Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 497 I am the Hydra (9)

Dozens of pieces of information are processed at the same time. Videos, images, or a short text message. Behind all the seemingly chaotic appearances, there is a common law. Behind all tasks, there is a person guiding all of them. He summarized, aggregated, and used the intelligence obtained in one mission for another. While suppressing the rebellion through raids, airborne, blasting, etc., he also negotiated and communicated with S.H.I.E.L.D. loyalists such as Robert Gonzalez and Victoria Hand.

He mobilized all the resources on the surface, constantly opened the portal to send some people to another place, and re-squeezed the scattered overseas forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. During the time when Salomon was busy without touching the ground, Dinah kept monitoring the situation of the Tricurve Wing headquarters. Salomon really couldn't copy the satellite positioning module used by the three sky carriers in such a short period of time, so he immediately checked the code the moment he got the mission target to ensure that the newly activated artificial intelligence would not make mistakes.

This artificial intelligence server was held by Salomon, and its competitors wanted to strangle the Samaritan to death immediately. Two artificial intelligences with completely different underlying logics are in the same situation. This is what Salomon wants. Even vicious competition is better than being lazy and not working.

Meanwhile, he's arguing with Robert Gonzalez, watching the S.H.I.E.L.D. executives gathered in the office out of the corner of his eye. After Tita took Agent Victoria Hand to suppress the rebellion on the carrier, the mystic began a video conference with the carrier's commander. Salomon asked him to prepare and command the armed forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. to launch an attack on the Tricurved Wing headquarters.

Of course, most of the loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents didn't trust him, nor did they trust any of them, much less Agent Victoria Hand who arrived with the Sisterhood. It's just that Agent Victoria Hand and Agent Coulson can jointly vouch for it, and have issued Nick Fury's certification. With Salomon's consent, these senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agents finally knew Salomon's identity and his role in the Battle of New York. With the assurances of two senior agents, and the threat of chainswords and bolters hanging over his head, Robert Gonzalez had no choice but to agree to the plan.

"Fine, I don't have time to spend on debate. Get moving." He turned his head to look at the code again, ignoring Robert Gonzalez's psychological gap. Mystics at work are rather unkind. In his eyes, those loyal agents are tools. Even though he knows that these people will pay their lives because of their own choices, this order is very fair to SHIELD, the main body of the transaction. They can keep secrets and loyalists in the headquarters, as well as many Quinjet fighters that can no longer be built after the disintegration of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alexander Pierce prepared a speech for all trustees, and when they arrived in the conference room, he poured champagne on everyone's lips. This is the most important day and the day to celebrate. Henceforth, the faction he leads will return to Hydra's past glory. "I know it's not going to be smooth sailing." He chuckled to himself at the stupidity of the politicians. "Some of you would love to kick me out midway. But in the end we're all getting there and the world will be grateful."

Pierce raised his glass. While the directors were drinking champagne, an extremely familiar voice sounded from the internal communication equipment of the Tricurve Wing headquarters. The sound made Alexander Pierce's skin tense.

"Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, I'm Steve Rogers..."

The directors all had panicked expressions on their faces.

With the help of Agent Maria Hill, Steve Rogers made it to the satellite command center without incident, while technicians watched from the other side. In fact, when they broke in, they thought they would encounter resistance, but they didn't expect that those agents didn't believe that SHIELD wanted Steve Rogers at all, and some agents even enthusiastically showed them the way.

It's just that those agents flinched in panic under Agent Hill's indifferent expression.

"You've heard a lot about me in recent days. Some of you have even been ordered to hunt me down, but I think it's time for you to know the truth." Steve Rogers paused, as if wanting to give the audience time to accept. He continued, "SHIELD is not what we think it is, it has been infiltrated and taken over by Hydra. Their leader is Alexander Pierce, and the Special Forces and Insight Team are also members of Hydra. I don't know who else, but I know they are in this building..."

The technicians listened dumbfounded to all this.

While the directors were listening intently to the radio, Alexander Pierce put down the champagne and picked up his mobile phone to issue orders.

"...they're very likely to be on your side, and they're going to get absolute control soon as they wish. They killed Nick Fury, but it's not going to end there! If you put the carrier in the sky today, HYDRA will have the power to kill anyone who opposes them unless we stop them..."

Simultaneously, Steve Rogers' voice rang through the monitoring program on Salomon's computer.

Salomon has ordered two artificial intelligences to invade the internal network of S.H.I.E.L.D. and view the images of all surveillance coverage areas through the cameras. The movements of his hands did not stop at all, and a branch of the planetary defense system was placed in front of him to control the opening and closing of the portal on a large scale. Meanwhile, Stephanie was busy spinning around him. She had to complete one after another of Salomon's instructions, such as directing the Washington police to conduct traffic control, suppress riots in slums, buy time for the armored troops of the Immortal City to enter the city, and so on.

All unimportant things had to wait until after the war.

"...I know it's hard to do, but freedom comes at a high price. I'm willing to pay that price. It's okay if I'm the only one, but I bet I won't be alone."

The firefight within S.H.I.E.L.D. has begun.

"Robert Gonzalez, let's go." Salomon gave an order, and several Quin-jet fighters on the deck of the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier far overseas immediately took off. Carrying armed men of loyal agents, they followed the black-painted Sisterhood assault transports through the portal, crashing headlong from the dark sea into sunny Washington. He ordered the artificial intelligence to use the camera to guide the Loyalist agents, and then he ordered Tita to meet the tank unit that was on the other side of the river at the Tricurved Wing headquarters.

"Be sure to let the sky carrier rise, and you have to buy time for me to write instructions." He closed the call channel to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and said to all the commanders of the Sisterhood combat team, "Those three sky carriers will be your Earth Mothership in the future, and we will modify them. But now, we have to protect them in the hands of Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. They are already the property of the Immortal City."

Ask for a ticket!

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