Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 488 Enabling (first update)

It's really not a big deal, it's just an artificial intelligence that hasn't been activated yet, Catherine, the android with the best swordsmanship in the sisterhood, single-handedly solved the organization called "Always Vigilant". She used power armor, a chainsword, and a boltgun, and the shootout at the bank was such a one-sided carnage that even high-caliber bullets couldn't stop Catherine. Mr. Finch and Mr. Reaser didn't know Catherine, and they didn't know where Catherine came from, but when she saw a member of "Always Vigilant" alive with a chainsword, all but the leader of the group surrendered.

The problem is that this organization has been on the FBI's blacklist before and has been identified as a terrorist organization. In such an organization, there are many undercover agents inserted by the intelligence department. These undercover agents will not only send information to the intelligence department, but also instigate members to carry out some terrorist activities, which is convenient for the intelligence department to arrest and convict.

Except for the leader of the organization, no one knows whether the remaining members are ordinary people or undercover agents. The leader was given to Mr. Finch by Catherine, and Salomon didn't participate in the matter after that. He didn't directly ask Catherine to get rid of those people, nor did he expressly let them go. He didn't know what the result of the artificial man's treatment was, maybe it was written in the document, but that document was in Tita's hands, and as the commander, she knew all the details of the operation.

Aside from that powerful artificial intelligence, he has nothing but admiration for what Harold Finch and John Reaser are doing, but he has no intention of joining them—they are filling areas that the judiciary cannot reach, and this kind of behavior is thankless. He has more important things to do. The intricate philosophical debate between procedural justice and result justice is not the topic of today's discussion.

But it seemed that Harold Finch had already guessed the origin of Catherine. He had seen the style of the bolt gun before. It's just that Salomon doesn't want to see him now, and Mr. Finch, who is too polite, didn't visit him rashly, asking Salomon to stop that cruel behavior.

Samaritan, that's the name of this yet-to-be-enabled AI. The artificial intelligence already placed in the Immortal City kept urging Salomon to destroy the two military-grade hard drives, destroying the new powerful artificial intelligence that might be born. But Salomon held off until he had checked the codes before deciding the fate of the Samaritans.

Of course, the more important reason is that he wants to spy on the artificial intelligence code through the Samaritans. The artificial intelligence server has not been moved to the Immortal City for the time being. This is a delicate balance between him and that machine, but this balance cannot last forever. There are many places where Salomon needs to use powerful artificial intelligence, such as the project of the Mars foundry. Wakanda is not a country with outstanding human resources. High-tech talents are not readily available, and artificial intelligence is quite necessary.

The project that gave birth to the Samaritan was ill-fated. When the research and development were about to be completed, the artificial intelligence created by Harold Finch had already been put into use. In order to save money, this project was directly cut in half, and the person who participated in the main research and development was Mr. Finch's college classmate, that is, the brain-damaged patient Salomon visited in the hospital. The guy was a nice guy when he was sober, one of the few polite Americans Salomon ever met.

"What are you thinking?" Casilios held the golden arrow in his hand. Arrows with the power of Apollo will give people a certain degree of prophecy, so Kama Taj will find it troublesome, and Aphrodite's underwear is not so annoying. "I rarely see you absent-minded."

"I think we may need to contact professionals in the body collection service, otherwise we will always leave suspicious cases for the local police." Salomon shrugged. He didn't plan to let too many people know about his formation of the Immortal City. "It's not good, it's a waste of public resources."

"We don't always kill the hapless ones, as long as they don't kill others." Casilios took Salomon's arm. "Come on, let's drink some more. The All-Father always disliked the beer being too weak, so he brewed a barrel of strong beer himself. He gave me a few bottles, and we drank the little beauties."


In this city with its rocky sky, the issue of lighting is very important. It is always dark at night, it never rains, and the only theme here is the sunny day full of darkness. A large number of light bulbs illuminate the streets and alleys planned by great artists. Salomon watched the light of the street lamp shining on the window glass motionless. He picked up a glass of whiskey with ice balls and drank it slowly.

Recently his need for alcohol has increased. Although he always drank some wine before, he also has a preference for spirits. Rum, whiskey, brandy and vodka are his favorites, which can be served with ice or straight.

He didn't want to get drunk, probably no amount of alcohol.

This is also a happy annoyance, the side effect of the stigmata combined with the powerful brain. He can hardly experience the feeling of being slightly drunk, and only special wine can make him drunk.

After the wine glass with only ice cubes left was put back on the table, Stephanie immediately changed the ice cubes in the glass again, and then poured about two servings into it. She handed the wine glass to Salomon and poured a glass for herself. She and Salomon never talked about the stupid things she did before, as if she had turned back into the shrewd and capable woman again.

Dinah glared at her, as if protesting that Stephanie was taking her job.

"We've started to take shares in pharmaceutical companies," Stephanie said. "Investing in the Institute of Neuroscience is underway. Whitehall won't doubt it, because human body research is a research project of many Hydras, and Baron Strucker and Dr. Lister are also doing it. He will only think that the Malik family has given up mythology and turned to science, and he may laugh at the backwardness of the Malik family."

"Very well, our scientific research strength is still too weak." Salomon cleared his throat, "We need external scientists to help us carry out project research, and let all experts in this field serve us. As for Whitehall..."

"I've heard the legend about him." Stephanie sat on Salomon's lap, with a very natural expression on her sun-tanned face, "His rejuvenation is no secret within Hydra, and no one knows what he has achieved."

"He didn't achieve any results. He just performed an organ transplant operation, and he also risked rejection." Salomon said, "But his experimental product is very helpful to us, and it is also very helpful to your father. The genes of the Cree are not that strong. They are also the experimental subjects of the Celestial Group. The reason why the genes of humans and Cree can be combined is because they all come from the same genetic engineering of the Celestial Group. We can replicate Whitehall's success more than once, and the cost is low."

"Then we can control all the capitalists and politicians in the world." Stephanie's eyes lit up. She imagined many plans in an instant, and then picked out a more feasible one and said, "The more people have, the more they are afraid of death. They are afraid of aging, afraid of being in a trance, afraid that they can't control their excretion in bed, and can only accept rough scrubbing in humiliation. As long as they know about life extension surgery, we will be welcomed by rich people all over the world, and we may be able to reduce the cost of eating that part of the shares. As long as we promise to extend their life! Of course, they will not be so well behaved, but we also have armed forces, and we can even use their money to support us."

"Good idea." Salomon stroked Stephanie's back, which made her smile happily. "But we have our biggest competitor, and we have to destroy him first." The mystic said casually, "Totally. There is no paper clip project this time, and he won't resurface again."

Ask for a ticket!

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