Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 495 I am the Hydra (7)

The most important thing for a kind person is empathy. No kind person can be indifferent to 20 million lives. But Salomon showed indifference in this matter, which made Natasha, who knew his psychological problems from beginning to end, feel uneasy. She felt that the person in front of her was a huge black hole devouring flesh and blood, with a mockery of life on her face, but Agent Natasha Romanov abandoned her sensibility at the next moment and used rational professionalism to understand this matter from another angle.

"It seems that you are very confident in this operation. Aren't you willing to tell us what is missing to make this operation a success?" She said, "You always don't speak out. Is this your magician's unique way of speaking?"

She would not give Salomon such stupid suggestions as psychoanalysis therapy. She knew that Salomon had always disliked the use of therapy that was full of petty bourgeois and even white people. She also knew that Salomon always believed that he was not sick. Perhaps he knows that he may be a little sick, but he doesn't care about it at all. Such a person is the most sick.

Sooner or later, Salomond will end up in a mental hospital. This is Maria Hill's conclusion in a private chat with her. They are all qualified to view Salomon's files, and they all know that Salomon's birth is accompanied by a series of absurd religious allusions. If S.H.I.E.L.D. had discovered Salomon when he was born, or S.H.I.E.L.D. had contacted him earlier, maybe he could have been treated partially at that time.

As long as Salomon is adopted by a normal family, his current problems will not be so big. But it was too late to say anything now, the older he was, the more he would resist treatment, not to mention that Salomon was studying magic in a place where no one knew where, this person knew nothing about the world, he could only learn from books. By the time Nick Fury and Agent Coulson became aware of the situation, Salomon was already at Eton and had clashed with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Thinking about it now, those members of the action team should be Hydra.

"You are really smart, Natasha. But you guessed wrong this time. I was just prepared." Salomon said with a smile, "This is not a prophecy, but an idea from the perspective of a suggester, trying to find ways to reduce losses. The suggestion of using artificial intelligence to forcibly seize the operating system of the sky carrier is an alternative plan after the failure of the operation. Fury also agreed. He still has some computer talents to use. If your operation fails, this plan will take effect immediately."

Of course Salomon wasn't telling the truth, or rather, everything he said was a lie. He does have an artificial intelligence, but he doesn't mean the one in the Immortal City computer room. As a heavy nuclear-powered tank with less maneuverability than an assault transport boat, Salomon was naturally placed in the most critical position. Now, a group of Sisterhood combat teams are heading to a hidden stronghold to seize key items and prepare for Salomon's next plan

But even Agent Romanov, a micro-expression expert, had to admit that even though his expressions were not so sincere, the logic was smooth and correct. Salomon is indeed the same kind of person as Nick Fury. They both like to make multi-handed preparations, but this time they all bring their backhands to the surface so that they can see it intuitively.

"Do you know who attacked you on Route 4 in London?"

"Of course I know." Salomon blinked, showing his fangs, "I knew it from the beginning."

"SHIELD, Hydra, none of them can stay." These are the original words of Steve Rogers. There is indeed a problem with S.H.I.E.L.D. Even Nick Fury doesn't know how many loyal agents are still in S.H.I.E.L.D. Even Agent Maria Hill agreed with this idea, and only after a thorough cleanup would S.H.I.E.L.D. have a chance of being reborn.

Nick Fury agreed to the plan with feigned reluctance. But apart from Agent Maria Hill and himself, no one knows what he left for Agent Coulson. Even in the current situation, Nick Fury will not expose all of his backhands.

The price of doing so is nothing more than turning from the front of the stage to the backstage.

Agent Natasha Romanov glanced at Salomon, who was listening, and couldn't help but shudder when she saw the mystic raised a cup to cover her smile. She didn't know how many years Salomon had endured after the attack on Highway 4. Did he know that Hydra would come out of the shadows sooner or later? Did he already know that S.H.I.E.L.D. would be destroyed? Had he been waiting for Captain Rogers to say this?


"Am I dead?" Agent Victoria Hand was still dazed.

She had no idea that, not so long ago, the S.H.I.E.L.D. to which she was loyal had completely disintegrated. Nick Fury intends to eliminate all unidentified S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, leaving room for those who can be identified. But in the process, casualties are inevitable, and Agent Victoria Hand and the loyal faction she has wooed is one of them.

"Yes, you are dead." Tita said indifferently. Salomon didn't give enough scrolls of resurrection, so the sisterhood can only treat them according to the priority of the target. "John Gartler is Hydra, and so is Grant Ward," she said. "We found your body and resurrected you."

"Resurrection? You are..."

"I am the servant and believer of the great master. For your understanding, you can call him Salomon Damonet."

Agent Victoria Hand took a deep breath, remembering the Moonlit Cutlery Ball that Salomon had shown her. That fantastic scene sometimes appeared in her dreams, as beautiful as the fairy tales in her childhood. "What do you want me to do?" she asked in a daze. "What does your master want me to do?"

Tita opened a document, and the commander of the android combat team who was originally heroic suddenly became a little stuttering. "Draw... a cartoon mouse head on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and then wait for Disney to launch an air strike? Oh, this is a joke from the master! The master's order is to ask you to lead us to suppress the rebellion on the aircraft carrier. From now on, this aircraft carrier belongs to the owner."

"This is the property of S.H.I.E.L.D.! It's the property of the World Security Council!"

"Not anymore, Ms. Hand." Tita put away the documents, "If we do it ourselves, it will take a long time to suppress the rebellion on the aircraft carrier, but we will not distinguish who is Hydra, we will only leave corpses. You have also seen how we treat the enemy, only minced meat and coke. If you want to save the lives of loyalists, then you have to do what we say."

In Tita's helmet, the progress bar of a task came to an end, and a gentle beep sounded.

The giant barrel rose and aimed at an abandoned house in the distant suburbs.

The heavy nuclear-powered tank has enough space to load the crew, and there is a passage between the energy cabin and the artillery group that is enough for one person to walk together. The top of the passage is the entrance and exit of the tank, and there is a heavy-duty bolter machine gun on the top of the turret. Even with the automatic loading system and vibrating shock absorption system, the recoil force of the shells still made the whole tank back slightly. In a burst of loud noise enough to shatter the building, the shell broke through the sound barrier and smashed into the house firmly.

The base that was originally used as a camouflage immediately issued an alert, and the armed personnel who tried to protect here were all run over by heavy tanks. No one expected that there would be such an armed force launching an attack in the suburbs in the United States. A fully armed android stood behind a heavy machine gun, ready to destroy the helicopters of the Homeland Security Bureau and the armed helicopters of the National Guard who came to support.

Other Sisterhoods in power armor rushed through the tanks, armed with bolters and chainswords. In addition to the necessary crew and anti-aircraft fire, all sisters must enter the ruins to complete a mission.

Look for the AI ​​Samaritan.

Ask for a ticket!

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