Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 498 I am the Hydra (10)

On the surface of the Potomac River outside the Tricurved Wings headquarters, three hatches that add up to the size of ten football fields rise up, and slowly open after draining most of the river water. The noise of the hatches colliding with each other can be heard even by Salomon, who is far away on the other side of the river. He watched the river water fall into the hangar like raindrops. The three Nimitz-class sky carriers were equipped with anti-gravity engines developed by Stark. These huge engines spouting blue and white light exploded with amazing heat, instantly evaporating the falling river water.

For a moment, the surface of the Potomac River was covered with white steam. But soon the steam was evaporated again by the heat brought by the rising sky carrier.

Without exception, the energy used on these sky carriers is Stark's Ark reactor, and only that trans-epochal energy can support this engine. In the past, the sky carriers that used propellers to lift off used nuclear reactors, which were slower than these three sky carriers in terms of speed and lift-off time.

"They are starting the launch process." Agent Maria Hill reported the situation to Steve Rogers and Sam via a separate communication system. She had to stay in the satellite control room to provide intelligence support to the frontline personnel, so she remained calm from beginning to end. Although Hydra has not discovered her location for the time being, she still puts the pistol with the safety on her lap, ready to draw the gun and shoot at any time.

Salomon watched as the Falcon activated the jetpack and flew into the sky. Captain America leaped from the edge of the open hatch, landed on the deck of a rising sky carrier, and fought the Hydra special forces in S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms. With the launch of another sky aircraft carrier, the anti-aircraft artillery on the aircraft carrier was activated immediately, but Falcon's luck and maneuverability were really good, he was covered by the anti-aircraft gun, but he was not injured.

The mystic opened one eye, ending the long-range spying spell.

He is ready to act.

Following the order, Robert Gonzalez led the Loyalist Special Forces into the Tricurved Wing headquarters. Now the entire Tricurve Wing headquarters is in a gun battle. No one expected that the people around them would suddenly draw their guns and shoot at them. The taste of distrust permeated everyone's tongues. Even the team led by Robert Gonzalez also encountered distrust and opened fire.

Salomon ignored the affairs in the Tricurve Wing Headquarters. Robert Gonzalez could go to the Aegis Academy for support after this incident was over and the rebellion in the Tricurve Wing Headquarters was quelled. He vetoed Commander Gonzalez's request to support S.H.I.E.L.D. He had no intention of sending anyone to S.H.I.E.L.D.A. at all. Just as the loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents left the aircraft carrier, Salomon sent Wakanda to take over the aircraft carrier and its aircraft.

Robert Gonzalez attacked the tarmac first.

Now all Hydra aircraft have been lifted into the air, and all that are left are S.H.I.E.L.D. pilots. Although the ownership of Tricurve Wing Headquarters is important, it is even more important to stop the insight plan. Robert Gonzalez intended to provide air support to Steve Rogers on the mission, a plan Salomon had no doubts about.

Behind him he heard the sound of tracks grinding over the ground and the loud rumble of tank engines, and the engines of several assault transport boats whizzed past his head. He saw the assault transports arc out to avoid the anti-aircraft guns, and the androids in power armor and steel wings rained down on the three sky carriers.

These people with craters, blood and explosion marks on their bodies attracted everyone's attention. Neither Hydra nor Steve Rogers knew where these people came from. The Sisterhood headed straight for the bridge in the face of the Hydra Special Forces gunfire. Unlike Steve Rogers, the artificial people showed no mercy, and any Special Forces member who was directly hit by a bullet would be cut in two. Facing the Quinjet fighters chasing them, the two androids activated their steel wings and pounced on the cockpit of the plane, pierced the cockpit glass with the chainsaw sword in their hands, and smashed the pilot into pieces.

This violent way of fighting has aroused everyone's vigilance. After Maria Hill tried to contact through the general communication channel and failed, she turned to Sam and Rogers to report the situation of the artificial people. Captain Rogers has no time to delay. He must seize control of the aircraft carrier before it reaches an altitude of 3,000 feet. If the insight satellite establishes communication with the aircraft carrier, then the insight plan will start immediately.

Steel Wings led Tita's combat team from one carrier's deck to another. A Quinjet flew around the superstructure of the sky carrier, chasing the Falcon on the deck. The hapless man was flying close to the deck, trying to take cover under the wings of the Quinjet fighters lined up on the deck, but an explosion from a Quinjet fighter with its ammunition box exploded knocked him off balance and knocked him off the deck.

Tita pulled out the long sword forged by Salomon and activated the force field technology analyzed by Stark and improved by Wakanda. She wielded this long sword that flashed with blue lightning, and the sword cut into the aircraft armor plate as easily as cutting into cheese. She cut open the belly of the Quinjet fighter like a fish.

The Quin-jet fighter crashed into the river with flames and thick smoke.

The Quinjet fighter jets on a sky carrier had just taken off when heavy shelling came from the woods on the other side of the Potomac River. Thanks to the precise fire control, the shell accurately hit the Quin-jet fighter without harming the sky carrier itself. Then there was another precise bombardment, and the anti-aircraft artillery on the Sisterhood's way was blown to pieces. Loud noise and black smoke filled the aircraft carrier deck. "Hi, girls!" Sam greeted, looking at Tita, who was not wearing a helmet. "Where are you from?"

"Sam, don't contact them." Maria Hill, who was in charge of the overall situation, reminded Falcon. She had roughly guessed the origins of those girls. The report submitted by Captain Rogers mentioned the artificial intelligence made by Salomon, but she didn't expect Salomon to make so many.

Tita cast a cold look at Sam, and then ran to the bridge on her own. The order Salomon gave them was to kill all those who resisted, and force the power group, maintenance crew, and maintenance management team to obey the order. They not only had to control the bridge, but also killed all the combat teams, communication teams, and weapon teams. They had no time to chat.

"There are still eight minutes, Captain." What Maria Hill didn't know was that the communication link between her and Steve Rogers was being monitored by Salomon. Wait until Steve Rogers walks through the blast door on the command deck of the Helicarrier, leading to the Mothership's main server on the blade server.

"Working on it." Steve Rogers arrived at the belly server interface of the sky carrier. In order to ensure temperature circulation and optimize bandwidth, the blade servers are installed in this open room, where a lot of information is exchanged and passed on. But when he arrived here, he found an acquaintance sitting in front of the hatch of the blade server, and the door carrying the server chip was open.

"Why are you here, Salomon?"

"What are you talking about, captain?" Maria Hill asked puzzled.

Salomon waved without looking back. He released the external keyboard, and a similar interface was installed on the blade server. The tablet in his hand was connected, and lines of running logs were drawn on the small screen of the tablet. "Did I tell you that I have studied computer technology for a semester." He put away the external soft keyboard of the tablet, "I have already solved this ship, you are late."

"You didn't follow orders..."

"I'm a foreign aid." Salomon said nonchalantly, "You can continue your work, but it won't change anything. I have replaced some files in the code. Although the names are the same, the content is completely different. I also added a few packages so that I can implant the program for modification..."

Ask for a ticket!

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