Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 504: Chapter 500: Idealists (Part 1)

Many people have relevant impressions in their minds about things that are far away from life, just like no one knows that the full name of Bangkok in Thailand actually has 167 letters, and even if they know it, they may not remember it. This is how magic and Karma Taj appear to those in the know in the secular world. When Salomon had a "friendly" communication with S.H.I.E.L.D. for the first time, Nick Fury made great efforts to explore the secrets of magic, and set up a secret department [Note 1] in the next few years to explore the secrets of Salomon.

But the success of this temporary organization is all about small troubles.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s methods of screening psychics are as absurd as the past Stargate Project [Note 2], including but not limited to foreknowledge, clairvoyance, mind reading, telepathy, psychic and teleportation. Some of the psychics they found did have some skills. That kind of spellcaster has a little talent, but there is no method, no psychic or psychic who can show the same ability as Salomon.

Whether it is summoning creatures or summoning wind and rain, those psychics can only do divination and psychic communication (the former is tarot divination, and the latter is of doubtful authenticity). As for exorcism, it is even more nonsense. Almost all the people who can be exorcized by S.H.I.E.L.D. are liars like the Warrens.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. only gave one photo, those psychics tried to prophesy Salomon, and those capable psychics died quite miserable. So Nick Fury sealed and destroyed that part of the data, and monitored the agents who were present at the time for life—because some agents fell into madness at the time, drooling and muttering incomprehensible words—but this kind of monitoring can no longer be carried out, because the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. has shrunk to only the team of Agent Coulson and a few secret bases.

That is the ruthless crushing of the minds of ordinary people by the power of outer dimensions, and direct contact by ordinary people is tantamount to suicide.

Killing the psychic and driving the agent insane is partly due to the protection the Sorcerer Supreme had placed on Salomon, a protective spell that had been placed on Salomon since his birth. Even if the power of the stigmata is enough to protect him now, this spell is still in effect to ensure that the real name that protects him will not be revealed. This spell was so powerful that it had to be affixed with part of the real name of the Eternal God, and the Venerable also paid a very heavy price.

Luckily for those insane agents, if they come into direct contact with the Dark Dimension or the power of Sithorn, Kama Taj's mystics will knock on the door. Because those unlucky ones will unconsciously become containers for extra-dimensional creatures, summoning extra-dimensional creatures, death is a kind of forgiveness for them.

In general, even though Salomon has repeatedly clarified the power and status of the Venerable, it is something invisible to Nick Fury. It's different now. Salomon holds the most intuitive symbol of force in his hand, the top creations of contemporary technology, multi-riveted battleships and tanks, and an unknown number of power armor troops. For Nick Fury, this is something tangible, something that humans can understand.

Natasha looked at the huge gun muzzle hanging in front of her and couldn't help sweating her palms, as if the muzzle of the huge gun, which was as tall as a person, had ignited the air of this underground city, and she could smell the lingering smoke. Experience told her that it was a test-fired artillery, but S.H.I.E.L.D. did not know where this giant beast had been raging.

This is just a turret installed by Salomon on the sky carrier instead of the main gun. The anti-aircraft artillery that Hydra originally installed on it is now an embellishment between the cannons. She couldn't imagine anything that could fight this huge thing in the air. According to Salomon, one-way electromagnetic shields, anti-missile systems, and more advanced engines, propellers, and fire control systems will be added later. Such a monster is enough to destroy a small country (or India) with a weak air force if the logistics can keep up. She couldn't understand why Salomon was not satisfied with such firepower.

All of the things in front of me would certainly not have developed recently. Salomon had already been secretly forming his own forces, and SHIELD hadn't been able to find anything. Only Nick Fury knew that Salomon spent less and less time on video games in recent years, but he just thought it was the reason for his heavy studies and didn't go into it too deeply.

"Because our enemies are incomprehensible to ordinary people. Not only aliens, but also devils, demons, ancient snakes inhabiting the silent sea, and chaotic evil gods locked in castles." Salomon said, "No matter how much firepower it is, it is not enough, and my new ship is still there. Even with the help of high technology, it is still a huge engineering effort in units of a hundred years."

"No wonder Nick Fury suspects you of being neurotic."

Salomon shrugged irresolutely. "Come on, I should take you to see the department you will join in the future."

"I didn't say I would definitely join." Agent Romanov said with a smile, "You have to let me see what it's like here first."

"You'll like it." Salomon pointed to a building with a steeple in the distance. It is a towering building that is rare in this underground city at present. The church-like exquisite Gothic copper-clad double spiers are gleaming against the backdrop of giant searchlights. That's the main building for new members of the sorority, and it's the main place for training and learning.

She found the city so clean that she hadn't even seen a dead insect. The elevator decoration is old but gorgeous, making people feel like they are in a grand theater a hundred years ago.

"I rescued those girls from Albanian gangs, underground brothels and European human trafficking organizations, and trained them to be my army." Salomon turned a blind eye to Natasha's frowning. He said, "They have the freedom to choose. They can choose to go back to their hometown, or they can choose to stay here. The girls who choose to stay here, I will cure their diseases, install prosthetics for them, and provide them with the best education."

"You want them to fight for you?"

"As I said before, they have the right to choose, and I also gave them the ability to return blood with blood. This is not a slave owner's maintenance of property, but a lofty ideal. I made them a sharp long knife and let them fight with me on a battlefield that ordinary people cannot reach. They are not agents or spies. They are the army."

The mystic's face was stern, and every word he said smelt thick enough to make people dizzy and suffocate.

This is an emotion that only a few people can understand, and it is the tragedy of forging the soil of existence through sacrifice. This kind of dedication to Karma Taj has lasted for thousands of years. He had seen only a few of the mystic masters returning from missions. After Salomon was born, this kind of sacrifice gradually decreased but still existed. Since childhood, Salomon has been told the fact that every inch of soil that humans live in today is bought with the blood of the Karma Taj mystics, and everyone on earth owes his life to His Holiness.

Not even Kama Taj could deal with the horrors of the future on his own, and now that responsibility falls to Salomon, who is obliged to give his all.

"You can accuse me of being cold-blooded, but their sacrifices will bring more lives, and even the continuation of the entire human civilization. This is a very good deal. Humanitarianism is meaningless on the battlefield of survival, because I count myself in this account." Salomon's eyes were full of idealism, which made Natasha Romanov's eyes flush. "Now some training subjects cannot find suitable female instructors. I think you are very suitable. Join us, Natasha, for human beings."

[Note 1] W.A.N.D, The Wizardry Alchemy Necromancy Department, S.H.I.E.L.D. Magic Alchemy Necromancer Department, used to deal with magic threats. The S.H.I.E.L.D. division of Earth-616.

[Note 2] The CIA's superpower plan during the Cold War.

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