Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 496 I am the Hydra (8)

Even Salomon himself can't remember when he started plotting against S.H.I.E.L.D.

Maybe it was when he saw the eagle shield mark on Da Vinci's manuscript, maybe it was the first time he entered the ruins of the Immortal City, and was shocked by the magnificent buildings that condensed the wisdom of countless sages, or maybe it was the Venerable who handed the holy sword into his hands and appointed him as the spokesperson of the Mother Earth Goddess, the Lord of the Earth, and the legal ruler of mankind.

At the beginning, he planned to establish a system to wipe out the black magic creatures on the earth, so that Kama Taj could better deal with the pressure of the outer dimension. As time went on, his ideas became more and more perfect, and he learned more about the threats facing the earth and even the entire human race, and a great plan was born. All plans are very young, there is still time to improve, and there is plenty of room for fault tolerance and improvement, such as the artificial intelligence Samaritan.

Salomon had originally wanted to use that machine to operate the sky carrier, but now he had a better option.

Just when Sam went to talk to Steve Rogers, Salomon got up to say goodbye.

Natasha Romanov also went out with him on the pretext of going out to get some air. Of all the people present, no one was more upset than Natasha Romanoff, but she also knew that she could not prevent the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. Maria Hill may know the follow-up plan from Nick Fury, but Natasha doesn't know anything. She only knows that her new home will be destroyed, and she will be the first person to sprinkle the first handful of soil in front of the tombstone of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The feeling suffocates her, and she thinks about the Avengers. This organization relies on the legitimacy of S.H.I.E.L.D. If S.H.I.E.L.D. disappears, where should the Avengers go?

"What are your plans after this is over?" She looked up at Salomon's face. She remembered that when she saw Salomon for the first time, he looked like a taller student, and now he was even taller than Captain Rogers, and the soft stubble that had just been shaved could still be seen on his lips, and his facial features gradually became sharp and angular.

He grew up in a trance, only those obsidian-like eyes flickered with complicated thoughts from beginning to end. Natasha Romanov was never able to grasp his thoughts, as if the brain of the mystic was a huge computer, and the thoughts revealed by those eyes were only a few small files, and she could even hear the sound of the hard disk spinning.

Natasha had to feel how time flies. "Not about going to school or anything, you know what I mean."

"I plan to raise some ostriches and some horses, just by the Thames River in Whitchurch." If you don't know him well, you will think that he is expressing his longing for future life. "I spent a lot of money, but the renovation progress of the manor is really too slow. Everything costs money, but the money is not wasted."

Salomon tried his best to imagine Bayonetta and Joan in rider clothes, riding horses on the lawn in the early morning sun, or Pegasus having fun with other horses in the woodland. He squinted his eyes, and it seemed that the bright green light reflected from the grass in the forest shone directly into his eyes. "Every morning, you can go to the meadow to ride a horse or an ostrich, and in the afternoon, you can row a boat on the Thames. Do you remember your boat ticket, ma'am? That boat ticket can depart from the small pier of the manor."

His subtext is clear, he's asking Natasha Romanoff if she wants to join this life away from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the politics that followed. He has the ability to make sure she stays out of that mess, Congressional accountability isn't a problem for him, and he needs to use her to find S.H.I.E.L.D. files that Nick Fury has kept hidden.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s collection doesn't have many supernatural items capable of destroying the world (those are housed in the Kama Taj shrine), but that's a big source of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s troubles. What's more, Salomon has always suspected that Nick Fury knew the whereabouts of all the Skrulls. In order to eliminate the alien shapeshifters, he planned to find clues from SHIELD's information.

Agent Romanov could tell, she just smiled and didn't answer. She knew about Salomon's purchase of the manor in Oxfordshire, but she was not Nick Fury, and she did not intend to hold on to Salomon's unusual income and strange relationships. As a key monitoring target, she also knew that Salomon had recently purchased a huge amount of pure silver, pure gold and precious stones, but she was not in the mood to ask why now, as this was not her task.

"Then what will your girlfriend think?" She deliberately mentioned the witch.

Sure enough, Salomon immediately showed a look of embarrassment on his face. The female agent smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then turned and walked back. "You know how to contact me." Salomon turned his head, and the embarrassment that was still on his face just now disappeared immediately. He said in a deep voice, "And I need you, very much. You won't regret it."

Natasha Romanov waved her hand and disappeared into the dark passage without looking back.


After the violent explosion, a huge crack appeared in the building disguised as an abandoned building, and the solid reinforced concrete was helpless in front of the giant cannon. Immediately after another shot, the giant tank smashed the flat asphalt road like a heavy hammer on the earth.

Zhenjin can indeed absorb kinetic energy, but this absorption has an upper limit. By guiding the energy to be released to other places, Zhenjin can repeatedly absorb kinetic energy. Therefore, Su Rui guides the kinetic energy in the vibration gold to the outside of the tank, forming a protective cover that can be released when necessary, and pushes away enemies approaching the tank.

After receiving the signal, Ola led five other androids in power armor to break in at the risk of the building collapsing. Through the air filtration system of the power armor, the dust smell has been excluded from the filter element, and the thermal imaging electronic eyes show all the people hidden in the dust, allowing the artificial man to easily catch the target.

Even after the shelling, there are still many people alive in this building. The shells did not directly hit the human body, and more casualties were caused by the collapse of buildings. It's a base for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, now on loan to intelligence security contractors. In this country where everything can be bought with money, national security can also be measured with money. As long as there is a need, a system that can monitor the actions of the entire social network can also be undertaken by private individuals.

What Salomon wanted was here. The AI ​​in the Immortal City gave the address, and it was up to the Sisterhood to launch the raid.

When they blasted a gate, they heard the machine gun on the tank outside the window suddenly rang out, followed by an explosion, and the monster-like tank rolled over the rubble and moved to the other side. Ola smacked her mouth, she had just been debriefed by the crew.

"Quickly move." She sent a message to the other sisters through the communication system of the helmet, "The spoiler is here!"

Ask for a ticket!

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