Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 489 I am the Hydra (1) (2nd)

He is very angry! This was Salomon's original idea.

His heart burst into scorching flames, and anger rushed through his veins like hot oil, like the most stubborn virus deeply attached to his bone marrow, as if someone in a certain corner of the earth was complacent because he played tricks on him. He took a deep breath of seaside air that had been purified and sent into this giant city hundreds of feet below the ground.

The air temperature here is constant and maintained at a cool and comfortable temperature through the ventilation system. Stephanie suddenly felt a little stuffy, and looked up at the thermometer on the table. Being underground, you can't help but check the CO2 levels—she noticed that the temperature in the Immortal City had suddenly risen by a few degrees without her notifying her.

Salomon quickly controlled his emotions.

His gaze became cold, and all his emotions were deeply hidden, but his breath still carried the anger enough to ignite the air.

It was his fault, no doubt about it. It was absolutely his fault, without a doubt.

Instead of programs, the hard drive that was supposed to hold the Samaritan contained a bunch of worthless files. Someone had played him so badly that the programming knowledge that Salomon had spent months traveling between Oxford colleges and learning specifically for it was useless. For a whole semester, he spent countless hours studying in the field of artificial intelligence, and this hard drive made him dizzy like the hardest slap. He didn't think the worthless hard drive was worth the cyber-terrorist group's hands. Harold Finch's classmates must have finished their work, someone must have replaced the hard drive.

Salomon calmed down and poured himself a glass of wine.

who? when?

He sent Tita a message asking her to come to him with the action paper. Immediately afterwards, he sat on the sofa in his office, staring out the window at the eternal night. After Tita handed over the documents, Salomon began to review everything he knew.

"I just seem to understand everything, Rogers." Agent Natasha Romanoff said, "But there must be someone who knows what's going on. He foresees such a situation in S.H.I.E.L.D. I can guarantee that he has nothing to do with this matter. He just simply knows what's going on."

Not too long ago, Steve Rogers had been to the Smithsonian in Washington, one of his favorite places. Only this time, his life has become a museum exhibit. He is known as a walking cultural relic and a hero all over the world. Honor, bravery, and sacrifice are the themes of the exhibition, but Steve Rogers feels none of them, and when he walks through the museum, walking up to the Howling Commandos dummies, he, too, becomes an exquisite exhibit.

In his eyes, the world was no longer what he had fought for.

A tape of a 1953 interview with Peggy Carter was playing in the screening room. "It was a tough winter. A snowstorm trapped half the battalion behind the German lines. Steve, Captain Rogers, single-handedly broke through the Hydra blockade and saved the Confederate soldiers who had been trapped for months. He saved thousands of people, including the man who would later...become my husband."

Even Peggy Carter was no longer what he remembered from the video. No doubt, Steve Rogers went to meet her and watched the once young and beautiful octogenarian step into the mists of time again. That look made his heart ache. By the time he left, his belief had been extremely firm.

He would never have agreed to Project Insight, no matter what Nick Fury's original intentions were, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has mutated from the way Peggy Carter created it. But not long ago, he had just watched Nick Fury be pronounced dead by a doctor, and then he was besieged by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natasha Romanoff said the name, and unsurprisingly, she saw that Rogers was hesitating. "Nick Fury is dead. But I can assure you that Nick Fury trusts him," she said. "He's said many times that that guy is a man with the same ideals as him. He's not a kid. I've known him longer than you. He was acting like a normal person when he was about fifteen. He was a man with a plan from the beginning. And I've seen his abilities. He's not a gypsy girl in a circus with tarot cards. Just believe it."

Romanov's expression was so determined that Steve Rogers couldn't help but be shaken.

"How do we find him?" he asked. "Nick Fury buried all the information on Salomon Damonette. I haven't seen him in a long time."

"I know a way." Natasha Romanov smiled confidently, "I promise it will work."


Salomon walked out of the server room with a gloomy face. Hoarfrost condensed on his eyebrows, and the low temperature generated by magic was sealed in the heavy door that was just closed.

He accepted the AI's offer.

Although the artificial intelligence did not have such a motive, Salomon felt deeply humiliated by the loss of the initiative in his hands because the situation forced him to accept the proposal. Jointly destroying the Samaritans has become his next goal of action. Before that, the machine has already made countermeasures, allowing Ms. Groves to tamper with the Samaritans' servers.

And that machine never told Salomon about it, it just watched the mystic's work in vain.

Even if the Samaritans were online, that machine could create an information dead zone. Not big, but big enough to keep a few people from being tracked by the Samaritans. Now that machine needs Salomon to amplify this achievement, because only Salomon has armed forces that ordinary people can't imagine.

Destroying a server does not destroy an AI, and Salomon understands this well. He now has to wait for the Samaritans to come online, and then, based on the location of the Samaritan servers detected by that machine, cooperate with the cyber offensive to simultaneously destroy everything the Samaritans need to survive.

Like hunting.

A plan in Salomon's mind is brewing. He will not be content with that, watching the machine gain the upper hand in the transaction again. The fact that the machine concealed the truth made Salomon very dissatisfied, because he saw in the bank's surveillance video that day, when Catherine took the hard drive from Harold Finch and his classmates, the two hard drives had already been dropped by the bank staff.

The "always vigilant" attack was nothing more than a cover, and those online vagrants attracted everyone's attention, including Salomon and the machine, but only the machine knew the truth, and it chose to hide it from Salomon. Although this was only out of pros and cons, the machine did not want to have another terrifying artificial intelligence, but Salomon was still dissatisfied with its concealment.

There are many things that an electronic god can do in this world, and it happens that there is more than one such god. No matter how powerful artificial intelligence is, it still needs users. Salomon intends to change the owner of the Samaritan to work with that machine.

He spent a lot of money to build the server to let the artificial intelligence provide services for him, and he also provided measures to protect the artificial intelligence, but so far, the cooperation between the two parties seems to be inconsistent, and the incident of the Samaritan will completely determine the primary and secondary relationship between him and artificial intelligence. This is related to the mission of the Mars Foundry, and Salomon will not show mercy to anyone.

The machine seems to have sensed Salomon's plan, so it has been working hard recently.

It passed two videos to Salomon.

The first video is a black vehicle black SWAT team siege, took place on the streets of Washington.

The second video shows a red-haired woman waving at the camera, lip-synching Salomon's name.

Ask for a ticket! !

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