Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 505 Limited cooperation (second update)

Compared with the gorgeous buildings of the sisterhood, the dormitory of the special forces is extremely simple.

After the downfall of Alexander Pierce, Gideon Malik approached the leaders of several Hydra special operations teams and managed to win them over to his daughter. It's just that the nature of these people is quite embarrassing. Even though Salomon can give them orders through Stephanie, they actually belong to the private armed forces of the Malik family.

Salomon refused to let these people into the Immortal City, but placed them in an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. base. But he didn't intend to treat these people badly. He not only promised Stephanie to equip them with logistics facilities and new equipment, but also allocated a lot of the current main flying vehicles, Quinjet fighter jets, armored personnel carriers, and a small number of tanks, to allow the special forces to complete their tasks. Part of this was a reward for Stephanie's hard work—from the moment she received the news, Stephanie, the daughter of the wealthy family, immediately began to act, stirring up trouble in Congress and the White House, and taking the opportunity to grab benefits for Salomon.

Salomon trusted Stephanie quite a lot in government affairs, so he also allowed the Malik family to have the power to defend themselves in name. After all, they are the most military-literate mortal army that Salomon can command now, so they are good for emergency. After he has finished screening this group of people, those who can be molded will enter the biological laboratory of the Immortal City for primary transformation, wear force feedback power armor, and become the elite of the mortal army.

With Salomon's permission, Agent Natasha Romanoff had already spoken to several of the girls.

The girls all believed that the master of the sorority had saved them from a tragic fate.

Although they couldn't know his name, they did thank him and were willing to fight for him—Natasha looked at the mystic with a teasing look, and she thought Salomon was creating a sense of mystery. It worked, as you can see from the rabid admiration of the girls.

It's just that she doesn't intend to break the rules he made, after all, this is Salomon's home field. She was very interested in the girls the sorority was taking, and promised to come here every few days. "As long as there is a stable channel, and free time." She said with a smile, "I don't even know if I'm still on Earth."

This made Salomon breathe a sigh of relief. Artificial people are not real human beings, they do not have a female physiological period, so the main content taught by Natasha Romanov to those girls is physiological knowledge and special operations ideas.

The reward for hiring this top agent is to speed up the research on the recovery of body organs.

Salomon prefers to use a combination of science and magic for treatment, and Romanov himself agrees with this plan.

Although Nick Fury is dead on the surface, Steve Rogers and her pursuit of Hydra will continue. Even if she promised to come to the Immortal City, she would have to have time. So far, only Nick Fury and her know that Salomon has become a Hydra snake head. The rest of the Avengers know nothing about Salomon's recent situation, and even Tony Stark, who has cooperated, doesn't know what Salomon has done besides going to school.

But it wasn't far before he knew about it. Agent Maria Hill was an investigator sent by the World Security Council to S.H.I.E.L.D. She only needed to pass a lie test to get away. She has submitted reports to criticize Nick Fury many times. She is the one with the least stain in S.H.I.E.L.D. (deliberately arranging the illusion of discord between the two), and she can also join the Stark Group and secretly lead the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

In order to reach a cooperation with Stark, she is bound to reveal some news about the Hydra rebellion. Stark made the prototype force feedback power armor of the android, and he must recognize his own work. This is enough to show that Salomon's participation in that matter is unusual.

Natasha's agreement to this matter also seemed to be some kind of compromise and exchange. On the plus side, maybe Nick Fury wants to make sure the organization Salomon builds doesn't go the way of S.H.I.E.L.D. He still has the ability to deal with the three sky carriers, but he really can't handle a stray Salomon, and so far he hasn't been able to come up with any good countermeasures. Especially when Salomon still has the Star Destroyer weapon in his hand, I am afraid that there is no one in this world who dares to provoke him.

As for the bad side, it is that Nick Fury wants to inquire about the news, trying to understand the tangible organization established by Salomon. In traditional arts, Salomon didn't even need to think to come to a conclusion.

Nick Fury tried to save mankind in an era of gods and monsters, which is the only respect Salomon has for him.

"You already know how to get here, and you also know where this place is." Salomon pointed nonchalantly at the teleportation room. He really wasn't worried that Natasha would bring Nick Fury here. If it was a more elaborate and expensive, constant teleportation circle drawn with amber powder, he would still be worried. This teleportation room is just a receiving end, and the mop room in the cafe is a sending end. The receiving end may be anywhere, but there is only one sending end.

The end of opening the portal casually is falling into the desert or the sea, or even outer space. As for how unlucky it is, it depends on personal luck. The probability of bad luck after the high-level magic of the portal goes wrong is not small.

"Here's the Brotherhood of S.H.I.E.L.D. I was going to give this place to Nick Fury, but you've seen it. He doesn't have the ability to run this place fully," he said. "I'm not going to tolerate waste of resources. S.H.I.E.L.D. wasted a lot of resources—I know what S.H.I.E.L.D. did, but S.H.I.E.L.D. was nowhere near stopping the destruction of the world. It's proven that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s powerlessness and political leanings aren't good for the world, so I'm clearly more qualified than Nick Fury to run this place."

"I didn't say that." Agent Romanov patted the mystic's arm, "I think you did a good job."

"I don't expect others to understand, Natasha." Salomon sighed long, "I know my bottom line is very low, and I'm ready to be hated."

"Don't say that, I understand your approach. What you want is not power." She was silent for a while, and then asked in a tentative tone. "What if those girls fail the final assessment and join your army?" Natasha asked. "I saw that you arranged looms for those severely disabled girls. You did a good job, but I want to know more."

"They will go to the next-level department and receive another training." Salomon said, "They may join the administrative organization as a clerk, or they may join another department that specializes in hunting black magic creatures. It's up to them to decide. The former needs to have good grades, while the latter needs to have good grades in tactics courses, but both departments require special training. Girls who fail to join the sorority will definitely fail in one of the grades, and they can freely choose whether to join the administrative or hunting department based on their qualified grades."

"I see a problem, Salomon," said Natasha. "Your department is made up of women."

"That's because I haven't found a stable source of male soldiers." Salomon also had a helpless face when he said this. "Scientific body modification is not suitable for women. Although it can guarantee safety, there are almost no boys who voluntarily join. The sisterhood has found a few, but they are unwilling to stay here. The boys who are willing to join are not qualified. It's just that the prophecy has told me that the person I need is waiting for me in the future, so I am very patient—of course, I can't believe everything. After all, the word prophecy comes from Prometheus, the god of foresight. It says 'for reference only' over the head."

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