Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 501 The King's Declaration (Second Change)

"This is a stupid conspiracy." The mystic defined the incident. He asked Alexander Pierce a series of questions, "Have you thought about how to formulate monetary policy? Have you thought about how to issue new laws? You just continue to play according to the political framework of the United States, Pierce. You can't even abolish the circulation of the dollar, because it will collapse the world economy and bankrupt your allies. Administrative efficiency is all, and the corruption problem unique to capitalism will be more serious.”

"I know Hydra. I know better than you, Mr. Pierce." Salomon knew that Natasha Romanov's gun was pointed at the back of his head, and Nick Fury was ready to attack at any time. But he didn't care about anything and continued talking. "Hydra is an organization with a long history, which originated at the beginning of human civilization and worships a superhuman being who has undergone alien transformation."

"Until World War II, some of the Hydra broke away from the original worship and took refuge in Nazi, and quickly occupied a dominant position within the Hydra. These people are the ** Hydra we know now, just like you, Mr. Pierce. But even if they broke away from their original beliefs, this part of the Hydra also believed that there are supernatural powers in this world, so Hitler mobilized his power to find the Holy Grail, the Spear of Destiny, and even found the gate of Karma Taj."

"But none of this has anything to do with Kama Taj. I've known about Hydra from the beginning. Even before the Route 4 attack, I knew those special operators were Hydra people," Salomon said with a smile.

"Look, I know where you're coming from, but isn't killing 20 million people considered extinct?" Director Powell asked.

"Twenty million people, and then?" Salomon asked rhetorically, "White people burned, killed and looted Africa and caused hundreds of millions of casualties. The ancestors of our Mr. Fury were survivors at that time. Do you think such things are also worthy of Kama Taj? Or do you think the lives of white people are more valuable?"


"Don't change the subject, Salomon." Nick Fury stared at the mystic with one eye, "Say clearly what's going on!"

"When you found out that something was wrong inside S.H.I.E.L.D.," Salomon followed suit and returned to the topic. "I told the most traditional Hydra the truth about the Hydra they worshiped, and showed them strength and gave them certain rewards. After a series of bloody cleansing, I gathered the forces of the conservative Hydra and controlled their power. The reason why you haven't received any news, Mr. Pierce, is because you have been completely abandoned."

"So what do you want to do now?" Natasha asked.

"I just want to build an army that can deal with alien invasions, and even push humans to establish a foothold in the Milky Way. Although I don't need banknotes, scientific research equipment always needs dollars to buy, and talents also need to be paid with banknotes. The conservative Hydra just has what I need." Salomon raised his eyebrows. "So, I am now the king of the conservative Hydra."

"Those girls in power armor are your army?" Nick Fury pointed to a photo provided by Maria Hill that captured the Sisterhood's combat squad. "Why do they have eagle emblems on them?"

"They are alchemists, and they are qualified to use this emblem." Salomon said, "Maybe you don't know the origin of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury?" He glanced at Alexander Pierce, and even the leader of the Nazi Hydra was full of curiosity about the storytelling session of the mystic. "I'll finish as soon as possible, anyway, my alchemy doll is almost done." He said, "It was an organization established by the ancient Egyptian Imhotep, including Howard Stark..."

Salomon roughly described the establishment of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield and the main characters, emphasizing the hatching of the baby god and the destruction of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield after hatching. He also mentioned what Odin said about killing the Celestial Group, and the impact of the corrupting Celestial Gods on life on Earth, but the description of these two events was hidden by him, as if he saw it in the library and recounted it now. He described to everyone present the power of the Celestial Group very seriously—an energy-conscious life form of unknown material form, one of the earliest life races born in the universe. The morphological state is extremely huge, and the energy composition is still unknown and incomprehensible to human civilization.

The birth of early humans came from the hands of the gods who came to the earth one million years ago.

"I originally wanted to give you the legacy of the Aegis Brotherhood as a gift, Nick Fury." Salomon had the youthful and shy look on his face, "but then I found that I needed those things, which combined the technology and alchemy of almost all sages in human history, because the Celestial Group will come to us for revenge. So far, the earth has experienced three times. Far stronger than the Asgardians."

"Gentlemen and ladies. We will never be able to reconcile with the Celestial Group, and they will not have feelings for mice. In the eyes of the Celestial Group, we are nothing more than genetically polluted experiments. For the Celestial Group, time is measured in ten thousand years, but this time is not far away, and their eyes have already looked at the earth again." He looked around. "

"Short-sightedness, narrow-mindedness, selfishness, arrogance, and ignorance, these are all the manifestations of human beings today." Salomon turned around and faced Natasha Romanov. He untied the breastplate on her collar and threw it aside, "I don't care how many people die, I only care about whether these people die worthwhile, including myself. This is the first thing my teacher taught me. Sacrifice for human beings is worthwhile, because Kama Taj is the recognized ruler of human beings, and the secular government has no right to speak. But human beings have no time, and the dark forces are rising. Whether it is the main material plane or the outer dimension, there are terrible forces eyeing the earth."

"What do you want to do!" Nick Fury saw many cyborgs in black power armor landing on the tarmac and striding towards the office. He could see the blood dripping from the chainswords and the craters in the power armor, telling them they'd had a tough fight.

"All replacements are complete," said the leading artificial man.

"I will use all my strength to resist foreign invasion. Including these three sky carriers." Salomon nodded at Tita. He waved his hand, and the three aircraft carriers that originally stood above the Tricurved Wing headquarters disappeared in an instant, and all traces of the aircraft carriers in the sky disappeared from Agent Maria Hill's command screen. Like David Copperfield's classic magic trick, only this time it's not the Statue of Liberty that's gone.

"And all the resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra." The artificial people passed through the portal and issued the ultimate order. The aircraft carrier floating on the dark sea was also dragged away from the sea by four powerful ships, and almost all the external vehicles of S.H.I.E.L.D. lost their satellite positioning in an instant.

"Gentlemen and ladies, the war has begun. We are the one being slaughtered." Salomon opened his hands and announced to everyone in the office. His stature became taller and more attractive, and his voice shook everyone's hearts irresistibly, "But from now on, we will be the initiator of the war, and only human beings can decide when the war will end. Because I am Hydra, I am the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, and I am Kama Taj. I declare again with the breath of the planet and the anchor of the sea of ​​quantum granted by Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth."

"I am the heir to the Supreme Mage. The future Lord of Humanity. The unofficial contractor of Vissandra. The executor of the Covenant with Asgard. The heir of the King of Midgard. The legal heir of Great Britain. The future king of the Celts. The holder of the Holy Sword and Holy Lance. Last of the Knights of the Round Table. Earl of Londinium. Lord of the Immortal City and Demon Pillar. Adopted son of the Goddess of Wisdom. Living Saint. Savior. Unofficial Jewish Chief Priest and King .Lord of the Hydra. Heir to the will of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield."

"I will burn the entire galaxy with fire, just for the eternal existence of human beings!"

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