Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 507: Recruiting Agents (Second Change)

It is not easy for a warlock to change bosses. If it is not the same type of suzerain, the unique spells that the warlock has learned before may not be able to use it. Just like Weishandi's mystic, if he took refuge in Domamu, he would have to learn almost all spells from scratch. It's just that Dormammu has always been generous in the face of talents who quit Karma Taj, so the upgrade will not be too slow.

Wanda Maximoff is a born warlock, what Salomon did was to try to get her to borrow energy from other outer dimensions, such as Faltin, Fodo, Vatum and the Temple of Fear, trying to avoid Sithorne, for which he also left a spell for Wanda to learn. He wanted to know whether Wanda Maximoff was N'Garai who was locked in the K'lay dimension by Sithorn, and could only obtain power from Sithorn.

If not, the other outer dimensions are objects that can be borrowed from. The result of being hanged on a tree is being controlled by others, so magicians will try to find ways to drill holes in the contract with the suzerain, and hook up with other suzerains. This is also the style of conduct passed down by the supreme mage, otherwise there would be no need for so many magic books in Kama Taj's library, and one "Book of Emperor Weishandi" would be enough.

Behavior has symbolic meaning, which is also the basis of ritual magic, which is a theory extended from the idol theory.

If Wanda and Salomon's experiment is really successful, it means that Wanda still has a choice, which can fundamentally alleviate her own problem-that is, she accidentally owes a debt to Sithorn, and then becomes the incarnation vessel. At the same time, Salomon should try to avoid her access to the "Dark Book of God" or the scattered "Dark Scrolls". Reading those black magic books written by Sithorn himself and bound by Morgan Le Fay means that Sithorn can capture the soul of the reader.

If a spellcaster of the Supreme Mage, Merlin, or Morgan Le Fay's level reads the "Dark Divine Book", there will be almost no problems. The "Dark Book of the Darkness" has eroded Wanda far more than ordinary people, and Sithorn will try every means to send the "Dark Book of the Darkness" to her. There must be someone in the magic world who has the "Dark Book of the Darkness" or scattered scrolls, but no one knows who has it, and artifacts of that level cannot be predicted. The last vague clue was detected using the Agamotto crystal ball, in Salem. But there were too many mysteries in that place, and the forces involved were too dark, and Salomon's experience there was not a pleasant one.

What is certain is that those spellcasters who possess the "Dark Book of God" must become Sithorn's pawns and will try their best to get that book to Wanda. This is also the reason why Salomon has been slow to let her get in touch with the magic world on earth. Even the doorless bar is full of good and bad, which is even more exaggerated than the Leaky Cauldron in "Harry Potter". No one knows which corner is sitting in which is the Dark Lord.

Wanda nodded and promised that the experiment would be carried out tonight. The reason why she obeyed Salomon so much was not only because Salomon was tall and charming, but also because Salomon taught the Maximov brothers and sisters very carefully, and used various means to distance themselves. This kind of heartfelt concern and unpretentious behavior won Wanda's unprecedented trust. It's just that this kind of trust is one-sided, and Salomon's concern is not what Wanda thought.

If things get out of hand, Salomon will not hesitate to kill Wanda. He will be sad, but he will still do it.

Salomon has mental problems. If it is not necessary for secular life, he will definitely go to a mental hospital to open a certificate.

He didn't stay here much, but went directly to a cell in the Immortal City. This place is not so much a prison cell as it is a bedroom decorated in a Renaissance style. It has windows and a fireplace. The level of protection is not as good as the dungeon that Salomon used to detain the threat target and Lorelei. It's just that the people living in it cannot move freely for the time being. The reason why he came here was to have an open and honest conversation with the people locked in it.

After a period of recuperation, Agent Victoria Hand's eyesight has regained its sharpness, the stench of death and the pale and wrinkled skin have disappeared, but the hair is still messy, because there is no comb in the room. She was wearing the hospital gown that Salomon had found, and she was sitting on a high-backed chair behind the desk in the bedroom. "I remember you recruited me many years ago." She stared at the mystic, "Did you predict all these things?"

"Yes, ma'am." Salomon moved a chair and sat opposite Agent Victoria Hand. He glimpsed a book open on the table, apparently from the shelf behind Agent Hand. Every book here has been vetted and no superfluous information will be revealed. "I know there is Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D., and I also know who the snake head is." He raised one leg and lightly kicked the walnut table legs with his short-heeled boot. "So I became Hydra first and helped them change their masters."

"Hmph, magic!"

"Are you dissatisfied with that magic show?" The mystic mage said in a deep voice, "My magic is used for fighting, and only a few are used for performance. Kama Taj is a pragmatic school of magic, and illusion and transfiguration have never been strong points."

"You know that's not what I meant," said Agent Victoria Hand. "I know you saved my life."

"Not save, but give. You are dead, Agent Hand, I gave you life again. I do know that you will die, so the sisterhood will appear at that time." The mystic said, "Anyway, S.H.I.E.L.D. is irretrievable. Hydra's power is far greater than Nick Fury knows. Why not use this power to do something right?"

"Why me, Salomon?"

"Because you are ruthless enough, you know that the mission comes first, and you are the most standard agent." The mystic said, "I have heard that you sent two members of Coulson's team to perform missions without backup. I appreciate your methods and your method of measuring losses. You have a calm mind...and now, we have taken out the bullets."

"You want to fill the void left by the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"My God, Agent Hand. What I established is not a fringe organization like S.H.I.E.L.D., or a black ops team in Congress. What S.H.I.E.L.D. is facing is not a real crisis of annihilation. With your help, we will help humanity face a terrifying future."

"What did you see, Salomon Damonette!" Agent Hand looked straight into the black gem-like eyes of the mystic without fear, "What threat is it that your magic can't deal with, and you need to steal those three sky carriers?"

"Sky aircraft carriers are just a few small ships, and we will have more powerful warships. Our future battlefield is not on Earth, but in the Milky Way. As for the threats you mentioned... there are many. There are Cree, there are Skrulls, there are alien broodworms [Note 1], there are Celestials from the main material plane, the creations of Celestial Gods, cosmic plague creatures that can kill Celestials [Note 2], and demons from outer dimensions. If you want to listen, I can go on and on, because all of them I just mentioned have invaded Earth." Salomon said earnestly, "Agent Hand, we have no choice. S.H.I.E.L.D. is nothing more than a small mess within the planet, and Kama Taj's responsibilities are much heavier than you imagine. In this dark universe, only war can survive."

[Note 1] This race is also the reason why the Holy Shield Brotherhood was established.

【Note 2】Symbiont.

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