Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 500 I am the Hydra (12)

The deafening emergency evacuation alarm sounded throughout the Tricurved Wing complex, shaking every glass in the building.

Brock Rumlow cursed to himself at the guy who had designed the emergency evacuation siren, which sounded like the screeching sound of a cat's paws scratching glass. Regardless of other people's opinions, it penetrates the eardrum directly and powerfully, making people's scalp numb. He was trying to join his special forces team. "All personnel, please go to the designated safe area." The automatic language was broadcast through the loudspeaker, making the whole building even more noisy, "All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents please gather at the assembly point in Area D."

"Sir." The voice of one of Rumlow's subordinates sounded in the headset, "The council has been compromised."

"Repeat, dispatch center." Rumlow pressed the headset. He couldn't believe it, because Alexander Pierce had all the biosafety protocols set up. He wasn't so surprised until he heard the men of Hydra's temporary dispatch center say that the Black Widow was up there.

He knew the abilities of the Black Widow, so he shouldn't be surprised that this tenth-level agent broke the council.

Maria Hill, as the current head of the S.H.I.E.L.D. dispatch center, saw Rumlow walking upstairs with a gun through the camera. There are only three elevators with authority and direct access to the council upstairs. One of the cables was severed by the shield when Captain Rogers was escaping, and is now stuck in the elevator shaft by the emergency braking system. Rumlow can only go up the stairs, bypassing the battle to go to the elevator.

Maria Hill thought for a few seconds, and decided to order Robert Gonzalez, who had just helped S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to capture multiple areas, to send someone to stop Brock Rumlow. She just hoped they had time. However, Robert Gonzalez brought a bad news-the Winter Soldier appeared on the Quin-jet fighter tarmac, and the pilots and ground crews sent to capture the Quin-jet fighter suffered casualties, and they were not enough.

It was a mess, and Agent Maria Hill felt her scalp go numb, and the heat spread all over her body along her spine, making her palms sweat. The Winter Soldier, who had disappeared for a while, reappeared and tried to capture the Quinjet. The intention of doing this is very obvious, it is to prevent Salomon from replacing the blade server chip. She called again, and after getting a confirmation answer, she called Captain America.

"Captain Rogers, we need you. The Winter Soldier has appeared." Agent Hill said in a deep voice. She remained calm and reported Bucky Barnes' current information to Steve Rogers.

"Received!" Captain Rogers ran to the edge of the ship.

"Sam, I need a ride!" He hopped off the skycarrier before the HYDRA squad could fire a recoilless gun at him, leaving the blast far behind. The Falcon swooped down sharply, the wind howling in his ears. This is the reason why he loves the sky. The excitement of the rapid fall and the propulsion of the wings make all this so tense that people can't keep their eyes open. But now the height of the Helicarrier is still too low, far below the height of safe skydiving, and it belongs to the category of ultra-low altitude skydiving.

The Falcon accelerated like hell, and finally caught Captain America a hundred feet off the ground.

Maria Hill breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news. She wondered now how things were going on in the council.

"Wait." Just as Black Widow tried to press the release button, a hand grabbed her wrist. It wasn't until this time that the members of the World Security Council in the Secretary-General's office discovered that there was someone they had never seen before. "You can publish these documents." He said, "But are you sure there is no information about me? I don't want to be harassed. You should know how bad my temper is."

"Why are you here, Salomon?" Nick Fury's eyes widened, and even the blind eye was almost protruding. "Shouldn't you install a chip on the aircraft carrier?" The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. thought of something, and then he secretly determined the worst outcome, "Tell me, who are you?"

"I'm Salomon Damonette, and the chip replacement is a snowman I made out of Scandinavian snow, a temporary alchemy doll." Salomon let go of Natasha Romanov's wrist and smiled apologetically. "Don't worry, I just want to make sure."

"Salomon Damonette! This is the first time we met, but Nick often mentioned you to me." Alexander Pierce ignored the two pistols pointed at him, and walked towards the mystic. The tall and slender mystic, wearing a well-fitting black suit, with neatly combed hair and reflective leather shoes, revealed an elite temperament. Pierce, who was born in the Ivy League, immediately smelled the smell of prestigious schools and wealth.

"You are the first magician we know, and you are also the one who performed most prominently in the Battle of New York." Now that all the defenders have been disintegrated, Pierce seems to regard Salomon as a straw. His authority allows him to see Salomon's record, and almost no one can stop him except Thor. "We seem to have had some misunderstandings in the past, but I'm sure you'll agree with me, as evidenced by your refusal to join the Avengers."

"I have to say, I really hate individual heroism. I have seen Dr. Arnim Zola's algorithm, and even in some cases, your approach is indeed beneficial to the United States. For example, clearing capitalists and politicians, breaking the cage of federalism, establishing a dictatorship to improve efficiency, and completely eradicating the poor and low-educated population-especially the generation of young people who receive happy education can be called waste. They don't even know who won World War II. They will only be a burden on human society." Salomon's words made Nick Fury hide the hand hanging on his chest into his coat , the Chinese director with the gun also seems to be hesitating whether to point the gun at Salomon.

"If you finish ruling and bring peace to the earth." Salomon continued to ask, "will you set your sights on outer space?"

"Why not?" Pierce said with a smile. "The alien invasions in New York and London have proved that human beings are not alone. Today's earth is defenseless against aliens. You can't put your hope on the Avengers, you should be able to understand what I mean."

"Salomon, listen to me..." Nick Fury tried to intervene, but the mystic shook his finger.

"Kama Taj has no time to take care of the affairs of the secular society. For Kama Taj, it is only necessary to ensure that human civilization will not be cut off, and nothing else is left. It is the same for whoever rules human society. The important thing is that humans will not be destroyed by angels, demons, and various extradimensional creatures." Salomon expressed his attitude. "I participated in this matter only because of our friendship, Nick Fury. Although you put the Skrull bastard into the earth, you are always on the side of humans, which is why I don't kill you."

Around Salomon's waist is a black leather belt inlaid with a copper buckle, on which the long and short knives are buckled. He put his hand on the handle of the knife and dominated the situation in the secretary general's office, and Nick Fury had to admit that he didn't expect Salomon to come out suddenly. He winked at Black Widow, and Agent Romanov immediately lowered his head and continued with his work.

Since Salomon doesn't want his information to be leaked, let him see that his information is deleted. Those materials are just things with a low level of confidentiality. It is impossible for Nick Fury to hide the really deadly data in the S.H.I.E.L.D. system. He had already prepared when he hired pirates to attack the Star of Lemuria.

The former S.H.I.E.L.D. director wanted to stop the conversation before it slid into an unpredictable direction, addressing this wildly volatile element. "You are on the elimination list, Salomon." Nick Fury tried to buy time, "You are still young, and you may not understand the crimes of Hydra. This organization cannot think of the whole human being, they only care about their own power."

Salomon showed a look of being amused.

"I know," he said, "I know Hydra, because I am."

Ask for a ticket!

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