Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 506: Caramelized Onions (Part 1)

Wanda yawned sleepily, and sat up on the hard bed of the prison under the blanket. She jumped down with bare feet, and the cold feeling shot up from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, like an ice pick piercing into her brain, which made her wake up all of a sudden. Wanda Maximoff walked slowly to the observation window of the transparent tempered glass cell, waiting for the patrol personnel to appear today.

Although her teacher hasn't shown up for a while, Wanda Maximoff is still finishing her homework. Today is the day when Hydra scientists take their siblings for medical examinations. Wanda needs to control the minds of several people and learn about today's physical examination items in advance—not all tests are safe, especially in Hydra, an organization with rich experience in human experiments, where high-risk testing items abound.

Especially when Hydra scientists have no idea what the nature of their abilities are, some very extreme and brutal detection methods will be proposed. But fortunately, the Maximov brothers and sisters are the only two successful experimental subjects, and the Hydra scientists are reluctant to destroy them. Wanda also uses Professor Salomon's ability to ensure that there will be no too dangerous test items.

As well as get some really tasty, hearty breakfasts.

The taste of Iberian black pig sausage came to Wanda's mouth. She only knew that there is such a delicious thing in this world when she watched a food show with Salomon, and her teacher would always bring some delicious food that can only be seen on TV to the siblings. Her favorite is the cooking show called "Aisley's BBQ Bible". Although it is old and the picture quality is blurry, it does not prevent it from becoming the most watched program in her spare time. Whenever Ashley Harriot, the black chef, laughed, she couldn't help laughing too.

Her teacher dutifully taught her how to use herbs and informed her which herbs could be used in food. Now that she has learned the use of sage and rosemary in magic and food, Salomon guarantees that she will really become an excellent witch in the future, and she can use potions to stay young like the witches in the forest in fairy tales.

Wanda swore that she would never use bat wings and lizard claws to make potions in her life.

"Lazy pig, get up!" Wanda tapped her knuckles on the wall, and the sound pierced through the thick concrete structure straight into her brother's ears, startling Pietro. Pietro, who jumped off the bed, couldn't help complaining a few words, and the siblings fought with each other as usual. In a trance, Wanda felt that she was not in a prison, but in a spacious living room. Her rebellious younger brother was making a scene in the room, trying to turn on the stereo to play rock music in the early morning, while she, as an older sister, was busy in the kitchen, trying to stop her brother’s misbehavior.

The two had a quarrel, and the older sister tried to knock the younger brother on the head with a shovel.

Like heartwarming family comedies, like the ones she and Pietro watched as kids on tapes of TV shows her father didn't sell. The fuzzy TV picture gradually became clear after many years of memory. She could even smell the bread, caramelized chopped onion and bacon sizzling in the frying pan.

She realized that the scent was not of her own imagination. Wanda turned around quickly, only to find that her teacher came out of the portal staggeringly with two covered and stacked pans in one hand. She hurried over, took the pan on top, and lifted the lid. Half the pan with bacon still bubbling and the other half with lovely sausages that are grilled and colored is the delicacy she fantasizes about.

"Caramelized butter chopped onion, rye country bread, bacon and sausage." Salomon, who was wearing a crimson holy robe, asked softly, "Do you like this kind of breakfast?"

"I smell it, some more coffee." Wanda laughed with red eyes. It seemed that with the arrival of my teacher, the cold castle became warmer, and warm tentacles spread from the dark corners along with the smell of food. Silent, but within reach. "I suppose magic should be able to do these things?"

"As you wish, ma'am." Salomon put down the pan in his hand and began to arrange the tablecloth and tableware in his hand, "Let Pietro get up quickly and have breakfast!"

Salomon explained to Maximov the reason why he disappeared for so long, especially when he said that he was also a college student, and the gap between them melted away like snow outside the castle. Although Salomon concealed a lot of key information, the atmosphere of the conversation was still active, and the lively Pietro even dared to use Salomon as a joke.

"I don't have much time, I just came to see you today." Salomon glanced at the Hydra armed man who had been standing at the door of the cell. He didn't know the man's name, but he could tell from the crimson gleam in the hapless bastard's eyes that Wanda Maximoff had indeed given a hard review session.

"You guys are doing a great job," he said. "I can't come here very often these days, so I've prepared a lot of books for you to use later."

"Those are all?" Pietro glanced at the books stacked in the corner with trepidation, as if it was a dazzling star that would burn his corneas just by looking at it for a moment. After receiving an affirmative answer, Pietro's face was immediately covered with a look of despair visible to the naked eye. Only Wanda nodded in satisfaction and agreed with Salomon's approach. She believed that as a sister, she had to care about her brother's study.

Salomon really doesn't have time to take care of the Maximov siblings recently. After he and Nick Fury reached an indescribable tacit understanding, he arranged for those surrendered Hydra special operations teams to take the Quin-style fighters to wipe out the remnants of the Nazi Hydra, and Stephanie took advantage of Congress to sort out the Nazi Hydra list and industries before they plundered those industries. Some HYDRA—including Wolfgang von Strucker, the owner of the castle—also tried to find a new backer, and conservative leader Gideon Malik received surrenders from many smugglers, large and small.

It's just that after screening, only some smugglers are allowed to join the cooperation. Some hydra have become abandoned children to attract the attention of the secular government. After all, Salomon does not want to stand in front of the stage and become a target for the time being. Even if he has the holy sword in hand, not everything can be resolved by force. Now is the time for development and operation, not the time for war.

"Wanda, I need you to assist me with an experiment." Salomon pointed to the Ouija board beside him. "Try to use this thing to contact me." He said, "I may respond to you, or I may not." This is an inconspicuous experiment, but Salomon does not want the mystics of Karma Taj to be involved. His Holiness also opposes the mystics of Karma Taj assisting Salomon in this experiment.

While Hasbro's Ouija board may seem rather playful, on a magical level, belief and symbolism are a force in themselves. This is the basic knowledge that Salomon has learned since he was a child. Even in the spells of Karma Taj Visandi, there are quite a lot of symbolic things that are used as spell-casting props. Coupled with the difference between the gods of Asgard and other earth gods mentioned by His Holiness, and Salomon's own magic experiment of stealing the power of Thor's Hammer, he can be sure that when Wanda believes that Salomon can be contacted through the Ouija board, she can help Salomon spy on his own essence.

Wanda Maximoff has the talent, and she's the perfect fit.

If the experiment works, her own problems will no longer be a problem.

Ask for a ticket!

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