Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 502: Tacit Understanding (Part 1)

The dry and cold weather in London makes people wrap their coats tightly. Both the buildings and the clothes show dark tones, and the whole city is like dried lead gray paint on the palette. People who have stayed in New York all year round will definitely feel unfamiliar with everything here. There is no sunlight that can penetrate the skull and scorched brains, and there are no rampant large trucks. There are only crimson double-decker buses strolling on the streets with their heads held high.

The mystic sitting in the cafe looked boredly at the sparsely populated street in front of him, and the fat gray pigeon, which hadn't lost weight all winter, was pecking at passers-by's trousers proudly. He was not put off by the icy spring air in London. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with the dry and crisp cold wind.

"The daily average temperature is only 4 degrees Celsius, and the air is quite dry. The total precipitation is less than 48 millimeters." He raised his teacup and took a sip with a very satisfied expression. It was a café he frequented, so he kept a jar of extremely expensive honey there. Whenever he came to drink tea, the store manager would add honey to his tea, and the person sitting opposite the small square table was lucky enough to taste this sweet taste.

"You'd better drink some tea and pay attention to moisturizing. The environment here is not good for the skin." Salomon refused the milk brought by the waiter. The waiter looked new at first glance, and anyone who knew him well knew that Salomon drank tea without milk. For drinking tea with or without milk, how to add it? This matter has also sparked controversy, and the British have several different opinions on this aspect-the first is to add milk first and then pour tea, the second is to pour tea and then milk, the third is not to add milk, and the fourth is to add a little milk first, then some tea, then some milk, and finally it is full. Salomon was the fourth type at first, until he was covered in milk tea, and he became the third type.

"You're a busy man, but I just got out of Capitol Hill. Those politicians can't wait to come and make trouble." Agent Romanov, wearing sunglasses, smiled very beautifully. "A lot of things have happened recently, and Fury suspects that you did them."

"He is afraid to come to see me now?" said the mystic. "Is he worried that there will be several guns pointed at him at three thousand feet?"

"No one knows where you hid those three sky carriers. Just imagine a frog jumping on a red-hot iron plate. That's what Congress and the White House look like now." Agent Romanov said, "You have stolen too many things, which are disturbing. You now have the power to destroy a small country. What more do you want?"

"I always feel like Nick Fury is around."

"He kept his promise and didn't reveal your name." Agent Romanov said angrily, "But I solved all the troubles you caused, didn't you watch TV? Did you hear how I explained to the congressmen that the three insight aircraft carriers disappeared in an instant? The overseas S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Oh dear, is this how you treat your savior?"

"I know what the biometric brooch given by Alexander Pierce is, and I'm prepared." Agent Romanov originally planned to use an electric shock device to cause a short circuit in the brooch, but he did not expect Salomon to take it down, breaking Alexander Pierce's last reliance.

When the military moved into Tricurve Wing headquarters, they found a headless body in the council office. It was confirmed that the body belonged to Alexander Pierce, former Secretary General of the World Security Council. The trace inspection personnel found a fingerprint of an unrelated person at the scene, but there was no record of that fingerprint in the database, and the Romanov agent who was questioned could not explain the origin of that fingerprint.

She couldn't even explain a lot of things, and the Congressional investigation of S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't get off to a great start. Nick Fury buried everything, Congress knew what Nick Fury wanted them to know, and the so-called investigation was impossible to proceed from the beginning. Especially when S.H.I.E.L.D. is a United Nations organization in name, any country that has joined the United Nations is eligible to conduct investigations. At the same time, no country is willing to let the United States lead the investigation. Who knows what terrible things are hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's all a mystery, and lawmakers are desperate to find out what happened in that office, trying to complete the investigation before other countries get involved. But the survivors were tight-lipped about the matter, unwilling to disclose any useful information. But for the mystic who dominates everything, this kind of thing is not so difficult to understand. He just signed a contract with everyone present. (U.S. Councilor Hawley was replaced by Black Widow, so the U.S. didn't know what happened at the time.)

He warned the secular society that he would sit back and watch disaster happen, but when the secular government was unable to face the rise of the dark forces, he would completely take over everything. Of course, that declaration was not taken seriously by people other than Nick Fury and Natasha at the time. The holy sword and holy gun were meaningless to ordinary people, and Salomon did not want to untie the stigmata and reveal the essence in front of those ordinary people. It doesn't matter what others think, but when he writes the deed in Alexander Pierce's blood, his attitude is quite clear. This is an examination of the secular government, testing the ability of the secular government to deal with unexpected disasters, just like the test of the Greek gods to the city-state.

He promised that the span of this exam will be in units of a hundred years.

He can live for a long time and can watch the birth and death of generations. He must be familiar with this feeling and endure this torture. This is His Holiness' warning to him. His life of more than a thousand years made His Holiness feel physically and mentally exhausted, but Salomon had to persist for a longer time, using human body and brain to endure this extremely terrible torture and become the last guardian of human civilization. Whether it is tens of thousands of years or hundreds of millions of years, he must persevere and never give up the chance.

This is also one of the reasons why Agamotto spared no effort to support Salomon, because he is the last insurance of human civilization identified by Visandi.

"Take a longer view, Natasha. Why don't you tell me what happened to Steve Rogers. It is said that he had a fight with his good friend?" Salomon said. He's accepted that fate, and now that he's with the Witch, he's looking fine. But a daunting future lies ahead, and centuries will be a test for both him and the secular government, and no one knows what the future holds.

Nick Fury didn't need help at all, and Salomon was surprised that he didn't see the glowing woman. The situation was so serious that Salomon had no doubt that Nick Fury was trying to kill him, as Nick Fury would do if given the chance.

Because Salomon's bottom line is lower than anyone else. Others have to consider factors such as morality and law, but Salomon only considers survival.

But the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. actually endured it, which made the mystic look at him with admiration.

The war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra has gone underground, but this matter has nothing to do with Natasha Romanov on the surface, and S.H.I.E.L.D. The SHIELD agents on the bright side all joined the Stark Group after being investigated, and were unable to carry out espionage work for life. It’s just that they will continue to strangle the Hydra. This time she came to see Salomon just to get some information from him-Nick Fury really doesn’t know what the conservative Hydra is, but he knows that Salomon is now a cooperative Hydra head. Hydra exists in name only, and it is a self-evident tacit understanding to use the remnants of S.H.I.E.L.D. to clear out the Nazi faction Hydra.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I can't even live to die." Agent Romanov raised his teacup. "You still have thousands of years to live, don't you?"

"Then why don't you join my plan and add some weight to your life?" Salomon put down his teacup and stood up. Agent Romanov dubiously followed the mystic through the back kitchen of the cafe and into the air-conditioned material room. The lights here are only half turned on, and the other side of the room is shrouded in darkness. It wasn't until the mystic opened a door marked the mop room that the light pierced the black curtain of the room and illuminated Agent Romanov's eyes.

The café was the secular estate of Karma Taj, serving as a teahouse and fast track for the mystics of London. If not, the store manager here would not be able to store honey for Salomon.

"Come on." The mystic positioned the portal between the materials to the Immortal City, "I think I should let you see it."

Ask for a ticket!

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