her father, buzzing and glowing constantly. The wise goddess of war had told Salomon about Apollo more than once.

Hyacinthus, son of the king of Sparta; Cassandra, third daughter of Priam, king of Troy, and queen Hecuba; Creusa, daughter of Erechtheus, king of Athens, and Placidia; This is only known to mortals, and there are more cases that have not been recorded, because Apollo does not sing every time he starts a new love affair, letting the other Olympian gods know that he has found a new prey.

In terms of promiscuity, Apollo's attainments are not much worse than his father Zeus, and even the god of light is even better, because Apollo is a standard two-way plug (in fact, many Olympian gods are two-way plugs), and hyacinth is also derived from this. Of course, Salomon believes that this is not creationism, but that divine power has influenced species to produce genetic mutations, which is very consistent with modern biology.

Very scientific, very scientific.

"He has no accomplishments other than music, he is just a simple idiot who let his instincts live!" Athena spat. It wasn't long before Salomon met Athena, and he didn't dare to express his opinion on the evaluation among the gods of Olympus. Coupled with the kinship between Gaia, the goddess of the earth, the Greek gods, and Kama Taj, it is difficult for him to make too bad comments. If you really want to talk about it, Athena and Salomon are actually on the same pedigree, and the nepotism is ridiculously strong.

"What does this story tell us, Salomon?"

"Don't be a fool playing the piano." He replied innocently. "And don't like men."

One Apollo's golden arrow is really not too much trouble, but no one knows how many arrows Apollo used at the time. He fired no less than hundreds of arrows during the battle against the giant python. Therefore, this kind of mission may be carried out several times until all the garbage left by Apollo on the earth is cleaned up. In the past thousands of years, Karma Taj has recovered four large barrels of golden arrows, which are placed in the museum of the Temple in London, which belongs to the part of the collection that dogs hate people.

Every mystic is almost qualified to say that he has participated in the great task of recovering Apollo's arrows, because the number of arrows is too many, and the rich and powerful young master Olympus is too lazy to recover them. Apollo single-handedly increased all the workload of the mystics of Karma Taj since its establishment, and even the Venerable had performed such tasks several times in those years.

Seeing Apollo killed directly in the future, this is the consensus of Kama Taj.

For this small task, you only need to use your fist to stun a few idiots who want to dominate after accidentally getting arrows. If there is a strong resistance, Salomon will fight back with magic and weapons, and the scene will be too bloody to end (or he will need to call the fire department in advance). But in order to win the opportunity for Casilios to exercise and eliminate the middle-aged fat belly, Salomon generously gave him this opportunity.

"You just want to be lazy." Casilios rolled his eyes, cast a spell and rushed into the hotel room near Shipping Street. This is a gathering place for drug dealers, prostitutes and clients. After the local police drove them out of Brada Square, it became their new gathering place. In addition, the stock exchange and Norges Bank are also places where these people often hang out. The reason why Salomon can pinpoint the location of the person holding the golden arrow so accurately is also thanks to the help of artificial intelligence.

Not so long ago, he had sent the Sisterhood on a mission that wasn't too difficult for them. That task involved another artificial intelligence, and Salomon hadn't figured out how to deal with it yet.

Ask for a ticket! ! ! !

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